
  • 网络vocalis muscle;vocalis;Thyroarytenoid muscle
  1. Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型术式在保证根治癌肿的基础上应尽可能保留声带肌。

    Type 2,3 can retain thyroarytenoid muscle as much as possible on the basis of radical cure .

  2. 家兔环杓关节实验性损伤后声门形态及声带肌组织学观察

    Glottal configuration and histological findings in vocal muscles following trauma to cricoarytenoid joint

  3. 猕猴声带肌运动神经终末特点的研究

    Morphological character of the motor nerve endings in the vocal cord muscle of Macaca mulatta

  4. HE染色光镜下发现26周胎喉的声带肌以及声带冠状正中位的游离边缘。

    Vocal muscle was found at the merge of mid vocal cord in coronal section in 26th week by HE staining .

  5. 本文通过镀银法对猕猴声带肌运动神经终末和运动终板的形态进行了观察。

    The morphological feature of motor nerve endings and motor end-plates in vocal cord muscle of Macaca mulatta have been treated by silver staining and observed .

  6. 人的肺部发达,分化出了声带肌,是口头语言和口语教育产生的生物前提。

    At that time , the advanced part of human body was the lung and the voice was sprouted from it , so the oral education had paved by the biological base .

  7. 狗声带内收肌再神经支配后兴奋性研究

    Experimental Study on Excitability of Thyroarytenoid Muscle after Reinnervation

  8. 目的研究声带外展肌-环杓后肌在喉返神经-膈神经吻合术前、后的神经肌电图表现。

    Objective To study the changes of electro-neurogram of the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle in the reinnervation between recurrent laryngeal nerve and phrenic nerve .