
jiāo wǎng
  • contact;be in contact with;relation;association;associate with;intercourse;mix
交往 [jiāo wǎng]
  • [association] 互相走动、拜访、来往

  • 交往密切

交往[jiāo wǎng]
  1. 她通过与这些诗人交往而成名。

    She became famous through her association with the group of poets .

  2. 长期交往的人往往相互之间有着某种共同之处。

    People long in association tend to identify with one another .

  3. 儿童在自身和与人交往两方面的成长是相辅相成的。

    The personal and social development of the child are inextricably linked .

  4. 她在与我交往的过程中总是彬彬有礼。

    She has always been very polite in her dealings with me .

  5. 他们不怎么与邻居交往。

    They don 't mix much with the neighbours .

  6. 谁对他都不太了解,因为他很少和人交往。

    Nobody knows much about him ; he keeps himself very much to himself .

  7. 她开始变得不爱与人交往了。

    She 's beginning to withdraw into herself .

  8. 根据马克所交往的人来判断,他一定是位富翁。

    Judging by the company he kept , Mark must have been a wealthy man .

  9. 他的商务交往与政治活动之间存在着利益冲突。

    There was a conflict of interest between his business dealings and his political activities .

  10. 她跟那帮时髦人物交往。

    She mixes with the smart set .

  11. 也许你应该多和人交往。

    Maybe you should socialize more .

  12. 他们决定正式交往。

    They decided to put their relationship on a more formal footing

  13. 她那平时很害羞的儿子已经开始与人交往了。

    Her normally shy son had come out of his shell .

  14. 他同女朋友已经交往7个月了。

    He had been going out with his girlfriend for seven months

  15. 老年人与年轻人之间有社会交往。

    There was social intercourse between the old and the young .

  16. 因为不怎么懂意大利语,她很少和人交往。

    Since she knows little Italian , she keeps to herself .

  17. 我与诺丁汉的一位帅小伙儿交往过。

    I got off with a cute boy from Nottingham .

  18. 他们被劝说不要和外国人密切交往。

    They are discouraged from becoming close friends with foreigners .

  19. 我同我女朋友交往9年了。

    I 've been with my girl for nine years .

  20. 她不喜欢他与那帮人交往,也不喜欢他的朋友。

    She disliked his involvement with the group and disliked his friends .

  21. 他们交往大概有一年了。

    They were knocking around together for about a year .

  22. 他似乎天生就善于和外国人交往。

    He seems to have had a way with foreigners .

  23. 他从来没有过像她这样值得交往的女性朋友。

    He had never had a woman of her worth as a friend

  24. 我认为她本来真的可能不想让我们俩继续交往下去。

    I think she really would have liked to stop us seeing each other

  25. 年龄差异使得双方交往更加困难。

    The age difference was a complication to the relationship

  26. 他的父亲不爱与人交往,却又是个成功的商人。

    His father was a misanthropic but successful businessman .

  27. 她喜欢与人交往。

    She likes to be with other people .

  28. 我曾经同一位法国男子交往过一段时间。

    I once went out with a French man

  29. 互信是交往的基石。

    Mutual trust is the bedrock of a relationship

  30. 我现在不觉得孤独了,因为我尝试着与人交往。

    I don 't get lonely now because I make the effort to see people .