
dì fɑnɡ xìnɡ fǎ ɡuī
  • local regulations;regional law
  1. 论地方性法规的批准与备案制度

    On the Approval and Record Systems of Local Regulations

  2. 我国地方性法规批准制度研究

    A Study on the System of Authorization of Local Regulations in China

  3. 加入WTO与广东省地方性法规、规章及其它规范性文件的清理

    WTO System and the Clearing Work about Local Relations , Decrees and Other Standardized Documents of Guangdong Province

  4. 将相关地方性法规规章翻译成WTO的通知语言是中国履行加入WTO承诺的内容之一。

    The circular language that translate the related and local laws regulation into the WTO is one of the contents that China implements to join the commitment of WTO .

  5. 地方性法规的解释依照本条例的规定执行。

    The interpretation of local rules shall comply with the provisions hereof .

  6. 单行条例与地方性法规的关系;

    Relations between specific regulations and local laws and regulations ;

  7. 试论法律位阶划分的标准&兼及行政法规与地方性法规之间的位阶问题

    On the Criterion in Differentiating the Order of law

  8. 全国首部指导新农村规划、建设的地方性法规《陕西省农村村庄规划建设条例》颁布实施

    Promulgation and Implementation of Regulations on Rural Planning and Construction of Shaanxi Province

  9. 图书馆地方性法规之数字图书馆建设相关内容研究

    Study on Local Laws and Regulations of Libraries on the Digital Library Construction

  10. 地方性法规适用于本行政区域内发生的行政案件。

    Local regulations shall be applicable to administrative cases within the corresponding administrative areas .

  11. 应加快中华鲟地方性法规的制定。

    The enactment of local laws and regulations for Chinese sturgeon should be expedited .

  12. 地方性法规备案制度论

    The Theory of Putting Local Regulations For Records

  13. 法律询问答复在一定程度上明确了地方性法规的立法界限。

    Legal inquiry reply make the local legislation limits clear to a certain extent .

  14. 为了确保业务程序符合管理要求的地方性法规;

    To ensure operational procedures are in accordance with management requirements and local regulations ;

  15. 特殊经济区还被授权颁布和实施地方性法规、规章。

    Special economic areas were also authorized to issue and implement local rules and regulations .

  16. 制定南京市机动车污染防治地方性法规的思考

    Discussion on Local Laws Making for Prevention and Control of Motor Vehicles Pollution in Nanjing

  17. 清代刑案律例与地方性法规关系探析

    Analysis of the relations between criminal laws & cases and regulation in the Qing Dynasty

  18. 地方性法规的制定工作还一定程度上处于研究阶段。

    The formulation of local regulations to some extent is also in the research stage .

  19. 试论地方性法规立法技术

    On the Legislative Technique of Local Regulation

  20. 实践中相当一部分地方性法规存在严重的部门利益倾向。

    Quite a few local regulations have a strong inclination of departmental benefit in practice .

  21. 制定地方性法规是宪法和法律赋予的一项重要职责,是地方立法的重要形式。

    To formulate local laws and regulations is an important responsibility which the constitution entrusts with .

  22. 对用法律来规范尚不具备条件的,可依法制定行政法规和地方性法规,待取得经验、条件成熟时再制定法律;

    When sufficient experience has been obtained and conditions become ripe corresponding laws can be formulated .

  23. 公用事业特许经营立法问题研究&以若干地方性法规为分析样本

    On the Legislation on Franchise Management of Public Utilities & Taking various local regulations as the sample

  24. 环渤海区域经济一体化与地方性法规冲突的解决机制

    On the Economic Regional Integration Surrounded by the Bohai and Settlement Mechanism about Conflict of Local Regulations

  25. 清洁生产地方性法规的出台,为各地全面推行清洁生产奠定了基础。

    The promulgation of the local cleaner production regulations have laid the foundation for promoting cleaner production .

  26. 因而,城市绿化地方性法规的专业性制定和修订存在缺失。

    As a result , the urban greening local regulations on the formulation and revision of existing deficiencies .

  27. 在《公司法》之外,我国还有一些可能涉及公司监事会制度的行政法规与地方性法规。

    Except for Corporate Law , China has some other administrative or local regulations concerned supervisory board system .

  28. 不与法律、行政法规和广东省地方性法规的规定相抵触;

    Causing no conflicts with the provisions of laws , administrative regulations and local regulations of Guangdong Province ;

  29. 与此同时,我国签订的一些国际合约和一些地方性法规、政策却已经突破中央法规,有条件地允许商誉作为出资形式。

    Meanwhile , reputation of business being used as capital is allowed under certain condition in some international contract .

  30. 社区矫正的试点和发展迫切需要制定地方性法规,这是社区矫正工作发展的法律保障;

    Community correction test and development urgently need local legislation , which is the legal safeguard to community correction development ;