
  • 网络Duck liver;FOIE GRAS;foie gras de canard
  1. 鸭乙肝病毒DNA的检测与鸭肝组织病理观察

    Detection of DHBV-DNA and pathological observation of duck liver tissues

  2. 鸭肝mtDNA为环形分子。

    The mtDNA of duck liver consists of circular DNA molecules .

  3. 黄曲霉毒素B1致雏鸭肝细胞DNA损伤的研究

    Study on the DNA Damage Induced by Aflatoxin B_1 in Duckling Hapetic Cells

  4. 从启东鸭肝癌中分离和克隆出人乙肝病毒样的DNA序列

    Identification and molecular cloning of human HBV like DNA sequence in duck hepatoma from QI-DONG County of China

  5. 这结果提示,启东鸭肝癌中人HBVdna的存在并非属偶然,而是带有普遍性和特征性。

    It implies that the presence of human HBV DNA is not incidental , but quite unique for duck hepatoma of Qi-Dong .

  6. 这些结果进一步证明启东鸭肝癌中确实存在HBV变异体,而且HBV变异体DNA具有表达活性。

    These data further demonstrated that in the duck hepatoma tissue from Qi-Dong human HBV sequence is not only present but with expression activity .

  7. DHV对雏鸭肝组织中SOD和GSH-Px活性的影响

    Changes of Liver SOD and GSH-Px Activity in Young Ducks Infected with Duck Hepatitis Virus

  8. 为了研究不易感动脉粥样硬化动物北京鸭多种载脂蛋白的基因分子结构,在国内外首次快速构建了鸭肝细胞CDNA文库。

    Aim To study the gene structures of apolipoproteins of Beijing duck insusceptible to atherosclerosis , the cDNA libraries of duck liver cells were quickly constructed at the first time .

  9. 攻毒后1、3、5、7d剖杀雏鸭,采集其肝组织,测定鸭肝组织中过氧化氢酶(CAT)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的含量。

    Liver samples were collected on the 1st , 3rd , 5th and 7th day after infection to measure the content of CAT , GSH-Px and SOD .

  10. 通过电泳转移印迹试验、原代鸭肝细胞感染试验,观察TFOP与DHBVDNA的结合效应和在UVA协同下灭活DHBV的效果。

    The efficacy of specific binding to DHBV DNA and viral inactivation by TFO P was detected by gel shift blot assay and infection of primary culture of duck hepatocyte .

  11. 目的探讨与鸭乙型肝炎病毒多聚酶(DHBVP)特异结合的结合肽,对鸭乙型肝炎病毒(DHBV)感染的原代鸭肝细胞中DHBV复制的抑制作用。

    Objective : To study the inhibitory effect of binding peptides on duck hepatitis B virus ( DHBV ) replication in duck hepatocytes .

  12. 从黑龙江省某鸭场疑似鸭病毒性肝炎(DVH)的发病雏鸭肝等组织中分离到1株病毒HDⅠ株。

    A strain of virus , which was suspected to be duck hepatitis virus ( DHV ), was isolated from the diseased and dead ducks on the duck farm in Raohe County of Heilongjiang Province .

  13. 通过鸡胚接种,从死鸭肝、脾病料中分离出一株病毒,该病毒坟鸭胚、雏鸭的致死作用能够被Ⅰ型DHV抗血清所中和。

    One Virus strain was isolated by inoculating infective liver suspensions into the allantoic sac of 9-day-old chicken embryos . The virus identification was made by virus neutralization test with I type DHV antiserum .

  14. 禽(番鸭)呼肠孤病毒(Muscovyduckreovirus,DRV)是新近发现的番鸭肝白点病或花肝病的病原。

    Muscovy duck ( Cairina moschata ) reovirus ( DRV ) is the causative agent of Muscovy duck Liver white spots disease , a newly recognized Muscovy duck disease of economic importance , characterized by apathy , weak foot .

