
juān zèng
  • donate;donation;contribute;endowment;present;give away;benefaction
捐赠 [juān zèng]
  • [donation] 赠送;捐献

  • 每年为学术和体育的成就捐赠的奖金

捐赠[juān zèng]
  1. 他们捐赠是因为他们信赖我的管理理论。

    They contribute because they believe in my philosophy of government .

  2. 最终,他决定把发明捐赠给社会。

    Finally he decided to contribute his invention to society .

  3. 这家人把宝剑捐赠给了博物馆。

    The sword was presented by the family to the museum .

  4. 这家慈善机构工作所需资金是人们自愿捐赠的。

    The work of the charity is funded by voluntary donations .

  5. 我们向地震基金捐赠了5000英镑。

    We contributed £ 5 000 to the earthquake fund .

  6. 音乐会的收入将捐赠给慈善事业。

    Proceeds from the concert will go to charity .

  7. 这笔款子是当地一位不愿透露姓名的企业家捐赠的。

    The money was donated by a local businessman who wishes to remain anonymous .

  8. 我们全靠自愿捐赠。

    We rely entirely on voluntary contribution .

  9. 旧货义卖的组织者会感激地领受您捐赠的旧衣物。

    Your old clothes will be gratefully accepted by jumble sale organisers

  10. 捐赠的食物已从全国各地涌来。

    Food donations have poured in from all over the country .

  11. 该党因私下接受捐赠而蒙羞。

    The Party is being degraded by its acceptance of secret donations

  12. 银制奖杯是由一个莱斯特的商人捐赠的。

    The silver trophy was donated by a Leicester businessman .

  13. 他敦促各捐赠方加快速度将援助物资送往索马里。

    He urged donors to step up their efforts to send aid to Somalia

  14. 你可以将不要的物品捐赠给慈善机构。

    You can give your unwanted goods to charity .

  15. 一些捐赠已经陆续到来。

    Some donations are already trickling in .

  16. 捐赠来自于各界人士。

    Donations came from all kinds of people

  17. 他常常向慈善机构捐赠大笔钱款。

    He frequently donates large sums to charity

  18. 捐赠者被印入捐赠公示榜以示感谢。

    The benefit to the donor was an acknowledgment of the donation in a printed bulletin

  19. 捐赠国在愿意帮助哪些国家的问题上越来越挑剔了。

    Donor countries are becoming more choosy about which countries they are prepared to help .

  20. 员工定期向慈善机构捐赠。

    Employees make regular donations to charity

  21. 这使得萨格勒布的友好城市美因茨捐赠了价值7万英镑的高品质装备。

    This led Zagreb 's twin town , Mainz , to donate £ 70,000-worth of high-quality equipment .

  22. 自从战争爆发以来,捐赠中心的电话就一直响个不停。

    Since war broke out , the phones at donation centers have been ringing off the hook .

  23. 美国人是个慷慨的民族:即使是在经济萧条时期,慈善捐赠也在不断增加,这便是明证。

    Americans are a generous people : witness the increase in charitable giving , even during the recession .

  24. 其他人捐赠了一些旧衣服。

    Others donated secondhand clothes

  25. 如果你签订契约定期捐赠,那么我们可以要求返还你这笔钱上交的所得税。

    If you make regular gifts through a covenant we can reclaim the income tax which you have already paid on this money .

  26. 这笔钱是世界各地捐赠的。

    The money came from world-wide contribution .

  27. 中国红十字会慷慨捐赠一笔巨款以救济残疾人。

    The Chinese Red Cross contributed a generous sum to the relief of the physically disabled .

  28. 水灾灾民收到了几个慈善团体捐赠的钱和衣服。

    The flood victims received money and clothes from several charities .

  29. 他向医院捐赠了一张病床。

    He endowed a bed in a hospital .

  30. 但是大学免费的唯一途径是教职员工能够捐赠自己的时间,校舍不需要维护,校园不需要公共设施。

    But the only way college could be free is if the faculty and staff donated their time , the buildings required no maintenance , and campuses required no utilities .