
  • 网络rural practical talents
  1. 潍坊市农村实用人才队伍建设问题研究

    Study on the Rural Practical Talents Personnel Team Foundation in Weifang

  2. 基于农民行为的农村实用人才开发研究

    The Study of Rural Practical Talents Development Based on Farmers ' Behavior

  3. 潍坊市农村实用人才开发与培训研究

    Development and Training Research on Rural Practical Talent of Weifang

  4. 农村实用人才创业培训的实践与研究

    Practice and Research on Entrepreneurial Training of Rural Practical Talents

  5. 山西省农村实用人才资源综合开发研究

    Study on the Comprehensive Development of Rural Serviceable Talents Resource of Shanxi Province

  6. 湖南农村实用人才队伍建设问题与对策研究

    Studies on Problems and Solutions of Rural Practical Personnels Development in Hunan Province

  7. 试析农村实用人才职业教育的可持续发展

    Sustainable Development of Vocational Education of Rural Practical Personnel

  8. 北京市农村实用人才管理信息系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Management System of Rural Human Resource of Beijing Area

  9. 关于加强农村实用人才队伍建设的思考

    Thoughts on Troops Construction of Rural Practical Talents

  10. 农业高校农村实用人才培训体系建设研究

    Research on the Establishment of Training System for Rural Talents in Higher Agricultural Education Institutes

  11. 因此,对农村实用人才开发研究意义重大。

    Therefore , the research would be of a great significance on rural practical talents .

  12. 但目前农村实用人才资源开发滞后的局面仍没有得到根本改变。

    But the present countryside practical human resources development lag aspect has still not obtained the radical change .

  13. 农村实用人才匮乏是当前我国农业农村发展面临的重大现实问题。

    " Shortage of rural practical talents " is major issue in current agricultural and rural development in China .

  14. 长期以来,农村实用人才一直活跃在农村经济社会建设中,为农村的经济社会发展做出了巨大贡献。

    Over the years , the rural practical talents have involved and made the tremendous contributions in the rural construction .

  15. 同时对制约农村实用人才发展的因素进行了分析,认为主要存在着对农村实用人才的作用认识不到位、对其资源开发的管理不够完善两方面的问题。

    Our study analyzes the factors that influence the development of rural people , and figures out two main obstacles , which are impercipience and imperfection of resource management .

  16. 因为农村实用人才开发落实在基层农村,具有极强的区域性,笔者认为对区域农村实用人才开发的研究是有必要的。

    Because the development of rural practical talents is occurred in grass roots with its great regional feature , the writer regards that the study for the regional rural practical talents development is necessary .

  17. 在环境营造的同时,地方政府和有关部门、基层组织应根据农村实用人才的基本状况与成长特征,有针对性的给予微观开发,以求在短期实现效益。

    At the same time , the local government and related departments should give individual attention to different talents according to their basic cases and characters so as to the benefits realization in short time .

  18. 在经济快速发展和社会转型的背景下,如何立足现实,加强农村实用科技人才队伍建设,已经成为一个重要的问题。

    With the rapid development of economic and social transformation under the background , how to be realistic , to strengthen the construction of rural practical talents of science and technology , has become an important issue .

  19. 本文主要通过对淄博市农村现有实用人才的调查,提出抓好农村实用人才培训的公共政策措施,通过培育新型农民,提高农民素质,开发农村实用人才,大力推进淄博新农村的建设进程。

    This paper has proposed the public policy to train farmers , training new farmers , improving their quality , developing the rural practical talents , and vigorously promoting the building process of new rural in Zibo , by investigating the existing practical talents of Zibo City .

  20. 由于我国不同地区的产业结构、产业特色存在较大差异,各地农村对实用科技人才的需求也各不相同。

    As a result of the difference between China s industrial structure , industry characteristics in different areas , demand for practical talents around the countryside also each are not identical .

  21. 新农村建设中农村实用人才培养存在的问题及改善措施

    Existing Problems and Improvement Measures of Rural Serviceable Talents Training in New Rural Construction

  22. 农村职业教育是培养农村实用人才的主体,农村实用人才素质的高低是检验农村职业教育的重要尺度。

    Rural vocational education is main part in training practical talents , and the quality rural practical talents can test the rural vocational education .

  23. 因此,必须提高农村人口的科技文化素质,大力培养农村实用人才。

    Therefore , we must improve the rural population technology and culture quality , vigorously develop rural practical talents .

  24. 随着新农村建设的提出、城乡统筹的推进,党和国家政府再次提出要加强农村实用人才队伍的培养力度,发挥亿万农民建设新农村的主体作用。

    With the concept of new socialist countryside , and the development of balance urban and rural , the party and state propose again that reinforcing the development of rural practical talents to made them to be the key role in new countryside construction .

  25. 建设社会主义新农村、全面建设小康社会需要培养造就一支数量充足、素质较高、结构合理的农村实用人才队伍。

    Building a new socialist countryside and a moderately prosperous society in all respects is to develop a large number of rural serviceable talents troops with good quality and suitable structure .