
  • 网络Gu Yue;ancient Yue-state
  1. 南方汉语古越语底层问题新探

    Problems on the Substratum of Ancient Yue Languages in Southern Chinese Dialects

  2. 女书字符中的崇鸟意识与古越人鸟图腾的关系

    The Relationship between Worship of Birds in N ü shu and Bird Totem of Ancient Yue People

  3. 古越汉禅诗研究

    Study in Sino-Vietnamese Zen Poetry

  4. 岭南民间美术传承岭南古越族人的原始艺术,在中华民族文化滋润中成长发展。

    It inherited the primitive arts of ancient Yue people and developed by absorbing essence of the Chinese culture .

  5. 在壮语区的地名中,保留着大量的古越语(古壮语)的成分。

    In the Zhuang-spoken areas , have considerable elements of the ancient Yue nationality or the ancient language of Zhuang been retained .

  6. 布依族稻作文化源远流长,其起源可以追溯到母系社会时代,我国南方古越人及其先民的稻作文化是布依族稻作文化的源头。

    Rice growing is an important part of the Buyi culture , dated back to the Maternal Society in the south of China .

  7. “海上丝绸之路”肇始于雷州半岛等地古越人文化和南越、西汉的外贸方略,而“海上丝绸之路”又为雷州文化的产生创造了条件。

    The " Sea Silk Road " originated from the Ancient Yue Peoples culture and created the precondition for the birth of Leizhou culture .

  8. 早在新石器时期,古越国人就学会了纺织粗糙植物麻葛线。

    As early as the New Stone Age , the ancient Yue people learnt to weave kudzu , such as coarse grass linen and hemp , etc.

  9. 西南音乐文化区出土乐器属于古蜀音乐文化,南方和东南音乐文化区出土乐器主要属于古越族和楚这两个民族集团的音乐文化。

    In the southwest district , musical instruments belonged to ancient Shu musical culture . The other two districts belonged to ancient Yue and Chu musical culture .

  10. 这里曾经是古越国的发祥地,区域内文化遗址、自然景观、明星奇迹众多。

    It was the birthplace of ancient Yue State , there are plenty of cultural relics , natural landscapes and hellostoric sites of celebrities in thellos region .

  11. 论南海王国古越人与闽粤赣边区客家先民的历史关系&兼论畲族与客家关系

    The Historical Relationship between the Ancient Yue People of Nanhai Kingdom and the Ancesters of the Hakkas in the Bordered Area of Fujian , Guangdong and Jiangxi

  12. 广州地区居民继承古越族巫、鬼信仰传统,十分崇尚神灵信仰。

    Residents of Guangzhou inherited the tradition of the ancient tribe named " Yue " that wizards and gods were advocated , and religious faiths were advocated extremely .

  13. 从地域文化的角度看,浙江一带是吴越文化的发祥地,浙东文化更多地保留了古越文化的特征。

    Looked from region culture angle , area Zhejiang is the Wu and Yu kingdoms culture birthplace . East Zhejiang culture more retains ancient Yu kingdoms culture characteristic .

  14. 岭南文化是以古越文化为基础,在中原先进的汉文化诸因素的强烈冲击和影响下发展而成的。

    Lingnan culture was based on the ancient Yue culture , and was greatly impacted and influenced by the advanced elements of Han culture in central plains at that time .

  15. 论文介绍了绍兴得天独厚文化气息:绍兴是融合有历史文化、古越风情和江南水城特色的传统之城,也是创造着现代文明、闪耀着时代文化品位的现代之城。

    Shaoxing is fusion GuYue amorous feelings with historical and cultural city and jiangnan , traditional characteristic in city , also create the modern civilization , glaring era culture grade of modern city .

  16. 在写作中,文章侧重于古越禅诗的研究,探究古越禅诗的传承流变、自身特点及意义等。

    In writing , the author attaches great importance to the study of the Chan poems in ancient Vietnam , launching a close research on its development and changes , characteristics and significances .

  17. 古越民族文化有其自身固有的越系文化基因,它既吸收了吴、楚、徐、舒、中原等文化元素,充分体现它多源的文化姻缘。

    Ancient Yue nation had own inherent gene of Yue culture . It absorbed the culture of Wu , Chu , Xu , Shu and the central plain which reflected it had rich cultural origins .

  18. 绍兴的黄酒冬酿即将开始。和绍兴处在同一纬度线上同属古越地区的安徽省休宁县,73岁的陈进顺也在忙着酿造自家的糯米酒。

    Winter brewing is about to begin in Shaoxing , also located in the Guyuan region , Xiuning of Anhui is on the same latitude as Shaoxing . 73 years old Cheng Jingshun is busy brewing homemade glutinous rice wine .

  19. 从雒田和榃的语源看古越人的谷田文化15000年以前,古三角洲隆起,逐渐冲积成了陆地。

    A Research into Ancient Yue People ′ s Valley-field Culture Based on Etymology of the Characters " Luotian " and " Tan "; About fifteen thousand years ago , the delta swelled and in time land was formed through alluviation .

  20. 列举了三千多年前武夷山古越族崖洞墓就有随葬家蚕丝织物,以及唐、宋、明时期丝绸生产贸易发达繁盛的史实。

    Illustrations are given , such as the real silk piece for burial dating back over 3000 years unearthed from the cliff cave tomb of Guyue Nationality , and the history in prosperous silk production and trade in the Tang , Song and Ming Dynasties .