
  1. 她轻轻地推了他一下。

    She gave him a gentle push .

  2. 奶奶提出抗议,但他辱骂她并把她粗暴地推到一旁。

    Grandma protested , but he cursed her and rudely pushed her aside

  3. 尽管胜算微乎其微,巴雷还是很快被身不由己地推到了选举的舞台上。

    Barre was quickly drawn into the electoral arena , although with singular lack of success .

  4. 我有时候也曾将起因全部可笑地推在却利?福罗萨的身上

    I sometimes facetiously place the cause of it all to Charley Furuseth 's credit .

  5. 他被粗暴地推到了一边;(rough是非正式的用法,如句中他们对他很粗暴)。

    He was pushed roughly aside ; ( ` rough ' is informal as in they treated him rough ) .

  6. RFID技术将极大地推动物联网的应用。

    RFID technology is an important part of Internet of Things and will greatly promote the application .

  7. 首先给出了利用输出反馈使闭环的状态矩阵A+BKC成为循环的充要条件,以及它有n个互不相同谱点的充要条件。利用这些结论可以方便地推导出一些熟知的结果。

    Neccessary and sufficient conditions for A + BKC to be cyclic and including n different eigenvalues are given , by which many well known conclusions can be derived .

  8. 在三相瞬时无功功率理论的基础上,完整地推导出了单相电路的Park变换,把它与小波理论相结合,形成了一种新单相电路的谐波、无功检测方法;

    A new detection method of harmonic and reactive power is proposed by combining the wavelet theory with the Park transformation deduced completely on the basis of three-phase instantaneous reactive power theory .

  9. 条例规定延长专利期限,赋予制药公司对于新药的垄断权,潜在地推高参与TPP的发展中国家的国内药品价格。

    The regulations would extend patents , giving companies monopolies on new medications and potentially pushing up prices in the developing countries participating in the deal .

  10. 日复一日的工作有时候会让我们觉得自己像西西弗斯(Sisyphus)一般周而复始地推着石头。

    The routines of work can sometimes make it seem like a Sisyphean task .

  11. 通过提出期望闭环传递函数,解析地推导出PID控制器的形式,同时分析了闭环控制系统所能达到的控制性能和鲁棒稳定性,由此给出了控制器参数的调节规则。

    By proposing the desired closed-loop transfer function , the PID controller form was analytically derived . Meanwhile the achievable control performance and robust stability of the closed-loop control system were analyzed , and therefore the controller parameter tuning rule was provided .

  12. 以Biot理论和流体喷射流动理论为基础,从固液本构方程、流体动力学方程和广义达西定律出发,详细地推导出含油水两相流体孔隙介质的地震波传播方程。

    In this paper , based on theories of Biot and squirt flow of fluids , the author derived the wave equations for seismic waves propagated in oil-and-water-bearing porous media via constitute relation , momentum balance , and generalized Darcy ′ s law .

  13. 随后慢慢地推了一下,门狭开了一条缝。

    Then he pressed gently and the door yielded a crack ;

  14. 一个从纽约来的和善的荷兰人用胳膊肘轻轻地推了一下本的胳膊。

    A friendly Hollander from New York nudged Ben 's arm .

  15. 我们都需要时不时地推一把。

    We all need a little push once in a while .

  16. 卖水果的商贩艰难地推着车子沿街走去。

    The fruit seller trundled his cart along the street .

  17. 他轻轻地推了她一下,她向后趔趄了一下。

    He gave her a light push , and she staggered backwards .

  18. 船长从驾驶台上被慢慢地推了下来。

    The captain was gradually being pushed from the bridge .

  19. 他用力地推了一下门,门就开了。

    He gave the door a hard shove , and it opened .

  20. 请轻轻地推我一把,帮助我穿过终点。

    Give me that gentle push to help me cross the line .

  21. 释放锁舌并将开关轻轻地推到一边。

    Unhook locking tabs and push switch aside slightly .

  22. 他不停地推这个沉重的盒子,但怎么也推不动。

    He pushed and pushed at the heavy box but could not move it .

  23. 他把这只猫轻轻地推下沙发,这样他就可以坐下来。

    He nudged the cat off the sofa so that he could sit down .

  24. 他们不停地推,我们没有足够的遗留下来的拉伸。

    They kept pushing and we didn 't have enough left down the stretch .

  25. 可以用手轻轻地推按,使淋巴的流动更顺畅。

    You can by hand small pushes , so that lymph flow more smoothly .

  26. 我使劲地推车子。

    I pushed the car with a vengeance .

  27. 今后,你再提到他们时,我自然会敏锐地推导出谁是谁。

    When you refer to them later , my shrewd deductions will identify them .

  28. 她重重地推了一下门。

    She gave the door a hefty push .

  29. 她意味深长地推了推她那没有碰过的糕点。

    She pushed eloquently at her untouched pastry .

  30. 他们费力地推食橱,但由于它太重而无法推动。

    They heaved at the cupboard , but it was much too heavy to move .