
yán yǔ jiāo liú
  • verbal communication
  1. 多媒体条件下言语交流中的心理功能因素

    The Psychological Function Factors in Verbal Communication under Different Media Conditions

  2. 从语言学角度来讲,身体语言被称为非言语交流。

    Linguistically , it is called non - verbal communication .

  3. 这两位外交部长在上次会面时并没有直接的言语交流。

    The two foreign ministers did not address each other directly when they last met

  4. 非言语交流的这五个方面在每个文化里都存在着。

    These five channels of nonverbal communication exist in every culture .

  5. 论中西方文化差异对言语交流的影响

    On the Cultural Differences Between the Chinese and Western Linguistic Communication

  6. 试析图书馆服务工作中的非言语交流

    A General Introduction on Non-Speech Communication in the Service Work in Library

  7. 浅论非言语交流在图书馆读者服务工作中的运用

    Discussion on the Application of Non-verbal Communication in Library 's Service for Readers

  8. 论非言语交流在外语教学中的重要性

    Talking about the Importance Of the Non-Linguistic Interchange during the Foreign Language Teaching

  9. 句型转换既用于文学作品中,更用于日常的言语交流中。

    It can be used both in literary works and daily verbal communication .

  10. 英、汉言语交流中的礼貌原则与文化的地域性原则

    The Politeness Principle and the Cultural Regional Principle in English and Chinese Communication

  11. 记者与采访对象的非言语交流及其心理效应

    The Non-verbal Communication between the Journalist and the Interviewee and Its Psychological Effects

  12. 与孩子的言语交流和参与行为减少。

    Speech communication and involvement behaviors also decreased .

  13. 书面辅导和言语交流在手术病人术前访视中的应用

    The application of written guidance and oral commnuication during a house call before operation

  14. 人们一般通过书面交流、言语交流、非言语交流来达到沟通的目的。

    People usually reach their goal of communication through the written , language or non-language communication .

  15. 信息素是由空气传播的分子,使得相同物种能够进行非言语交流。

    These are the airborne molecules that enable members of the same species to communicate non-verbally .

  16. 对不同媒体条件下言语交流质量进行分析时,被试的心理功能是不可忽视的重要因素。

    The psychological function is an important factor influencing the quality of verbal communication in different media conditions .

  17. 男性与女性在言语交流中存在差异,而这种差异在东西方文化影响下又表现出不同的特点。

    Gender-related differences in language do exist , and it expresses various features between Chinese and western cultures .

  18. 课堂教学中师生非言语交流浅探

    Non-verbal Communication in class

  19. 试析英汉数字语义模糊性的美学特质格式塔美学视角第十部分总结全文,对语义模糊性与言语交流的关系及本文的研究成果和存在的问题作了简要总结。

    Then at last the whole research is summarized and also problems in the overall studies are pointed out .

  20. 人们在解决问题、进行筹划和言语交流时常常使用梯级推理。

    Scalar implicatures are based on scalar reasoning , which is so pervasive in problem-solving , planning and communication .

  21. 言语交流不仅是互动的重要媒介,亦是活动内容的一部分。

    The verbal communication is not only a kind of interactive media , is also a part of the activities .

  22. 两者都旨在研究人类的言语交流,追求同义表达中的最佳选择问题。

    Both of them aim to study human utterance communication and pursue the optimal choice of synonymous words or sentences .

  23. 采用组间设计,每种实验条件下有12组被试,他们通过言语交流完成地图任务。

    There are 12 pairs of subjects in each experimental condition . They performed a map task through their verbal communication .

  24. 人工耳蜗植入是帮助极重度感音神经性听力损失患者恢复听力和言语交流能力的可靠手段,近十年来在我国取得了长足的进步。

    Cochlear implants represent a reliable approach to help people with severe-to-pro-found hearing loss to rehabilitate their aural and oral communication abilities .

  25. 在课堂教学中,教师主要通过言语交流和非言语交流传播信息、表达情感。

    In classroom teaching of middle and primary school , the teachers send message and express emotion by verbal communication and nonverbal communication .

  26. 由于文化传统和文化心理有异,英汉称谓在言语交流中差异较大。

    Both English and Chinese addresses in social communication differ greatly in speech acts owing to different cultural content , tradition and mentality .

  27. 为了能更好掌握非言语交流的特性,我们将回顾一些言语交流和非言语交流的相似性和差异性。

    To better understand the characteristics of nonverbal communication , we will review some of the similarity and differences between verbal and nonverbal communication .

  28. 实验结果表明,被试的心理功能、交流媒体和声音延迟量这些因素对言语交流的质量有明显的交互作用。

    The results showed a significant interaction between the subjects'psychological functions , the communication media , the sound delay time and the verbal communication quality .

  29. 非言语交流的主要形式有模仿、势、体语言、神、部表情以及穿衣等。

    The main forms of non - verbal communication include mimicry , gestures , body language , eye contact , external appearance , and clothing etc.

  30. 在课堂实践中,教师可采取言语交流、合理的教师期望、情绪调节、激发兴奋点、培植思维发散点、科学评价等策略,将互动的观念贯穿于课堂教学的始终。

    Teachers can take strategies of speech communication , teacher 's reasonable expectation , giving excitement , training dispersing thinking , scientific evaluation and so on .