
  1. 然而,他的人际网络是全球性的,他曾多次前往沙特和中国(但他不吃鸡爪或鸭爪)。

    Yet his network is global - he travels extensively in Saudi Arabia and China ( where he draws the line at eating the feet of chickens or ducks ) .

  2. 何帆列出的购物长单上有产自新疆维吾尔自治区的烤全羊、羊肉串,有广东的海鲜,有山西的酱牛肉,有浙江的酒糟鱼,还有湖北的酱鸭脖、鸭翅、鸭爪。

    Her lengthy shopping list includes roasted whole lamb and mutton skewers from Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region , seafood packages from Guangdong province , sauced beef from Shanxi province , liquor-marinated fish from Zhejiang province , and marinated duck necks , wings and feet from Hubei province .