
  1. 影视声音造型的纪实化美学建构

    The Construction of the Factualistic Documentary Aesthetics of Movie and TV Sound Sculptural

  2. 电影蒙太奇借助声音的造型功能,能形成电影艺术新的时间与空间的向度。

    By virtue of the modeling function of sound , montage can constitute new temporal and spatial dimensions in the art of films .

  3. 影视声音的造型元素由于电影电视纪录媒介的属性以及自身的纪实化功能,在艺术创作中必然要遵从纪实化的美学原则。

    The sculpture of sound element in movie and TV art has to obey the thought of factualistic documentary aesthetics because of its own documentary attribution and function .