
  • 网络Renal Parenchymal Hypertension;RPh;RHT
  1. 目的研究肾实质性高血压患者血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)基因多态性及与ACE活性的关系。

    Objective To investigate the relationship between angiotensin I converting enzyme ( ACE ) gene insertion / deletion polymorphism and serum enzyme activity in the patients with renal parenchymal hypertension .

  2. 肾实质性高血压为97.6%,其中由急性肾炎引起者占67.7%。

    Where were higher than 3000m The Renal parenchymal hypertension occupied 97.6 % , it induced by the acute nephritis 67.7 % .

  3. 腹膜透析病人中水湿内停型肾实质性高血压与容量之关系腹腔镜手术CO2气腹及体位改变对眼内压的影响

    Relationship between Fluid and Hypertension in Diagnosed by Water and Dampness Retention Hypertension Peritoneal Dialysis Patients ; Influences of carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum and operating position on intraocular pressure during laparoscopic surgery

  4. 肾实质性高血压患者无论是否并发肾功能衰竭,均未发现INSR基因第17外显子多态性改变。

    The polymorphism of INSR gene Exon 17 has unconcern with EH whether complicated by renal damage and with renal damage complicated by hypertension as well .

  5. 结论INSR基因第8外显子NsiⅠ多态性与中国人肾实质性高血压无关,N2等位基因并非其易感基因。

    Conclusion Nsi ⅰ polymorphism of INSR gene Exon 8 has no relation with renal hypertension in Chinese . N_2 allele of INSR gene is not the correlated gene of renal hypertension .

  6. 盐酸巴尼地平治疗肾实质性高血压临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Hydrochloride Barnidipine of Treatment for Renal Parenchymal Hypertension

  7. 清降合剂治疗肾实质性高血压的临床研究

    Clinical Study of Qing Jiang He Ji in Treating Renal Hypertension

  8. 蚯蚓提取物治疗肾实质性高血压的研究

    The Study of effect of earthworm extract on the renal hypertention

  9. 背景和目的肾实质性高血压是最常见的继发性高血压。

    Background and objective Renal hypertension is very frequent in secondary hypertension .

  10. 肾实质性高血压患者血管紧张素转换酶基因多态性与血管紧张素转换酶活性的研究

    Relationship between angiotensin ⅰ converting enzyme gene insertion / deletion polymorphism and serum ACE activity in patients with renal parenchymal hypertension

  11. 方法收集298例肾实质性高血压患者的临床和病理资料,分析其病因及降压治疗状况。

    Methods Total 298 renal hypertension are recruited . We collect clinical and histological dates and analysis the aetiology and treatment of hypertension .

  12. 结果1.肾实质性高血压最常见的病因是原发性肾小球疾病,其次是继发性肾损害、肾小管间质疾病和多囊肾。

    Results Firstly , primary glomerulonephritis is the most popular reason of renal hypertension , the following are secondary renal disease , tubulointerstitial nephropathy , and polycystic renal disease .

  13. 肾实质性高血压发生率较高,在全部肾穿刺患者和慢性肾病患者中分别为25.9%和26.3%。

    The prevalence of hypertension secondary to renal parenchymatous diseases was higher in this group , 25 . 9 % in all of the patients and 26 . 3 % in patients with chronic kidney diseases .

  14. 肾实质性恶性高血压患者16例临床及肾脏病理分析

    Clinical and nephrotic pathology features in renal malignant hypertension : Analysis of 16 cases

  15. 高血压肾损害与肾实质性高血压胰岛素受体基因第17外显子多态性研究

    Relationship between polymorphism of insulin receptor gene Exon 17 with hypertensive nephrosclerosis and renal hypertension

  16. 益肾降压方对肾实质性高血压及RAS系统物质的作用研究

    Research of Shen-tonifying and Pressure-reducing Recipe to Renal Hypertension and RAS System Matter Action

  17. 目的:了解益气活血利水法(益肾降压方)对肾实质性高血压(RPH)大鼠血压及肾功能的动态影响。

    Objective : To study the effects of Yiqihuoxuefa , a prescription of Chinese traditional herbs used for renal hypertension , on blood pressure , protecting renal function of ( RPH ) rats .

  18. 肾动脉狭窄组收缩期最大流速、加速时间与肾实质性高血压组、原发性高血压组及正常对照组进行t检验,差异具有显著性(P<001)。

    Using t test , significant ( P < 0.01 ) differences for peak systolic velocity and acceleration time were found between renal artery stenosis group and other groups ( renal parenchyma related hypertension , primary hypertension and normal control groups ) .