
  • 网络townes;Towns;Charles Townes;Charles H. Townes
  1. 试论基础专利&以汤斯和肖洛的激光专利为例

    A discuss on the basic patent-taking Townes and Schawlow ' laser patent as an example

  2. 汤斯在1950年代早期理解到,产生辐射放大的关键在于共振腔。

    The key ingredient to making amplified radiation , Townes realized in the early 1950s , was a resonant cavity .

  3. 现在在加州大学柏克莱分校的汤斯推测,爱因斯坦「从没考虑过同调性」。

    Einstein never considered coherence , surmised Townes , now at the University of California at Berkeley .

  4. 论述了名不见经传的梅曼如何按照汤斯和肖洛的设计思想,成功地运转了第一台红宝石激光器的过程,以及梅曼的成功给我们的启示。

    Discourse upon the naissance process of Maiman S first ruby laser and the apocalypse to us in Maimans success .