
gǔ jiàn zhù
  • historic building
古建筑[gǔ jiàn zhù]
  1. 古建筑修复中缺失构件的原状推理

    The Original State Reasoning of Restoring Historic Building 's Lost Component

  2. 基于语义网络的古建筑图像数据库的查询策略

    The Query Strategy for Historic Building Image Database Based on Semantic Network

  3. 那是一座具有当地风格的古建筑。

    It was an old building in the local idiom .

  4. 这座房子年久失修,但一群古建筑保护者已翻盖了房顶。

    The house fell into disrepair but a group of preservationists have reconstructed the roofs .

  5. 资源保护是目前备受关注的问题——不管它指的是对古建筑的保护,还是对环境的保护。

    Conservation is an issue which gets a lot of attention these days — whether it means preserving old buildings , or protecting the environment .

  6. 这座古建筑还保留着当年的面貌。

    This ancient building still looks as it did originally .

  7. 古建筑的残迹已荡然无存。

    Not a vestige of the ancient structure remains .

  8. 小功率LED在中国古建筑景观照明中的应用研究

    The Application of Low Power LED in Buildings Lighting

  9. 古建筑夜景照明设计和小功率LED在设计中的运用

    Lighting Design of Chinese Traditional Buildings and Application of New Type of Little Power LED

  10. VegaPrime环境下的古建筑虚拟现实系统

    Virtual reality system of ancient architecture based on Vega Prime

  11. 同时介绍了欧洲古建筑采用FRP进行修复加固等FRP加固砌体结构工程应用情况。

    The application of such strengthening procedure to ancient masonry structures buildings with bonding FRP sheets was introduced too .

  12. 本文介绍了PILODYN无损检测技术在古建筑旧木构件腐朽与虫蛀程度检测中的应用。

    The application of PILODYN non-destructive evaluation technique in assessing decayed and insect-attacked ancient wood members was introduced in this paper .

  13. 中国传统哲学观在古建筑中的体现

    The reflection of the Chinese traditional philosophy in the ancient buildings

  14. 第四章是对朝阳地区古建筑环境进行分析。

    Chapter four analysis the environment of Chaoyang ' ancient buildings .

  15. 浅析庭院式布局在古建筑群体组合中的作用

    The roles of courtyard-type layout in building group of ancient architecture

  16. 我们对一处古建筑废墟印象颇深。

    We were impressed by the ruins of an ancient building .

  17. 中国有很多举世无双的古建筑。

    Many ancient Buildings in China are matchless in the world .

  18. 每座古建筑都有大量的各种各样的故事。

    Every old building is heavy with all kinds of stories .

  19. 古建筑室内环境数字化复原及其应用

    Digital Rehabilitation of the Interior Environment of Traditional Architecture and Its Application

  20. 古建筑火灾烟气控制浅析

    On the control of fire fume of the old construction

  21. 激光三维扫描技术用于古建筑测绘的研究

    Research on mapping of ancient architecture based on laser 3-dimension scanning technology

  22. 古建筑室外消火栓系统设计探讨

    Discussion on fire hydrant system design outside of heritage building

  23. 从织锦图形至江南古建筑装饰之探讨

    Discussion from Silk Pattern to Ancient Architectural Adornment in Jiangnan

  24. 还应该看看这儿的古建筑群。

    We should also take a look at the ancient structures here .

  25. 中国古建筑的柱础艺术

    Analysis of the Art of Pillar-base in Chinese Ancient Architectures

  26. 古建筑震害特性分析

    Analysis of the earthquake disaster characteristics of ancient building structures

  27. 国内木构古建筑消防安全策略分析

    Analysis of Fire Protection Strategy on Domestic Timbered Ancient Building

  28. 关于中国古建筑理论研究的几个问题

    A Few Points on the Study of Ancient Architectural Theory

  29. 浅谈古建筑修复、改造中的防火设计

    Fire protection design of heritage buildings in the renovation project

  30. 中国古建筑美学精神的三重维度

    Triplex Dimensions in the Spirit of Chinese Ancient Architectural Aesthetics