
  1. 观照古典家具艺术的文化特征,是古典家具审美的关键所在。

    And the appeal to the cultural features of the traditional Chinese furniture is the key to the aesthetic judgment and appreciation .

  2. 详细说明金岳文博古典家具设计中心是在全国工商业联古玩业商会、中国文物保护基金会等单位倡导支持下成立的,其宗旨是弘扬中国古典家具的艺术和文化。

    Jinyuewenbo classic furniture design center , established under the sponsorship and support of chamber of Commerce for antique of All-China Federation of industry & commerce and China cultural heritage protection fund , is aimed at inheriting and carrying forward art and culture of the Chinese classic furniture .