
  1. 角色行销:体验角色的魅力

    Actor of Marketing : to Experience a Charm of Actor

  2. 教师在专业化发展中,不同程度体验着角色冲突。

    Teachers have been experiencing role conflict in the specialized development profoundly for long-term .

  3. 我喜欢体验这个角色。

    I like playing this role .

  4. 错综复杂的情爱纠葛,让你在神剑里有不同以往的人际关系体验以及角色阵营系统。

    Intricate love entanglement , let you have different and past experiencing and role 's camp system of interpersonal relationshipses in the supernatural sword .

  5. 他们是一群拒绝定型的人,一群乐于体验各种角色(有时是同时体验不同角色,更多的时候是先后体验)以打破常规的人。

    They are the ones who refuse to be typecast but instead break convention by embracing a variety of roles , sometimes simultaneously , more often consecutively .

  6. Steven从开发人员开始职业生涯,经历了软件开发、质量保证、信息开发和用户体验等广泛角色。

    He began his career as a developer and has held a vast range of roles from software development and quality assurance to information development and user experience .

  7. 这其中有一个是当我们决定午餐吃什么的时候会习惯性忽略的直觉:水果和蔬菜包含有重要的能促进生化多巴胺产出的营养,而多巴胺在好奇心、动力和参与的体验扮演重要角色。

    Among them is an insight we routinely overlook when deciding what to eat for lunch : Fruits and vegetables contain vital nutrients that foster the production of dopamine , a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in the experience of curiosity , motivation , and engagement .

  8. 可穿戴设备很快就会在我们的日常购物体验中扮演重要角色。

    Wearables will soon play a central role in our everyday retail experiences .

  9. 关于解说牌系统的研究无疑就承担着增加游客体验质量的重担角色。

    The research about the explanation boards system is important in increasing quality of tourist experience .

  10. 带着不同的动机和期望来到加拿大后,一些中国移民家庭正在体验男性和女性角色的翻转。

    Bringing different motivations and expectations to Canada , some Chinese immigrant families are experiencing a reversal of traditional male and female roles .

  11. 按照体验经济的视角审视传媒的发展与经营,关注传媒产业在娱乐体验经济中的角色地位,本文做出一个假设&传媒即体验。

    With view of experience economy on media management and operation , focusing on the position and party of media industry in the experience economy , a hypothesis is produced : media is the experience .