
  • 网络SOUP
  1. 汤类我看点什么好?

    What will you recommend for the soup course ?

  2. 其竞争对手金宝(Campbell's)今年汤类产品的销售同样表现强劲。

    Its rival Campbell 's has also seen strong soup sales this year .

  3. 大黄甘草汤类方辨证灌肠能减轻炎症反应:治疗组疗后WBC计数及CRP均下降(P0.05)。

    Rhubarb and Licorice Decoction Enema treatment based on syndrome differentiation can reduces inflammation . In Treatment Group , WBC count and CRP level after treatment are both decreased ( P0.05 ) . 5 .

  4. 还有一些店出售汤类、可丽饼和鲜果汁。

    Some padarias have soups , crepes and fresh juices .

  5. 汤类含有大量的水分和钠、钾、镁等有机盐。

    So you need to replenish water and salt immediately .

  6. 基于数据挖掘的龙胆泻肝汤类方关联分析

    Association Analysis of Longdan Xiegan Decoction Associated Prescriptions Based on Data Mining Technology

  7. 通用磨坊还公布,汤类品牌的销售额强劲增长。

    General mills also reported strong growth in sales of its soup brand .

  8. 广东汤类软罐头的研制技术

    Technique of Preparing of Guangdong soups Soft Can

  9. 家用微波炉烹调的汤类食品易腐程度研究

    A Research for the Degree of Easy Pollution of the Soup Food Prepared in Microwave Stoves

  10. 广东汤类软罐头含有18种氨基酸,其中9种是人体必需的。

    Guangdong Soup contains 18 kinds of amino acids and 9 of them are necessary for human beings .

  11. 三拗汤类方对哮喘小鼠气道炎症反应的影响

    Effects of San'ao decoction and its analogous prescriptions on airway inflammation in mice with respiratory syncytial virus-and ovalbumin-induced asthma

  12. 普通食盐制作汤类菜肴时,最适添加量为0.8%~1.2%;煮、炖食物时,最适添加量为1.5%~2.0%。

    The suitable doses are 0.8 % ~ 1.2 % for soup dishes and 1.5 % ~ 2.0 % for stewing dishes .

  13. 而且非常困难去得出黄豆,鸡蛋和牛奶,尤其是奶粉,罐装金枪鱼,以及汤类的等每一分花费的营养。

    And it 's hard to beat the nutrients-per-cost of beans , eggs and milk , especially powdered milk , canned tuna , soups .

  14. 汤类用复合塑料薄膜包装,真空封口和加压杀菌,最后减压冷却,保存期长。

    The Soup is packed in compound plastic bag , sealed in vaccum condition and sterilized under pressure so as to has long shelflife .

  15. 龙胆泻肝丸中龙胆苦苷含量的检测方法基于数据挖掘的龙胆泻肝汤类方关联分析

    A Method of the Content Determination of Gentiopicroside in Longdan Xiegan Pill Association Analysis of Longdan Xiegan Decoction Associated Prescriptions Based on Data Mining Technology

  16. 矮矮胖胖的大耳精灵匙面宽广、弯度比较深一些,则适合品尝液态的点心或汤类食物。

    Short fat noodle spoon fairy big ears broad , relatively deep some curvature , then fit the dim sum tasting liquid food or soups .

  17. 用关联规则的数据挖掘方法探讨了古今医家用四物汤类方治疗痛经的用药规则,通过比较其置信度,确定古今医家在用药规律上无显著差别。

    With data mining method , the authors made a study on the regularities of drug use in the four-drug decoction and the like for dysmenorrhea .

  18. 番茄一些研究证明,番茄酱、汤类和沙司中含有的烹调过的番茄,能够降低前列腺癌和其他消化道癌症的患病率。

    Tomatoes Several studies have linked the cooked tomatoes in ketchup , soups and sauces to a reduced risk of prostate cancer and other cancers of the digestive tract .

  19. 治疗组除基础治疗外,应用大黄甘草汤类方辨证灌肠,每日1次;对照组仅采用基础治疗。

    The Treatment Group were offered Rhubarb and Licorice Decoction Enema treatment ( once per day ) based upon routine treatment , while the Control Group received routine treatment only .

  20. 坚实的豆腐不走样的更好更容易片,用于模拟肉类和炒菜,而软豆腐是理想的餐后甜点、汤类和沙司。

    The firmer tofu keeps its shape better and easier to slice , are used for mock meats and stir-fries , while the softer tofu is ideal for desserts , soups and sauces .

  21. 三拗汤及类方对TMA致哮喘模型大鼠作用、作用机理及物质基础研究

    Research of the San Ao-tang and Its Serial Decoctions ' Action , Mechanism of Action and Material Basis in the Occupational Asthma Rat Model Sensitized by TMA

  22. 保元汤及其类方研究

    Theory Research on BaoYuan Tang and Its Associated Prescriptions

  23. 六味地黄汤及其类方对小鼠血中老化相关酶活力的影响

    Effects of Liuwei Dihuang Decoction and Its Kinds on Activities of Blood Enzymes Related to Aging in Mice

  24. 三拗汤及类方挥发油对卵蛋白致敏哮喘豚鼠模型的效应评价

    Effects in Volatile Oil of San Ao Tang and its Serial Decoctions on Ovalbumin Induced Asthma Model in Guinea Pig

  25. 补阳还五汤4类有效部位对局灶性脑缺血大鼠脑梗死体积的影响

    Effect of four kinds of active fractions of Buyang Huanwu Decoction on cerebral infarction volume in focal cerebral ischemia rats

  26. 从1102例桂枝汤及其类方的临床医案分析中,首先论述了桂枝汤在临床使用时的症状、舌象、脉象、病机、治法、用药等6方面特点。

    Analysing from 1102 clinical cases treated with Cinnamon Twig Decoction ( CTD ) and its analogous formulae , the author discusses the characteristics of six aspects of symptom , tongue picture , pulse condition , pathological mechanism , treatment method and herb application in applying CTD in clinic .

  27. GC-MS法测定尿液中麻黄汤代谢产物麻黄类生物碱的浓度

    Simultaneous Determination of Ephedrine Alkaloids by GC-MS in Human Urine after Oral Administration of Mahuang Decoction

  28. 复方中药四逆汤中乌头碱类二萜生物碱的电喷雾串联质谱研究

    Studies on the Aconitum Alkaloids in the Sini Concoction by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry

  29. 这是「酸菜肚片汤」,也是客家的代表汤类。

    This is " Pickled Mustard and Pork Tripe Soup " . It is a typical soup of Hakka .

  30. 一位营养学家所写的指南《凯莉安博士的骨汤饮食》成为畅销书,多家主打汤类的商店和餐馆开始出现在各大城市。

    Dr. Kellyann 's Bone Broth Diet , a guide book written by a nutritionist , became a bestseller , and several soup-focused stores and restaurants began popping up in major cities .