
  • 网络rural sports
  1. 欠发达地区农村体育发展因素分析及对策研究

    Analysis and countermeasures of rural sports development in less developed areas

  2. 农村体育人力资源短缺及其对策分析

    On shortage of Human resources in rural sports and its countermeasures

  3. 和谐社会引导下的农村体育发展研究

    Harmonious Society under the Guidance of the Rural Development Research Sport

  4. 四川农村体育发展的地区差距与区域发展研究

    Research into the Regional Disparity and Development of Sichuan Rural Sports

  5. 农村体育消费现状与对策研究

    Study of Consumption Current Situation and Countermeasure of Rural Sports

  6. 农村体育工作面临着新的发展机遇。

    At present , rural sports jobs are meeting the new chance .

  7. 试论我国城市体育与农村体育的协调发展

    On the Coordinate Development of Urban And Rural Physical Training

  8. 农村体育组织和骨干队伍还不够完善。

    2 , Sports organizations and key members in Dagang were short .

  9. 天水地区农村体育人口偏少的原因及研究对策

    Tianshui Area Countryside Sports Population few Reasons and Research Countermeasure

  10. 对制约农村体育健身服务发展因素的探讨

    On the Constraint Factors Developing the Sports Fitness Services in Rural Areas

  11. 后现代行政视角下的农村体育文化发展研究

    Development of Sports Culture in Rural from the Perspective of Post-Modern Administration

  12. 龙舟运动等传统体育项目对农村体育的积极作用。

    Dragon Boat play an active role in rural sports .

  13. 西部地区农村体育发展若干问题的研究及建议

    On Some Problems of Rural Sports Development in Western Area

  14. 探索现代农村体育消费的新思路

    Exploring the New Thoughts of Sports Consumption in Modern Countryside

  15. 我国东南沿海和内地农村体育的比较研究

    Comparative study on rural sports between and central china

  16. 但是目前农村体育仍然存在着很多问题,广大农民的身体状况仍然不尽人意。

    But still exist many problems , the farmers ' health still unsatisfactory .

  17. 论农村体育组织与管理的新思路

    On New Ways to Organize and Manage Rural Sports

  18. 论现阶段我国农村体育工作任务

    On the Present Tasks of Countryside Sports in China

  19. 农村体育场地设施匮乏;

    The countryside sports location facility is deficient ;

  20. 农村体育发展的制约因素及其对策研究

    Limiting Factors and Strategies on Rural Sports Development

  21. 论21世纪中国农村体育的发展

    On the Development of Rural Physical Culture in the 21 st Century of China

  22. 对武陵山贫困地区农村体育人口的现状调查

    Investigation on Current Condition of Sports Population in Rural Undeveloped Areas in Wuling Mountains

  23. 现阶段我国农村体育发展的探讨

    Analysis on the Development of the Rural Sports

  24. 试论1953-1957年江苏农村体育平稳发展中的得与失

    Gain and Loss in the Steady Development of Rural Sports in Jiangsu in 1953-1957

  25. 对湖北省少数民族贫困地区农村体育人口的调查

    The Investigation on Sports Population of Minority Nationalities in Poor Area in Hubei Province

  26. 农村体育和谐发展的基本内涵与运行机制研究

    Research on the Basic Connotation and Operating Mechanism of the Sports Harmonious Development in Rural

  27. 结果显示:江苏省农村体育工作起点低;

    The result shows : The beginning of Jiangsu Province countryside sports work is low ;

  28. 我国农村体育如何在全面小康社会的层面走向成熟

    How the PE in China 's Rural Areas Gets Mature in the All-round Well-off Society

  29. 构建我国新农村体育发展多元化路径模式的理性思考

    Rational thinking about construction of diversification path model of new rural sports development in China

  30. 提出今后如何发展欠发达地区农村体育的一些建议。

    Some suggestions were provided for the future development of underdeveloped areas of rural sports .