
shāng shāng
  • rushing;(of current)rushing;wide;fluent
汤汤 [shāng shāng]
  • (1) [(of current)rushing]∶水势浩大、水流很急的样子

  • 衔远山,吞长江,浩浩汤汤,横无际涯。--范仲淹《岳阳楼记》

  • 东边是流水汤汤的延河,隔河是 清凉山。--《歌声》

  • (2) [wide]∶广大貌;浩茫貌

  • 心汤汤而谁告?魄寂寂而何语?--南朝 梁. 沈约《待罪江南思北归赋》

  • (3) [fluent]∶形容非常流利

  • 别人拿上书去,汤汤的背了,号上书,正了字,好不省事。--《醒世姻缘传》

汤汤[shāng shāng]
  1. 汤汤觉得不是,还有爱我的人觉得不是。

    Caught feel is not , and I love the people think not .

  2. 结论小半夏汤微粉制剂的作用有优于小半夏汤汤剂的趋势。

    Conclusion The effect trend of XBTs was superior to that of XBTd .

  3. 运用天然药物化学的分离精制方法,对白头翁汤汤剂进行单体化合物的分离。

    The separations of monomeric chemical substances of Pulsatilla Decoction have been carried out by the separating and purifying method of the phytochemistry .

  4. 不料,她用来系口袋的线绳,就在这时断了,罐子一下子滚了出来,汤汤水水流了一地,残渣剩菜撒得到处都是。

    But the string that tied up her pockets broke , and the pots fell to the floor . The soup ran out , and the scraps flew everywhere .

  5. 选择52例肺心病急性发作期患者,随机分为两组,治疗组在西医常规治疗基础上同时予加味苇茎汤汤剂口服,对照组予西医常规治疗。

    Methods : Fifty-two patients with acute exacerbation of cor pulmonale were randomly allocated to control group ( treated with conventional Western medicine ) and treatment group ( treated with JWD and conventional Western medicine ) .