
fǎ zhì ɡuó jiā
  • A country ruled by law;legal state
  1. 现代法治国家更是高度重视对刑事被害人的权利保护。

    Modern legal state pays more attention on protecting the right of criminal victim .

  2. 现代法治国家意义上的法官管理制度是资产阶级革命以后的产物。

    Judge management system in modern legal state is the result of bourgeois revolution .

  3. 要坚持依法治国、依法执政、依法行政共同推进,法治国家、法治政府、法治社会一体建设。

    The country should pursue coordinated progress in law-based governance , law-based exercise of State power , and law-based government administration , and promote the integrated development of rule of law for the country , the government and the society .

  4. 第一节首先介绍了美国、英国、德国、日本这四个典型的法治国家ADR的发展状况及其呈现的特点。

    Section one firstly introduced that ADR showed characteristics in the United States , England Germany , Japan , the four typical of the development of the rule of law .

  5. 司法独立与我国法治国家建设

    Judicial Independence and the Construction of Our Country Ruled by Law

  6. 建立法治国家,司法独立是前提。因此加强司法独立方面的研究是十分必要的。

    It is necessary to strengthen the investigation on judicial independence .

  7. 当代中国法治国家的目标探讨

    A Probe into the Objectives of China 's Nomocracy at Present

  8. 法治国家的道德之维

    On Moral Dimension of the Country Under the Rule of Law

  9. 我的生活是政府-支持-法治国家的制度-现在,不是在天上。

    My life is government-support-legal state system-now , not in heaven .

  10. 社会主义法治国家的实现论析

    Discussion and analysis on achievement of a socialist country ruled by law

  11. 依托法治国家、完善立法决策程序。

    First , improve the legislative decision-making process depending on national legislation .

  12. 宪政:法治国家的根本标志

    Constitutionalism : the Basic Sign of a Rule of Law 's Country

  13. 建设社会主义法治国家之我见

    My opinion on building a socialist country under the rule of law

  14. 论舆论监督在建设法治国家中的作用

    The Role of Media Supervision in Constructing a State Ruled by Law

  15. 公民是建设法治国家的真实主体;

    Citizen is real subject of building legal country and the deepest basis .

  16. 试析行政法对实现现代法治国家目标的作用

    On the Functions of Administrative Law in the Modern States Ruled of Law

  17. 建设社会主义法治国家,首先要有法可依。

    Building a socialist country ruled by law , the first to work .

  18. 以德治国与依法治国统一于社会主义法治国家,它们是相辅相成、不可分割的两个方面。

    It complements " the rule of law " in a socialist country .

  19. 论法治国家建设的基本原则

    Basic Principles of Construction of Countries Ruled by Law

  20. 法治国家中,司法诉讼已成为最具权威性的纠纷解决方式。

    Judicial litigation is the most authoritative dispute resolution in the legal nation .

  21. 建立法治国家呼唤公正、高效的审判,呼唤独立的司法。

    Establishing the rule of law nation calls fair efficient judgment and judicial independence .

  22. 依法行政与建设社会主义法治国家

    Administration According to Law and the Building of a Socialist Country of Legal System

  23. 这一切都与我国建设社会主义法治国家的宏旨不相符合。

    All are not complied with the principle of building the Socialistic nomocracy nation .

  24. 公开审判亦是现代法治国家的一项基本法律制度。

    The public judgment also is a basic law system of the modern legal nations .

  25. 空白刑法规范的罪刑法定机能&以现代法治国家为背景的分析

    On the Function of Blank Criminal Rules

  26. 导论介绍了该论题在部分法治国家的研究成果和国内法学界的研究现状。

    The topic Introduction recites the current academic research in domestic law and foreign countries .

  27. 现代人文精神与社会主义法治国家&兼论五四开拓社会主义法治国家的概念

    Modern Humanist Spirit and Socialist Legal States

  28. 论法律文化与法治国家的应对

    How the Culture of Law Should Meet the Requirements of a Country Ruled by Law

  29. 司法独立是一项为现代法治国家所普遍承认并一体遵行的基本法律准则。

    The judicial independence is a basic rule for every modern country ruled by law .

  30. 法律信仰:法治国家之灵魂

    Belief in the Superiority of Law : the Essence of a Nation Ruled by Law