
yán yǔ xínɡ wéi lǐ lùn
  • speech act theory
  1. 言语行为理论是由英国哲学家Austin首度提出。

    The speech act theory was first proposed by British philosopher Austin .

  2. Austin提出言语行为理论语言的间接性,其后他的学生美国哲学家J。

    Austin put forward " The Speech Act Theory "; then his student , an American philosopher , J.

  3. 理论基础是JennyThomas于1983年提出的语用失误理论和Austin1962年提出的言语行为理论。

    The theory used is mainly based on Jenny Thomas '( 1983 ) pragmatic failure theory and speech act theory ( Austin , 1962 ) .

  4. 1999年,MichaelKearns的《修辞性叙事学》一书问世,该书旨在将叙事分析的修辞学方法与结构主义的方法有机结合起来,而这种结合是以言语行为理论为根基的。

    1999 saw the publication of Michael Kearns ' Rhetorical Narratology , which is unique in taking speech act theory as the theoretical ground .

  5. Searl提出间接言语行为理论,这些都是认识语言的间接性的基础。

    Searl put forth " The Indirect Speech Act Theory " . The two theories are the basic concepts to understand directness .

  6. 本文简要回顾了语用学中的言语行为理论、面子理论和礼貌原则,并用这些理论分析了《高级英语》第一册中的勒索(Blackmail)一文中构成情节高潮部分的对话段落。

    This paper analyzes a dialogue section in " Blackmail " with the speech act theory , politeness theory as well as face action , illustrating the significance of the speech act theory in stylistics .

  7. Austin和Searle的言语行为理论主张说话即做事,即人们往往通过说话直接或间接地完成一定的行为。

    Austin and Searle claim in their speech act theories that to speak is to act ; that is , people tend to perform certain acts , directly or indirectly , through the utterance of their speech .

  8. 自Austin(1962)提出言语行为理论以来,指令类言语行为的研究已有半个世纪之久,语用学界在这一领域中取得了数量大、范围广的成果。

    Directive speech acts have been studies more than half a century since speech act theory was put foreword by Austin ( 1962 ) . Achievements in this field have reached a widespread scope and nourished a large number of relevant theories .

  9. 结合现代语用学中的礼貌策略理论及语义学中关于语义类型及言语行为理论,从三个方面对GonewiththeWind一书中RhettButler这个人物形象的塑造进行分析,并指出其成功与不足之处。

    The successes and flaws as to the characterization of Rhett Butler in the book Gone with the Wind is analyzed and discussed form three aspects and with theories of " Politeness Policy " adapted form modem pragmatics and , theories on Semantic Types and Speech Act adapted form Semantics .

  10. 文章首先介绍了前人的研究成果,如Jespersen,Quirk,Radford等对疑问性if/whether-分句差异的研究,然后阐述相关的理论,包括X-bar理论、核查理论、移动理论、言语行为理论和语用预设理论。

    It first introduces the research achievement of former scholars such as Jespersen , Quirk , Radford , etc. and then expounds on some relevant theories , including X-bar theory , checking theory , movement theory , speech act theory and pragmatic presupposition .

  11. 言语行为理论的跨文化语用对比

    On the Cross - cultural Pragmatic Contrast of Speech Act Theory

  12. 言语行为理论及其在教育领域的应用(英文)

    Speech Act Theory and Its Application & In Teaching Activities ;

  13. 运用言语行为理论阐释广告语言语用失误

    Pragmatic Failure in Advertising Language From Perspective of Speech Act Theory

  14. 言语行为理论与《哈姆雷特》中的戏剧反讽

    Speech Acts and the Dramatic Irony in Hamlet The Creating Theatre

  15. 言语行为理论对语言交际的解释力

    On the Explanatory Power of Speech Act Theory to Language Communication

  16. 间接言语行为理论在对外汉语教学中的应用

    Application of the Theory of Indirect Speech Acts to TCFL

  17. 广告语篇连贯的言语行为理论解析

    Analyses of Speech Art Theory of the Advertising Text Coherence

  18. 语篇连贯:言语行为理论视角

    Coherence in discourse : A perspective from Speech Act Theory

  19. 论意向性及言语行为理论发展的瓶颈

    Intentionality and the Bottleneck of Speech Act Theory 's Development

  20. 系统语法与语用学分支言语行为理论的关系

    Relation between systemic grammar and Speech Act Theory of pragmatics ' branch

  21. 毫无疑问,言语行为理论对语言研究具有巨大的启发意义。

    Undoubtedly , speech act theory has great inspiration for language research .

  22. 从言语行为理论看英文商业广告词中的隐喻

    Metaphor in Commercial Advertising English & From Speech Act Perspective

  23. 论言语行为理论与立法文本的等效翻译策略

    On Speech Act Theory and Translation Strategies of Equivalence for Legislative Discourses

  24. 言语行为理论在广告翻译中的作用

    The Application of Speech Acts Theory in English Advertisments Translation

  25. 言语行为理论视阈下英语广告的双关修辞艺术

    Pun Art in English Advertisement in the Light of Speech Act Theory

  26. 语篇分析与言语行为理论的关系

    Relationship Between Discourse Analysis and the Theory of Speech Arts

  27. 运用言语行为理论指导英语听力教学

    Using Speech Act Theory to Direct the Teaching of English Listening Course

  28. 翻译研究的言语行为理论视角

    Translation Studies Based on the Theory of Speech Acts

  29. 近50年来言语行为理论研究的发展与反思

    The Development and Reflection on Speech Act Theory in the Last 50 Years

  30. 运用言语行为理论分析英语教师课堂话语

    Application of Speech Act Theory in English Teacher Talk