
  1. 北京大学国际MBA体验战略课程与孙子兵法

    Experiencing Strategy Courses of MBA in Peking University

  2. 蔡明介说:我从来没有正式读过商学院,只是曾请假一周,参加过斯坦福商学院(Stanfordbusinessschool)的创新和战略课程。

    I never properly went to business school , he declares . I took one week off to attend a course on innovation and strategy at Stanford Business School .

  3. 为将中国历史文化的智慧运用到MBA的教育创新中,从而在同国外MBA教育的竞争中发挥竞争优势,北京大学国际MBA项目实施了体验战略课程。

    In order to apply the wisdom of Chinese historical culture to the educational innovation of MBA so as to elaborate competitive edge over overseas MBA education , Peking University International MBA Project has brought experiencing strategy courses into practice .

  4. 案例教学法在MBA战略管理课程中的应用探讨

    Research on the Application of Teaching by Case in MBA Course of Strategic Management

  5. 他补充称,同时他也盼望教授mba项目的战略管理课程,并与企业客户合作。

    He adds that he is also looking forward to teaching on the strategic management course on the MBA programme and working with corporate clients .

  6. WebQuest教学模式在现代远程教育中的应用&以电大企业战略管理课程为例

    Application Research on WebQuest Teaching Pattern in Modern Distance Education & An Example of 《 Enterprise Strategic Management 》 Course

  7. 本文结合MBA课程所学到的相关知识,尤其是市场营销学、企业战略等课程,应用4V营销组合和四度理论进行分析,对国外高端建材产品在当前国内市场的销售提出建议。

    Combined with knowledge learned in MBA courses , especially in courses such as marketing , business strategy etc , the paper proposed some suggestion on the sales of foreign high-end building materials in domestic market by analysis with 4V Marketing Mix and Four Degrees of Marketing theory .

  8. 企业战略管理课程案例教学的应用

    Application of Teaching by Cases in the Course of Enterprise Strategic Management

  9. 战略类课程:该类课程专为确定和影响企业的战略而设计。

    Strategic : designed to determine and influence the strategy of the company .

  10. 案例教学是战略管理课程教学的必然趋势,开发和提高学生的能力是案例教学的一大特点。

    Case teaching in strategic management is an inevitable trend ; it can develop and improve students ' ability .

  11. 协助企业建立重要管理岗位胜任素质模型,构建人力资源之人才发展战略培训课程体系;

    To train the successful manager 's replicating ability , create enterprises'own resource of training so as to push forward the development of enterprise management ;

  12. 通过比较传统教学(主要指讲授教学法)与案例教学的优点和不足,确定了战略管理课程传统教学与案例教学课时的比例,即案例教学课时占总课时的比例以30%为宜。

    The paper compares the traditional teaching and case teaching . 30 % is a suitable proportion of case teaching hours to total teaching hours .

  13. 李博士主要教授策略管理和全球战略方面的课程。

    He teaches in strategic management and global strategy areas .

  14. 莫利纳开设了一门加入了视频游戏元素的战略销售管理课程。

    Prof Molina has created a course about strategic sales management that features a video game .

  15. 会计类课程是经营管理类本科生的重要专业基础课,对培养经管类人才的会计素质有着十分重要的战略意义,课程体系建设对保证课程质量十分重要。

    Accounting kind courses are very important professional basic lessons for management undergraduate students , and they have a strategic meaning for improving accounting diatheses of the students . The construction of the accounting kind courses system is a lot of important for ensuring teaching quality .

  16. 参与学校的数量现在已增至74所,包括公开课程许多公司员工报名学习一般的管理或战略或定制课程针对某家公司的培训课程。

    The number of participating schools has now grown to 74 , including both the open enrolment section – where individuals from numerous companies sign up to learn about general management or strategy – or in the customised section of the ranking – programmes designed for one particular company .

  17. 卡罗琳•布塞纽斯(CarolineBussenius)是凯莱商学院战略管理硕士在线课程的一名学生,她运营着一家初创企业,需要弹性的学习时间。

    Caroline Bussenius , a student on the Kelley online masters of strategic management , runs a start-up business and needs flexibility .

  18. 劳拉和他报名参加了“战略管理”培训课程。

    Laura and he enrolled in the training course " Strategic Management " .

  19. 我们在战略市场营销硕士课程是为准备在你的营销成功的职业生涯。

    Our MSc in Strategic Marketing is designed to equip you for a successful career in marketing .

  20. 教授您好,您在公司、战略、以及培训课程方面做了很多研究工作。那么在这次研讨会中您最想表达的信息是什么呢?

    Hi professor , as you have done a lot of research about companies , strategies , training programs , so , what are the most important message you want to deliver at the seminar ?