
juān xiàn
  • donate;contribute;present;kick in
捐献 [juān xiàn]
  • [contribute;donate] 向国家、集体献出财物

  • 为该计划捐献10万元

捐献[juān xiàn]
  1. 他们说他们很想捐献更多的钱支持慈善事业,但是今年的钱非常紧张。

    They say they would like to contribute more to charity , but money is tight this year

  2. 2012年4月,IBM和REDHAT同意加入基金会成为白金会员,这意味着它们在未来三年时间内,每年捐献500000美元。

    In April 2012 , IBM and Red Hat agreed to join the foundation as platinum members , meaning they will contribute $ 500,000 a year for the next three years .

  3. 对所有捐献的血都要进行艾滋病病毒和其他传染病病毒检测。

    All donated blood is tested for HIV and other infections .

  4. 血库必须检查所有捐献的血是否含有这种病毒。

    It is mandatory for blood banks to test all donated blood for the virus .

  5. 我们很乐意为真正的慈善事业捐献财物。

    We are happy to donate to bona fide charitable causes

  6. 他将收藏品无偿捐献出来。

    He was giving his collection away for nothing

  7. 慈善机构呼吁为飓风的受害者们捐献食品和衣物。

    Charities appealed for donations of food and clothing for victims of the hurricane .

  8. 有传闻说他向慈善机构慷慨解囊,捐献巨款。

    There are stories about his generosity , the massive amounts of money he gave to charities .

  9. 另一个收入来源是当地人的自愿捐献。

    Another source of income is from voluntary contributions of the local people .

  10. 我们向无家可归的地震幸存者捐献了一笔钱。

    We contributed a sum of money to the homeless survivors of the earthquake .

  11. 所有捐献,不论数量多少,我们都将非常感谢。

    All contributions , however small , will be greatly appreciated .

  12. 最近,基金会发起了另一项叫做"全国红领巾日"的运动,在这一天,人们捐献20美元,戴红围巾来支持加拿大的运动和帮助无家可归的人。

    More recently , the foundation began another campaign called National Red Scarf Day — a day when people donate $ 20 and wear red scarves in support of Canada ` s campaign and homeless .

  13. 进行三位名单上预期捐助人作本季第一次邀请捐献

    Make the first solicitation of the three scheduled this quarter .

  14. 这种说法暗指器官捐献中很大比例来自摩托车驾驶者。

    It alludes3 to the high percentage of donated organs that come from motorcyclists .

  15. 运动摩托(一些急诊室医生称之为捐献摩托)比其他车辆更加危险。

    Sport bikes , which emergency-room doctors call “ donorcycles , ” as in organ donation , are more dangerous than their less powerful counterparts .

  16. 他捐献了2550套DNA检测服务给韩国被领养人和美国的朝鲜战争退伍军人。

    He has donated 2550 kits to Koreanadoptees and Korean War veterans in the United States .

  17. donate(v.)捐献威利斯先生今天捐了四百万给残障人士。

    Mr. Willis donated four million dollars to the handicapped today .

  18. v.贡献,出力;捐献诚实加苦干有助于成功和幸福。

    contribute Honesty and hard work contribute to success and to happiness .

  19. 疫苗生产商已经向世界卫生组织储备库捐献了它们的H5N1大流行流感疫苗。

    Vaccine manufacturers have already been donating their H5N1 pandemic flu vaccines to a WHO stockpile .

  20. MQTT是由IBM开发的信息传递协议,以前可用于WebSphereMessageBroker并由IBM捐献给开源社区。

    MQTT is a messaging protocol developed by IBM , previously available in WebSphere Message Broker , and donated by IBM to the open-source community .

  21. Revel博士将卵巢形容为只能进行“一次性捐献卵子”。

    Dr Revel described the ovary as a " one-time endowment of eggs " .

  22. 实际上,OFA注册为慈善机构是为了避开对个人竞选捐献上限的限制。

    In practice , it is registered as a charity to escape ceilings on individual campaign donations .

  23. 方法从捐献的尸体眼球分离并培养RGC。

    Methods RGC were isolated from donor eyes and cultured .

  24. 他们还和TieBar一起特别设计了一系列的领结,并将所得的收入全部捐献给那些帮助同性恋者争取正当权利的组织。

    They 've also teamed up with the Tie Bar to create a collection of bowties with all proceeds being donated to various organizations to help gay and lesbian couples receive civil rights .

  25. 第一次接受猕(rh)阳性的血液通常不是至关重要的,因为到那时捐献的血液被稀释。

    The first blood transfusion involving positive rhesus ( RH ) usually is not of vital importance , because by then the donated blood has been diluted .

  26. 在2011年的终极四强冠军赛中,别克携手前北达科他大学(UniversityofNorthDakota)球星,来自尼日利亚的曼尼•欧豪姆,为儿童捐献了2000双鞋袜。

    With former University of North Dakota basketball star Manny ohonme , originally from Nigeria , Buick contributed more than 2,000 pairs of shoes and socks to children during the 2011 final four championship .

  27. “另外,”James补充说,“我们发现各个公司开始自愿地向Apache捐献软件授权、许可协议和IP策略。”

    " Plus ," James comments ," we find that companies feel a little more comfortable contributing to Apache with its well-defined software grant , contributor license agreement , and IP policy . "

  28. 我国也跟随世界的脚步,在全国范围内开展了以DCD为主的器官捐献试点工作。

    Following the world footsteps , China also carried out the national death donations experimental work mainly in DCD .

  29. 镜报昨天报道,一名名叫Hope的女婴虽然才出生74分钟就死亡了,但她的父母EmmaLee和DrewLee在知道她的肾脏和肝脏细胞可以救人之后,选择捐献她的器官,这也让他们从中得到安慰。

    The Mirror told yesterday how Emma and Drew Lee found some comfort in knowing little Hope 's kidneys and liver cells would save lives after she died just 74 minutes after being born .

  30. 加拿大电影制作人巴里•史蒂文斯和律师戴维•戈兰茨都生于这家诊所,两人对这家诊所进行了调查,DNA检测结果显示,诊所的捐献精子中有2/3来自奥地利生物学家威斯纳本人。

    Two men conceived at the clinic , Barry Stevens a film-maker from Canada and David Gollancz , a barrister in London , have researched the centre and DNA tests suggest Mr Wiesner , an Austrian biologist , provided two thirds of the donated sperm .