
  • 网络sports competition
  1. 我国学校体育运动竞赛管理的变革研究

    Study on Management Changes of Chinese School Sports Competition

  2. 学校体育运动竞赛管理是管理者或机构为了有效实现学校体育运动竞赛的目标而对各级各类运动竞赛进行计划、组织与协调的活动过程。

    School sports competition management is a process that governors or institutions plan , organize and coordinate various sports competition in order to reach the aims of school sports competition .

  3. CUBA是一项以大学生为主角的篮球赛事,它已经成为中国高校体育运动竞赛的一项重要项目,给中国篮坛和高校体育带来了一场深刻的革命。

    CUBA is a basketball event whose protagonists are college students . It turns to be an important game in the Chinese college sports , and brings a great revolution to the Chinese basketball and college sports .

  4. 体育运动竞赛心理的调节

    Adjustment Of Competition Mentality In Physical Athletics On Sports Mentality

  5. 论体育运动竞赛名称之规律

    On Rule of the Name of Sports Games

  6. 随着高校体育运动竞赛活动的蓬勃开展,高校代表队运动员学习与训练的矛盾日益突出。

    Since physical matches are frequently held in colleges and universities , contradiction between athletes ' training and study is gradually obvious .

  7. 提出通过改变体育运动竞赛的形式和内容,提高学生自觉锻炼的习惯,培养良好的体育意识。

    The idea on how to improve the habit of students conscious exercising and how to cultivate students ' good sports consciousness .

  8. 采用比较研究方法,对中美高校大学生体育运动竞赛的发展现状进行对比分析。

    By the comparative study , the present paper makes a comparative analysis on the developing states of sports competitions both in China and in the United States of America .

  9. 而美国高校体育运动竞赛管理体制则主要通过社会自我协调来实施。

    The management system of university sports in China is mainly controlled by the government and the management system of university sports in USA is mainly managed by society itself .

  10. 学习其他成功的体育运动竞赛市场化成功模式的经验,不断完善体育舞蹈的后备力量的培养,建立一个比较合理的、规范的竞赛机制,以促进体育舞蹈早日健康和成熟的开展。

    Learning other successful marketization of sports competition model of successful experience , improve sports dance of the cultivation of reserve forces , establish a reasonable and standard competition mechanism , so as to promote healthy and mature development of sports dance at an early date .

  11. 主要通过文献调研和访谈法分析中美高校体育运动竞赛管理体制的主要特点,结合国情,找出差距,明确方向,以进一步完善中国高校体育运动竞赛管理体制,更好地发展中国高校的体育运动竞赛。

    This article according to analyzing the principal characteristics of competitive managerial system between Chinese and American universities , in according to our national conditions , find out the distance and direction , to improve and develop the competitive managerial system of physical sports in Chinese universities .

  12. 体育教学、运动竞赛、群众体育是学校体育的三个组成部分。

    The school PE is consisted of physical teaching , athletic competition and mass PE .

  13. 目的了解大学生在体育锻炼、运动竞赛中运动伤害的发生情况。

    Objective To investigate the situation of sport injury in physical culture and competition among the undergraduates .

  14. 论文选题所跨学科含量丰富,排在前三位的是体育统计学、运动竞赛学、体育社会学。

    Interdisciplinary-rich thesis topics , sports statistics , sports science , sports sociology are the top three sports .

  15. 杰克:宗旨是:在奥林匹克理想的指导下,鼓励组织和发展体育运动、体育竞赛;促进和加强各国运动员之间的友谊;保证按期举办奥运会。

    Jack : the tenet is under the guidance of the Olympic spirit , en-couraging , organizing , and developing sports activities and competi-tions , promote and enhance friendship among every country and safe-guard the holding of the Olympic Games on time .

  16. 兴奋剂使用已经成为现代体育运动,特别是高水平体育运动与竞赛中最大的问题。

    Doping in sports has become the biggest problem in modern sports .

  17. 开发体育旅游,逐步把徐州建成集观光、度假、娱乐、体育运动、运动竞赛、运动康复等为一体的体育旅游基地,对徐州的旅游业繁荣和旅游业的持续发展有着十分重要的意义。

    To develop athletics tourism and turn Xuzhou into a base of athletics tourism which serves for sightseeing , vacationing , entertainment , sports , competition , athletic recovery and so on is important for the prosperity and sustaining development of Xuzhou 's tourism .

  18. 我国体育保险在供给、需求和环境等方面存在诸多问题,应大力推进体育运动和体育竞赛的职业化、市场化进程,培育体育运动参与各方的保险意识,加强创新体育保险品种。

    At present , there are many problems in supply , demand and environment . Therefore , the professionalization of sports and games should be promoted . Insurance consciousness should be reinforced .