
  • 网络Physical exercise;physical sport
  1. 高尔夫既是体力运动,也是头脑运动。

    As much as golf is a physical sport , it is also a thinking one , too .

  2. 多因素Logistic回归分析发现,影响超重的因素有家庭人均年收入,年龄,性别,吸烟,体力运动和城乡户籍,OR值分别为129111078077072053;

    The results of Logistic regression analysis showed that major risk factors influencing overweight were household income , age , gender , smoking , physical activity and residenc , and the OR value were 1.29,1.11,0.78,0.77, 0.72 and 0.53 , respectively .

  3. 为探讨体力运动对慢性应激引起的海马损伤的影响,在大鼠整体水平检测海马长时程增强(longtermpotentiation,LTP)和血浆糖皮质激素(glucocorticoids,GCs)水平。

    The long term potentiation ( LTP ) in the hippocampal dentate gyrus and the plasma glucocorticoids level were observed in rats to study the effects of physical exercise on chronic stress induced hippocampal damages .

  4. 运动后过量氧耗(EPOC),指体力运动后恢复期超过安静状态耗氧量水平的额外耗氧量。

    EPOC , that is the extra oxygen consumption , which refers to physical recovery after exercise , more than resting period .

  5. 同时,他们也不会再高强度的体力运动上面花时间。

    They also dont spend much time in high-intensity physical exercise .

  6. 体力运动如果出于强迫,不会有害于身体;

    Bodily exercise , when compulsory does no harm to the body ;

  7. 讨论了体力运动、膳食营养对血浆脂蛋白的影响。

    This paper discusses the effect of physical activity and diet on lipoproteins .

  8. 体力运动减缓慢性应激对海马的损伤作用

    Attenuation of chronic stress-induced hippocampal damages following physical exercise

  9. 做些户外运动或其他任何体力运动;

    Pursue outdoor activities or any physical exertion .

  10. 健康专家建议孩子们每天至少花一个小时来做体力运动。

    Health experts say young children should get at least an hour of physical activity a day .

  11. 这需要适当的体力运动,希望你能通过锻炼取得这种健康成绩。

    Since this involves physical exertion , it is expected to see and experience this healthy result in your body .

  12. 在进行剧烈的体力运动前做的准备活动,能使身体变得柔软灵活。努力带球(试着前进)的人。

    Prepare for strenuous physical activity . the football carrier who is carrying ( and trying to advance ) the ball .

  13. 另外的风险系数还包括这些:糖尿病的家族史,体力运动的缺乏和社会地位的低下,因为糖尿病在贫穷人群中更加常见。

    Some risk scores also included a family history of diabetes , lack of physical exercise and low socioeconomic status , since diabetes is more common in deprived populations .

  14. 无论是那一种,体力运动都能够提供一阵好的,能解除不好情绪的能量,不论这样的心情是焦虑还是轻微郁闷。运动是保持健康好方法。

    Either way , physical motion can provide a rush of good energy that can lift a mood , be it anxiety or mild depression , and it 's a good way to keep healthy .

  15. 所以,大脑感觉自己可能很快就需要更多热量来维持运转,显然会因此刺激身体产生饥饿感。尽管几乎没有进行体力运动或出现热量消耗,我们还是会吃东西。

    So the brain , sensing that it may soon require more calories to keep going , apparently stimulates bodily hunger , and even though there has been little in the way of physical movement or caloric expenditure , we eat .

  16. 我不太喜欢耗费体力的运动。

    I don 't really enjoy energetic sports .

  17. 壁球是项要求运动员非常强健的耗体力的运动。

    Squash is a very tiring game which requires players to be extremely fit .

  18. 目的:探讨体力活动运动处方对老年妇女心肺功能的作用。对象:65~75岁健康老年妇女。

    The objective of the paper is to investigate in the effect of activity exercise prescription on improving senior women ' heart and lung function .

  19. 20~39城市非体力群体运动能力好于农民和城市体力性群体,40~59岁不同监测群体运动能力差异不明显。

    The sport ability of city non-physical worker population at age group of 20 ~ 39 was better than ones that are farmer and city physical worker counterparts . However , there was no significant difference in sport ability among the supervised populations at age group of 40 ~ 59 .

  20. 增强体力或改善运动能力。

    Increase your stamina or improve your athletic performance .

  21. 热应激的原因包括穿着厚重衣物,体力工作或运动,炎热的天气和高湿度。

    The causes of heat stress include wearing heavy clothing , physical work or exercise , hot weather and high humidity .

  22. 怎样在高校里将这项智力与体力并重的运动开展的更理想,值得我们不断深入研究,为终身体育打好坚实基础。

    How will this in universities of mental and physical strength of sports , we constantly more ideal for lifelong sports research , make a solid foundation .

  23. 许多研究已经表明,体力活动,包括运动、徒步远足和户外活动,都和女孩的自尊心紧密相连。

    Many studies have shown that physical activity - sports , hiking , playing outdoors - is tied to girls " self-esteem .

  24. 剑道是一种有独特魅力的运动,是一项体力与精神、运动与文化相结合,不受年龄限制,入门容易且男女老少皆宜的健身运动。

    Kendo is a unique charm of the movement , is a physical and spiritual , sports and cultural integration , no age limit , easy entry and people of all ages and both sexes ages fitness exercise .

  25. 一般情况下,它由两部分组成:第一部分与纵向惯性运动有关,第二部分与载等离子体力管的均匀运动(膨胀与压缩)有关。

    This compressibility term , in general , consists of two different parts : the first connects with the longitudinal initial motion of the plasma , and the second with the uniform motion ( dilatation and contraction ) of the plasma-carrying magnetic tubes .