  15. 合成模拟肽对鸭乙型肝炎病毒抑制作用的研究:合成的模拟肽作用于体外感染DHBV的鸭肝原代培养细胞。

    The specific mimic peptides detected were sequenced and synthesized . 4 . Inhibition of replication of DHBV by synthesized mimic peptides . Mimic peptides were added into primary culture of duck hepatocytes infected with DHBV in vitro .

  16. 结果:DHBV不仅可以感染鸭肝细胞,且可感染胰、脾组织,DHBVDNA阳性细胞的分布密度以肝组织最高,胰脾次之。

    Results : DHBV DNA was present not only in hepatocytes but also in the pancreatic acini , in cells of splenic red pulp and in the splenic germinal center . The DHBV DNA positive cells appeared more frequently in liver than in spleen and pancreas .

  17. 一种新的番鸭疫病(暂名番鸭肝白点病)病原的发现

    Discovery of the Pathogen of Muscovy Duck Liver White Spots Disease

  18. 亚硒酸钠抑制鸭肝癌前病变的研究

    Study on Inhibitive Effect of Sodium Selenite on Hepatocarcinogenesis in Ducks

  19. 结论愈肝胶囊具有抗鸭乙肝病毒及改善鸭肝脏炎性病变作用,且具有明显量效关系。

    Conclusion : Yu Gan capsules have functions on anti-DHBV in duck .

  20. 鸭肝N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖结合蛋白的分离纯化

    Purification of an N-acetylglucosamine Binding Protein from Duck Liver

  21. 鸭肝脂肪酸合成酶的胍变性与失活

    The denaturation and inactivation of fatty acid synthase from duck liver in guanidine hydrochloride

  22. 鸭乙型肝炎病毒在鸭肝原代细胞中复制的试验观察

    Experimental observation on replication of duck hepatitis B virus in primary cells of duck liver

  23. 鸭乙型肝炎病毒感染对鸭肝中黄曲霉毒素-DNA加成物形成的影响

    Effect of duck hepatitis B virus infection on aflatoxin - DNA - adducts formation in duck liver

  24. 鸭肝中黄曲霉毒素M1的快速提取及反相高效液相色谱测定

    Rapid Extraction of Aflatoxin M1 from Duck Liver and Determination by Reversed Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography

  25. 目的:获得鸭肝谷氨酸脱氢酶纯品并对其酶学性质进行研究。

    Objective : To obtain high-purity glutamate dehydrogenase ( GDH ) from duck liver and characterize this enzyme .

  26. 本实验通过鸭胚尿囊腔接种,对我国几个省市采集的12份死于疑似鸭病毒性肝炎的病鸭肝组织进行病原分离,获得12个病毒分离株。

    Twelve virus isolates were obtained through duck embryo allantoic sac inoculation from duckling liver samples collected from several provinces in China .

  27. 呼肠孤病毒病是一种以肝、脾出现多处灰白色坏死点为主要病变特征的急性传染病,俗称番鸭肝白点病、花肝病。

    Reovirus disease is acute infectious disease with the main pathological characteristics of a number off-white necrosis dot appeared at liver and spleen .

  28. 此外,肝脏病理检查及治疗1个月、停药1同后血清转氨酶检查未发现该药对鸭肝组织学和转氨酶有明显的影响。

    Ter stopping treatment 1 week , serum DHBV DNA concentrations returned significantly , ALT and AST and liver histology of Xiao Chaihu Tang Capsule treated ducks were not different from control ducks .

  29. 本文研究了一系列羧酸盐对鸭肝脂肪酸合成酶的抑制规律,抑制动力学以及对几个含羧基的巯基试剂修饰该酶的保护动力学,并计算了相应的在酶上结合的平衡常数。

    The rule and kinetics of inhibition effect of carboxylates on duck liver fatty acid synthetase and the protection effect of carboxylates on the enzyme modified by the SH reagents with carboxyl anion were studied . The equilibrium constants of carboxylate combining with the enzyme were calculated .