
gǔ yǔ
  • old saying;archaism
古语 [gǔ yǔ]
  • (1) [archaism]

  • (2) 古代的词语

  • 书中个别古语加了注释

  • (3) 已废弃或旧式的措词、习语

  • (4) [old saying]∶古话

  • 古语说∶满招损,谦受益

古语[gǔ yǔ]
  1. 阳泉方言中的古语词我国城市郊区管治探讨

    On Archaism in Yangquan Dialect On the Suburb Governance of China

  2. 三明地区方言词汇中的古语遗存

    Archaism Remains in Dialectical Vocabulary of Sanming Region

  3. 古语说,一言既出,驷马难追。

    As the saying goes , a word spoken can never be taken back .

  4. 美国的古吉拉特语(两三个使用者)或澳大利亚的瓦吉古语(一个使用者?):这些语言存活机会都不是很大。

    Lipan Apache in the United States ( two or three ) or Wadjigu in Australia ( one , with a question-mark ) : none of these seems to have much chance of survival .

  5. 它的应用古语的趋势却被用语者的懒散所冲淡

    Its tendency to archaic language was tempered by the indolence of its exponents .

  6. 埃及古语中,太阳是“ra”。

    And the Coptic word for Sun is ' ra ' .

  7. 不再隐藏的;打开幕布使得没有遮挡;‘discovered’是古语,主要用于戏剧。阳伞是用来遮挡阳光的。

    No longer concealed ; uncovered as by opening a curtain ; ` discovered ' is archaic and primarily a theater term . Parasols are used as a protection against the sun .

  8. 隐没;专心于[古语]=immerse潜水员潜入冰冷的海里数分钟。

    to plunge into or immerse oneself in something vt. The diver immerged in the icy sea for several minutes .

  9. 假如这些符号是埃及古语,第一个符号就是“ra”,接着是一个意义不明的符号,然后是两个“s”的声音。

    So if the symbol were Coptic , the first symbol would be ' ra ' , and then an unknown symbol followed by a double 's ' sound .

  10. Breakfast这个单词源于古语breakingthefast(fast的意思是斋戒,禁食一段时间),因此,早餐breakfast的字面意思就是经过一夜睡眠之后的首次进食。

    The word Breakfast comes from an old-fashioned phrase breaking the fast ( a fast means not eating for a long period of time ) . So breakfast literally means eating again for the first time after sleeping through the night .

  11. ('lief'是古语)非常愿意。

    ( ` lief ' is archaic ) very willing .

  12. 古语说笔比剑更危险。

    It 's said that the pen is mightier than the sword .

  13. 古语有云眼睛换牙齿

    As the old saying : " An eye for the tooth .

  14. 山丹方言古语词例释

    Instances in illustration of the Archaic Words and Expressions in Shandan Dialect

  15. (古语)缺少勇气或热情的。

    ( archaic ) devoid of courage or enthusiasm .

  16. (古语)充满挂念或焦虑。

    ( archaic ) full of cares or anxiety .

  17. (古语或诗歌)复制笔迹的。

    ( archaic or poetic ) copied in handwriting .

  18. 古语有云,重负铸就坚强的心性。

    As the old proverb says , hard work breeds a harder soul .

  19. 古语说失败是成功之母。

    As the old saying goes that failure is the mother of success .

  20. 古语有云:提前十分钟才是准时。

    As the old saying goes , Ten minutes early is on time .

  21. 日语古语中的相对语义共词现象

    Two Opposite Meanings of a Word in Ancient Japanese

  22. 你想不出有一个比蒙古语更没用的语言,但是我就偏偏去学了。

    Well , you can not think of a language more useless than Mongolian .

  23. 古语有云:两情若是长久时,以何必是朝朝暮暮

    The old have cloud : two long if love , why is exist in

  24. [古语]抓住,俘获例句孩子们被她的故事迷住了。

    The children were captivated by her story .

  25. (古语)严格的或严厉的。

    ( archaic ) strict and severe .

  26. 四川方言形容词古语遗存举隅

    Examples of Ancient Adjectives in Sichuan Dialect

  27. 是欧甘文字,古语字体。

    It 's Ogham , an ancient script . Abas ocus bithe . Duthectad bithlane .

  28. 只是句古语但不是很好的那种

    It is an old saying , but it 's not a very good one .

  29. 梅县方言古语词研究

    Study on Archaic Words in Meixian Dialect

  30. (古语)微小的或有限的;尤其是在程度、范围或机会上。

    ( archaic ) slight or limited ; especially in degree or intensity or scope .