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  1. 对古琴曲旋律形态特征的几点认识

    Several Opinions on the Features of Melody Modality of Guqin

  2. 历代流传下来的古琴曲旋律诚然是古老的,但在某种意义上讲又还有些现代意味。

    From that point , the ancient melody of guqin music came down from the past dynasties got a modern meaning in a certain way .

  3. 关于古琴曲旋律的节拍、音程、音色、材料发展与结构的几点认识。

    The paper was the writer 's cognition to the melody of guqin music with its beats , intervals , timbres , material progress and structures .

  4. 《酒狂再》是以古琴曲《酒狂》为构思原则创作的爵士即兴式作品。

    " Memoriam to be " is a jazz improvisation-style work based on the Chinese Guqin song " Memoriam " as a principle of idea framing .

  5. 再次,通过对《圯桥进履》和《楚歌》两首古琴曲的综述,对张良与音乐的相关研究提出了新的视点。

    Again , through the " Wherever the bridge into the discharge " and " Songs of Chu " 2 Review of Guqin Music , the " Zhang Liang and music " of the relevant study proposes a new perspective .

  6. 由于古琴琴曲在节拍上变化的丰富性,在创作的过程中产生了更多的意外与可能性。

    Because of the richness variety of the beat in one Guqin 's composition , it is very possible that the creation of a composition is quite diversity .

  7. 该曲最著名的版本是古琴版,很可能王维亲自用古琴演奏过该曲。

    The most famous version of this melody is that of the guqin , whichWang Wei probably played .