
  • 网络antique;Antique Car;vintage car
  1. 在营销部门过了一段苦日子后,鲁普雷希特开始在古董车部门工作。

    After a stint in the marketing department , Mr Ruprecht worked in the vintage car division .

  2. 他穿着著名设计师设计的服装,开着一部古董车。

    He wears designer clothes and drives an antique car

  3. 史密斯收藏的古董车包括一辆1973年产法拉利代托纳(Daytona)和一辆阿尔法·罗密欧1900C宾尼法利纳跑车(AlfaRomeo1900CPininfarina)。今年,史密斯还驾驶后者参加了意大利的MilleMiglia赛车比赛。

    Mr. Smith owns , among other cars , a 1973 Ferrari Daytona and an Alfa Romeo 1900C Pininfarina , which he raced in the Mille Miglia competition in Italy this year .

  4. 古董车拍卖会具有独特的气氛。

    Auctions of classic cars have a singular atmosphere .

  5. 赫柏是古董车的收藏家。

    Herb is a collector of vintage cars .

  6. 将父亲心爱的古董车和书架的功能合二为一!

    Combine Dad 's love of classic cars with the functionality of a book shelf !

  7. 马的骨架撑起放置在一个车轮锈迹斑斑的古董车后面,它的蹄子随便搁在挡泥板上。

    A horse 's skeleton sits propped up behind the wheel of a rusting antique car , its hoof resting casually on the dashboard .

  8. 近些年,顶级古董车市场由20世纪五六十年代的法拉利标志性跑车主导。

    In recent years , the top level of the classic car market has been dominated by signature Ferraris from the 1950s and " 60s .

  9. 虽然这款直喷发动机科技含量和燃油能效较高,但声音着实有些古董车的风范,引擎阀门开合的卡哒声太过明显,听上去简直就像柴油发动机。

    For all its high-tech direct-injection efficiency , this thing has a positively antique sound , with a valve click so pronounced it almost sounds like a diesel .

  10. 苏富比上一次举办汽车拍卖还是在1999年。如今古董车市场增速减缓,苏富比在此时回归,是不是有点太晚了?

    As growth slows in the classic car market , has Sotheby 's , who last held auto auctions in 1999 , rejoined the party a little too late ?

  11. 古董车一向被认为是利润丰厚(甚至是最丰厚)的“奢侈投资品”,但是上周一(9月7日)晚上,它们不得不面对更宏大的现实。

    Classic cars have a reputation for being a lucrative , if not the most lucrative " luxury investment , " but last Monday night they scraped up against some wider realities .

  12. 古董车的消费者主要是美国和欧洲的那些具有一定阅历和丰厚收入的男人,他们热衷于购买和驾驶古董汽车,即使在经济停滞、古董车数量大为减少的时候。

    It 's a business based on American and European men of a certain age and income level who are passionate about buying and driving old cars , albeit rather fewer when economies stall .

  13. 包括交易商、收藏家、投机家和观察家在内的约一千名嘉宾参加了周一的拍卖会。他们最关心的是古董车是否仍是利润丰厚的投资优选,尽管英国以及国际(尤其是中国)经济不景气。

    The 1000 or so dealers , collectors , speculators and spectators who arrived on Monday concentrated on finding out whether classic cars were still a high-performance investment , despite a gloomy economy at their doorsteps and internationally , particularly in China .

  14. 你的宝贝古董小红车停在那里但它很新,新的发亮

    and your old red Charger is there . But it 's new . Brand-new .