
  • 网络exchange mode;switching mode;MEPS
  1. 光突发交换(opticalburstswitching)是下一代Internet骨干网的光交换模式技术。

    Optical burst switching , OBS , is a promising optical switching mode for the next generation Internet backbone network .

  2. 提出了造船CAE系统与中间平台的数据交换模式,并对相关关键问题进行了研究。

    The paper proposed the data exchange mode between CAE system and the middle platform , and key issues related to the research .

  3. 基于XML的移动电子商务数据交换模式的设计

    Design of Data Exchange Model to Mobile Ecommerce based on XML

  4. 兼性景天酸代谢植物CO2气体交换模式的环境调节

    Environmental regulation of co_2 exchange pattern in facultative cam plants

  5. 小型PLC双机数据交换模式研究

    Research on Data Exchange between Two Small PLCs

  6. pattern:用于指定该操作的消息交换模式(messageexchangepattern,MEP)。

    Pattern : Used to specify the message exchange pattern ( MEP ) for the operation .

  7. 服务实现通过使用消息交换模式(MEP)参数定义服务行为(servicebehavior)。

    The service implementer can define the service behavior using the message exchange pattern ( MEP ) parameter .

  8. XML与VFP的数据交换模式

    The Data Conversion Model Research Between XML and VFP

  9. 这种消息交换模式同样也适用于ESB。

    This type of exchange pattern also fits the ESB model well .

  10. 两种VPN隧道交换模式的一体化设计

    Integrated Design for two types 's VPN tunnel-switching

  11. 为了支持立即销毁,计算器Web服务资源必须支持销毁消息交换模式,只有这样,服务请求者才可以请求资源的立即销毁。

    To support immediate destruction , the Calculator WS-Resource has to support the destroy message exchange pattern so that a service requestor can request the resource 's immediate destruction .

  12. 该规范同时还讨论了JMS消息类型,安全考虑以及消息交换模式。

    The specification also discusses JMS message types , security concerns and message exchange patterns .

  13. 这些文章中涉及的场景主要说明WebSphereESB对不同协议和交换模式的支持。

    The scenarios covered in these articles primarily showed WebSphere ESB support for different protocols and exchange patterns .

  14. 基于GML的多源异构数据交换模式研究

    The research of multi-source heterogeneous spatial data exchange model based on GML

  15. 随着用于定义其格式、交换模式、传输级别绑定等特性的其他规范的引入,SOA的复杂程度也逐渐增加。

    SOAP has evolved in complexity with the introduction of multiple additional specifications defining its format , exchange patterns , transport-level bindings , and so on .

  16. 有关消息交换模式的更多信息,请参见W3C网站。

    For more information about Message Exchange Patterns please refer to the W3C web site .

  17. 数据是通过RESTfulWeb服务提取的,客户端和服务提供者之间的数据交换模式是JSON。

    The data is fetched using RESTful web services and the mode of data interchange between the client and the service provider is JSON .

  18. P2P软件彻底打破传统的客户端/服务器模式,提出成员对等,人人为我,我为人人的对等交换模式,取得了巨大的成功。

    There has been a huge success of P2P software which thoroughly breaks the traditional Client / Server mode and puts forward an equal member mode .

  19. 你的服务接口元模型是什么,你提供哪些MEP(消息交换模式)?

    What is your meta model for service interfaces and which MEPs do you provide ?

  20. 基于CWM的元数据集成中交换模式的研究

    Research on exchange patterns for CWM-based metadata integration

  21. in-only消息交换模式适用于DonorGroup应用程序这样的服务,它只要将单向消息送到组织中。

    The in-only message-exchange pattern is suitable for services like the Donor Group application , which only needs a one-way message to the group .

  22. 在这样的情况下,Web服务资源(WS-Resource)可能会支持消息交换模式,从而允许服务请求者请求销毁资源。

    In such cases , the WS-Resource might support a message exchange pattern that allows a service requestor to request that resource 's destruction .

  23. 这就是IN-OUT消息交换模式。

    This is called an IN-OUT message exchange pattern .

  24. 支持In-Only和In-Out消息交换模式(MEP)

    Support for In-Only and In-Out message exchange patterns ( MEP )

  25. 在此基础上应用外部数据交换模式,以AutoCAD和ARC/INFO的数据转换为例进行了实践研究,开发设计了数据转换程序。

    Basing on this , it carries out practice and research about data transform between AutoCAD and ARC / INFO by out data-transforming mode , develops data-transforming procedure .

  26. 端点的契约(Contract)&它指明由该端点暴露的操作,被这些操作使用的消息,以及消息交换模式(MessageExchangePatterns,MEP),如单向、双向和请求/答复。

    The Endpoint 's Contract-specification of operations , exposed by this endpoint , messages , used by these operations and Message Exchange Patterns ( MEPs ) such as one-way , duplex , and request / reply .

  27. 本文以XML作为分布式图书馆共用的数据交换模式,以CORBA分布式构件技术作为解决异构数据集成的方案,设计了一个分布式图书馆数据转换与集成的模型。

    This paper uses XML as the model of command data exchange in distributed libraries , use corba as the way of heterogeneous data integration , designs a model of data exchange and integration about distributed libraries .

  28. 不过,需要指出的是,很多其他消息交换模式需要使用此功能,而TC当初采用这样宽泛的解决方案的目的就是为了支持这些消息交换模式。

    However , it 's important to point out that many other message exchange patterns require this feature and it was the desire to support these as well that drove the TC to adopt such a broad solution .

  29. 架构:针对消息格式、消息交换模式(MEP)、底层传输协议绑定、消息处理模型以及协议可扩展性的几个规范层。

    Architecture : Several layers of specifications for message format , message exchange patterns ( MEP ), underlying transport protocol bindings , message processing models , and protocol extensibility .

  30. WS-Routing通过定义一个可选的反向路径来启用双向消息交换模式,如请求/响应模式。

    By defining an optional reverse path , WS-Routing enables two-way message exchange patterns , such as a request / response pattern .