
  1. 我感觉蕃茄汤流进我喉咙里

    Tomato soup . I can feel it running down my throat .

  2. 结果:(1)用20mg/ml的炙甘草汤灌流后与正常对照组相比细胞电生理变化不明显;

    Results : ( 1 ) For the ventricle muscle cell of rats perfused with 20mg / ml Zhigancao Decoction , electrophysiology had no changes compared with control .

  3. 目的:观察奥美拉唑及吗丁啉联合中药降逆汤治疗反流性食管炎的疗效及对胃动素、胃泌素的影响。

    To observe the effect of Xuanfudaizhe decoction on the appearance of esophagus mucosa morphology in rats with reflux esophagitis .

  4. 四物汤产生源流及其组成药物的相关研究由谷粒或与产生谷粒的植物组成或与之相关。

    Study of the Origin , Correlative Clinical Application and Structure of SiWu Decoction made of grain or relating to grain or the plants that produce it .

  5. 宝鸡市部分流动已婚育龄妇女流向及相关构成四物汤产生源流及其组成药物的相关研究

    The Flowing Trend of Floating Married Women of Childbearing Age in Baoji City ; Study of the Origin , Correlative Clinical Application and Structure of SiWu Decoction

  6. 方法:在培养的内皮细胞及骨髓造血细胞半固体和液体培养体系中加入不同浓度的当归补血汤,采用流式细胞术、双抗夹心法检测其对内皮细胞及骨髓造血细胞增殖的影响。

    Methods : By culturing the endothelial cells and adding DBD with different concentration to the medium , ELISA analysis , Western blotting , Flow cytometry analysis and hemopoietic colony assay were used .

  7. 每当他坐在餐桌前吃饭时,汤匙也握不稳,常常把菜汤撒在桌布上,汤还会从嘴边流出来。

    When he sat at the table , he could scarcely hold a spoon .

  8. 汤姆?索亚心情舒畅地回了家。舒肝和胃汤治疗胆汁反流性胃炎86例

    Treating 86 Cases of Bile Reflux Gastritis in Smooth Liver and Stomach Regulating Decoction

  9. 为观察疏肝和胃汤治疗胆汁反流性食管炎的临床疗效。

    To observe the clinical efficacy of " Liver-Discharging and Stomach-Harmonizing Decoction " in the treatment of bile reflux esophagitis , 35 subjects were treated with this Decoction .

  10. 目的:观察黄连汤加味治疗反流性食管炎的临床效果。方法:采用随机临床观察法,运用经方黄连汤加味治疗反流性食管炎144例,获得完整资料者70例。

    Objective : To observe the effect of decoction of modified huanglian on reflux esophagitis Methods : 144 patients with reflux esophagitis were treated with modified huanglian and 70 of them were completely observed randomly .

  11. 结果:黄连汤加味对反流性食管炎总有效率为85.7%,治愈率为58.6%,且可治疗其他相关类消化道炎症,总有效率为82.8%。

    Results : The total efficacious ratio was 85.7 % and the cure ratio was 58.6 % . Decoction of modified huanglian also could treat other correlative enteron diseases with 82.8 % of total efficacious ratio .

  12. 结果:汉代张仲景的《金匮要略》的半夏厚朴汤是四七汤源流。

    Results : Original source of a quotation of Siqi decoction was that of compatibility of medicine concerning the tuber of pinellia and the bark of official magnolia .