
  • 网络speech production;language production
  1. 言语产生过程中语义、语音激活的ERP研究

    An ERP Study of Semantic and Phonological Activation in Chinese Speech Production

  2. 使用ERP技术考察了言语产生过程中语音和语义的激活情况。

    The semantic and phonological activation in Chinese speech production was investigated with the ERP technique .

  3. 国人儿童口腔轮替运动速率参考标准的制订目的口腔轮替运动速率(diadochokineticrate,DR)是衡量言语产生过程中舌部运动灵活程度以及言语清晰度的一个重要指标。

    The Norm Establishment of Diadochokinetic Rate for Chinese Normal Children Objective Diadochokinetic rate ( DR ) plays an important role in articulation and phonological process , especially for the judgment of tongue mobility and stability .

  4. 言语产生可增加手运动皮层的兴奋性。

    Speech production increased the excitability of hand motor cortex .

  5. 言语产生的词汇通达理论与事件相关电位研究

    A Review on Lexical Access Theory of Language Production and ERP Researches

  6. 言语产生中双词素词的语音编码

    Phonological activation of disyllabic compound words in the speech production of Chinese

  7. 复合词在言语产生的词汇通达中的表征

    Representation of Compound Words in Lexical Access for Speech Production

  8. 观察手的抓握运动影响言语产生时唇的运动和声音成分;

    Online observation of hand grasping influenced the lip movement and voice of speech ;

  9. 双语言语产生中的词汇提取机制

    Mechanism of Lexical Access in Bilingual Speech Production

  10. 言语产生模式的计算机模拟

    Computational Simulation of Psycholinguistic Models of Language Production

  11. 言语产生中的词长效应

    Word length effect in speech production of Chinese

  12. 语法启动与言语产生中的语法表征

    Syntax Priming and Syntax Representation in Speech Production

  13. 言语产生中的词汇通达理论

    The Lexical Access Theory In Speech Production

  14. 言语产生研究的理论框架

    Progress in the research of speech production

  15. 言语产生的认知神经机制

    The cognitive neuroscience mechanism of speech production

  16. 关联节点可以编码语法规则,与言语产生过程中的语法加工直接相关。

    It is combinational node that might encode syntactic rules , and relate directly to syntax processing .

  17. 言语产生中的韵律生成

    Prosody Generation In Language Production

  18. 概念源原型驱动下的言语产生&基于具身认知和元语言觉知的视域

    Speech Production Driven by " Concept Source " Prototype & on the Viewpoint of Embodied Cognition and Metalanguage Awareness

  19. 然后以研究的问题为着眼点,回顾了言语产生中韵律生成的相关研究。

    Then it reviewed the researches related to prosody generation in language production , basing on issues they concerned .

  20. 产生式语言编译程序汉英及汉英俄双语者言语产生中语码转换代价的事件相关电位研究

    The Language Switching Costs in Speech Production of Chinese-English and Chinese-English-Russian Bilingual Speakers : An Event Related Potential Study

  21. 采用视觉呈现干扰词的图片&词干扰实验范式,探讨产生不同语法结构时言语产生汉语词类信息的加工进程。

    Using the picture-word interference paradigm , the study probed into the activation of word class information in Chinese speech production .

  22. 以往的研究发现,双语者言语产生的词汇通达过程中,非目标语言的词汇也得到了激活。

    Previous studies have found that the process of lexical access in bilingual speech production , non-target language vocabulary has also been activated .

  23. 言语产生研究对于复合词的通达形成什么表征存在分歧。

    In the studies of speech production , there are different views , whole-word representation or decomposed-morphological representation , of compounds in lexical access .

  24. 文章主要介绍了双语言语产生中词汇提取机制的两种理论:非特定语言提取的理论和特定语言提取的理论。

    This paper mainly introduced two theories about the mechanism of lexical access in bilingual speech production : language-unspecific selection theory and language-specific selection theory .

  25. 构音障碍是由于神经病变以及与言语产生有关肌肉的麻痹、收缩力减弱或运动不协调所致的言语障碍。

    Dysarthrias are speech disorders that result from neurological impairments associated with weakness , slowness , or in-coordination of the musculature used to produce speech .

  26. 语音的发音及其协同发音变化是言语产生研究中的重要课题,也是一个重要挑战。

    The research on the articulatory features of speech sounds and their variation is an important but also challenging project in the study of speech production .

  27. 文章最后介绍了双语言语产生中词汇提取机制的最新研究趋势,表明了非特定语言提取的理论和特定语言提取的理论逐步走向融和。

    At last in the new trend of the mechanism of lexical access in bilingual speech production , the consistencies between these two theories on two aspects were introduced .

  28. 语言变异受到复杂的社会因素的制约,阶级、年龄、职业、教育程度、性别等都对人的言语产生影响。

    Language variation is conditioned by complicated social factors such as class , age , occupation , education , sex , etc. , all of which exert influences on one ′ s speech .

  29. 本文讨论了计算心理语言学与心理语言学之间的关系,并分别对语言理解和言语产生过程中句法处理和句法编码的计算心理语言学模式进行了评述。

    English-Chinese Chinese-English Translation In this paper , the writer makes an effort to discuss the significance of this new area of study for psycholinguistics and introduce the computational models of the grammatical processes in both language comprehension and speech production .

  30. 研究的主要问题有:音节是否是言语产生中的功能单位,音节在言语产生中是如何起作用的,以及音节启动效应的发生位置。

    The main important issues are : ( 1 ) whether syllable is a functional unit in language production or not , ( 2 ) how syllable play important role in speech production , and ( 3 ) where is syllable priming effect .