
yán xíng
  • words and deeds;statements and actions;opinion expressed and action taken
言行 [yán xíng]
  • [words and deeds;opinion expressed and action taken] 一个人的语言和行动

  • 言行一致,表里如一

言行[yán xíng]
  1. 言行相戾。

    Words and deeds do not agree .

  2. 在最糟的情况下,那些言行只会显得似乎很有趣或很可悲。

    At worst , those words and deeds will seem amusing or pitiable .

  3. 他的言行总是以自己的宗教信仰为依归。

    He was always guided by his religious beliefs .

  4. 他这个人外表言行很招眼。

    He 's a larger than life character .

  5. 她是个自由分子,言行不受任何人约束。

    She was a free agent , answerable to no one for her behaviour .

  6. 小孩子的言行常常是随性而为。

    Children 's words and actions are often fairly random .

  7. 他的言行举止不太像帝王,倒更像学者一些。

    His manner is not so much regal as professorial

  8. 她的言行举止像个孩子,依赖性强。

    Her behaviour was childlike and dependent .

  9. 他要是不愿意改变自己的言行举止,你来软的还是硬的都没有用。

    You can 't force — or even charm — him into behaving differently if he doesn 't want to .

  10. “我有时言行很过分,不知道为什么。”她开始感觉自己像个恶霸。

    ' I come on strong sometimes . Don 't know why . ' She was beginning to feel like a bully .

  11. 一个人的感情和本能并不总是言行的良好向导。

    One 's feelings and instincts are not always a guide to behaviour .

  12. 流言蜚语还有第三种效果:它可以增强规范人们言行的潜规则。

    Gossip also can have a third effect : it strengthens unwritten , unspoken rules about how people should act .

  13. monkeysee,monkeydo有样学样你要注意自己的言行。因为你儿子在这里,他会有样学样的。

    You must behave yourself , for your son is here . Monkey see , monkey do .

  14. 如果你不注意你的言行,会危及到这次任务你也会被开除!

    If your reckless behavior jeopardizes this mission , you 're out !

  15. 时刻注意言行、吃冰激凌也慢慢来的人也不太会遇到这个问题。

    Those who remember their manners and eat their ice creams slowly are much less likely to have a problem .

  16. 这本书读起来非常真实,布里甘特也是个不同寻常的角色:既是个生命力顽强的杀手,也是个言行谨慎的聪明人。

    The book hums with authenticity25 , and Brigante is a standout character : a killer9 and a survivor26 , but smart and thoughtful with it .

  17. 如今,我们需要时刻注意自己的言行,就好像我们的行为会被永久保存且供大家“观赏”(因为,很有可能就会是这样)。

    Today , we must always behave as if our actions will be preserved forever and for all to see ( because , most likely , they will ) .

  18. 记住三个R:尊重自己,尊重他人,对自己言行负责。

    Remember the three'Rs : Respect for self ; Respect to others ; Responsibility for all you actions .

  19. IMF的那篇文章提醒道,在货币政策已然非常宽松的欧元区和日本,央行的言行对于避免经济陷入通缩螺旋将非常重要。

    The IMF paper cautions that in the eurozone and Japan , where monetary policy is already very loose , central bank communications will be of absolute importance to avoid a deflationary spiral .

  20. 电影编剧RickJaffa和AmandaSilver,以及导演RupertWyatt为人物设计了许多细微的言行、眼神以及停顿来锁定故事的进展(虽在真实生活中不太可能发生)。

    The screenwriters , Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver , and the director , Rupert Wyatt , create many small gestures , glances , and pauses that anchor the improbable turns of the story .

  21. 剌激性言行刺激的、激励的、嘲笑的言论或行为。

    A goading , provoking , or teasing remark or act .

  22. 只是在回顾中才意识到,当时看似愚蠢的言行意义却如此深刻。

    It was only in retrospect that the silliness became profound .

  23. 校长谈到你的言行时很不赞成。

    The principal spoke with disapproval of your words and actions .

  24. 他们往往有进取心,不安于现状,言行不恭。

    Often they are pushy , impatient and have rough edges .

  25. 尽管如此,领导人言行举止仍可能关系重大。

    Still , the way leaders conduct themselves can be significant .

  26. 为品牌工作的所有人员的言行举止;

    The behavior of the people who work for the brand ;

  27. 别让他的粗鲁言行,使你难过。

    Don 't let his rudeness rub you the wrong way .

  28. 只是别把它弄脏了,而且一定要言行检点。

    Only don 't stain it , and do behave nicely .

  29. 第二,好的体育精神可以教导孩子的言行。

    Secondly , good sportsmanship teaches children how they should behave .

  30. 因为,你知道,我的焦虑的言行和有氧运动一样。

    Because , you know , my anxiety acts like aerobics .