
  • 网络Thomson;Townsend;Townshend
  1. 汤森心中无怨无悔。

    Townsend harbours no regrets .

  2. 中国为增加国家储备而收购棉花,支撑了世界棉价,ICAC执行主任特里汤森德(TerryTownsend)表示。

    China is supporting world cotton prices by purchasing cotton for their national reserve , says Terry Townsend , executive director .

  3. 本文作者是汤森路透知识产权与科技(ThomsonReutersIPandScience)研究主管

    The writer is director of research at Thomson Reuters IP and Science

  4. 汤森合着的一项研究被刊登在《美国呼吸道细胞和分子生物学期刊》(AmericanJournalofRespiratoryCellandMolecularBiology)1月份网络刊上。

    co-author of a study published online in the January issue of the American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology .

  5. “真正的领导力应该是为追随者的利益考虑的,而不是领导者本身越来越富。”(R。汤森)

    " True leadership must be for the benefit of the followers , not the enrichment of the leaders . " R.Townsend .

  6. 一谈到汤森路透(ThomsonReuters)排名,投资银行家们就会开始哆嗦。

    Investment bankers generally start quivering when discussion turns to Thomson Reuters rankings .

  7. 但现在,汤森路透(ThomsonReuters)的数据显示,华尔街的预期已调高至9.95美元。

    Today , according to Thomson Reuters , the consensus EPS is $ 9.95 .

  8. 汤森路透(thomsonreuters)表示,分析师此前预计英特尔每股收益为0.28美元。

    Analysts had expected profits of 28 cents a share , according to Thomson Reuters .

  9. 今年4月,帕兰提尔技术公司与汤森路透合作,创建了一个名为QA工作室(QAStudio)的财务数据分析平台。

    In April , Palantir partnered with Thomson Reuters to create a financial data analytics platform called QA Studio .

  10. 汤森路透(ThomsonReuters)数据显示,有总金额超过150亿美元的IPO准备登陆亚洲股市。

    There are more than $ 15bn of IPOs poised to hit Asian markets , according to Thomson Reuters .

  11. 美国风险投资协会(NationalVentureCapitalAssociation)和汤森路透(ThomsonReuters)日前公布的数据显示,去年风投通过并购方式只出售了388家公司。

    Venture capitalists sold only 388 companies via mergers or acquisitions last year , according to data released this morning by the National Venture Capital Association and Thomson Reuters .

  12. 汤森路透(thomsonreuters)的数据显示,这宗收购将是中国油气企业所实施的第四大收购。

    The acquisition would be the fourth-largest by a Chinese oil and gas company , according to Thomson Reuters .

  13. 而接受汤森路透(ThomsonReuters)调查的分析师们却预计,标准普尔500指数的企业利润明年增幅将高达10%。

    Yet analysts surveyed by Thomson Reuters expect S & P 500 profits to grow 10 % next year .

  14. 据汤森路透(ThomsonReuters)报道,2011年截至目前为止,这笔交易的金额排在第11位。

    This deal is the 11th-largest M & a transaction announced so far in 2011 , according to Thomson Reuters .

  15. 根据汤森路透(ThomsonReuters)的数据,华尔街分析师的预期为379.3亿美元。

    Wall Street analysts had expected revenue of $ 37.93 billion , according to a survey of analysts by Thomson Reuters .

  16. 汤森路透(thomsonreuters)的数据显示,全球回购量较一年前下降了30%。

    According to data from Thomson Reuters , the volume of global buybacks is down 30 per cent from a year ago .

  17. 根据汤森路透(ThomsonReuters)分析师的调查,苹果的季度收益超过了华尔街预期的399亿美元。

    Apple 's quarterly revenue beat Wall Street expectations of $ 39.9 billion , according to a survey of analysts by Thomson Reuters .

  18. 汤森路透(ThomsonReuters)的数据显示,今年上半年各大银行共承销了近440亿美元的杠杆贷款交易,高于2011年上半年的170亿美元和2010年上半年的110亿美元。

    Banks underwrote nearly $ 44 billion of the leveraged loan deals in the first half of the year , according to Thomson Reuters .

  19. 不过,根据汤森路透(thomsonreuters)的数据,今年进行ipo的公司,股价平均比发行价上涨了7.6%。

    However , IPO companies are up an average 7.6 per cent from their offer price for the year , according to data from Thomson Reuters .

  20. 根据收录有1.2万份期刊的汤森路透科学网(ThomsonReutersWebofScience)数据库,自2010年以来,英国作者发表的期刊论文绝大多数都至少有一位来自其他国家的共同作者。

    According to the Thomson Reuters Web of Science database of 12,000 journals , since 2010 the majority of journal articles with a British-based author has had at least one co-author from another country .

  21. 汤森路透社(ThomsonReuters)发布的初步数据显示,2012年第三季度全球并购活动同比下降了18.3%。

    Preliminary data from Thomson Reuters shows an 18.3 % decline in global M & A activity , when comparing Q3 2012 to Q3 2011 .

  22. 1954年:与债券交易员威廉汤森(WilliamTownsend)合伙,成为汤森-格林斯潘公司的董事长兼总裁。这是一家从事经济预测的咨询企业。

    1954 : Partners bond trader William Townsend to become chairman and president of Townsend-Greenspan & Co , a consulting business that makes economic forecasts .

  23. 电子商务巨头亚马逊首次进入汤森路透2015年全球创新百强名单,而世界上最大科技服务公司IBM却未能上榜。

    Online marketplace Amazon.com Inc made its debut in the 2015 Thomson Reuters Top 100 global innovators list , leaving International Business Machines Corp , the world 's largest technology services company , out of the list .

  24. 汤森路透(thomsonreuters)数据,全球而言,今年上半年投行收费同比上涨23%,而欧洲投行上涨26%。

    Globally , investment banking fees rose 23 per cent year on year in the first half , and 26 per cent in Europe , according to Thomson Reuters .

  25. 对于流动性好的股票和债券,行政管理人很容易就能从汤森路透(ThomsonReuters)或彭博(Bloomberg)买到数据。

    For liquid stocks and bonds , an administrator can easily buy data from thomsonreuters or Bloomberg .

  26. 此举也是为了让汤森路透区别于主要竞争对手彭博社(Bloomberg)。彭博在金融危机期间大举投资,但仍坚持通用型终端的策略。

    They are also aimed at distinguishing Thomson Reuters from Bloomberg , its arch-rival , which invested heavily through the financial crisis but has remained committed to its one-size-fits-all terminals .

  27. 数据提供商Markit和IHS将通过一宗130亿美元的换股交易实现合并,以打造出一家能挑战彭博(Bloomberg)和汤森路透(ThomsonReuters)的金融及企业信息巨擘。

    Data providers Markit and IHS are to combine in a $ 13bn stock deal to create a financial and corporate information powerhouse to challenge Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters .

  28. 汤森路透(thomsonreuters)的数据显示,2009年公布的全球科技行业交易价值约为1250亿美元,同比下降将近20%。

    The value of global tech deals announced in 2009 , at some $ 125bn , was down nearly a fifth from the year before , according to figures from Thomson Reuters .

  29. 在这篇文章中,他犯了和上周同样的错误,上周的错误导致了他在《财富》杂志(Fortune)和汤森路透(ThomsonReuters)的专栏合约终结。

    In it , he makes the same mistake he made last week , one that led to the end of his stint as a columnist at fortune and at our competitor , Thomson Reuters .

  30. 近十年来,大气压均匀DBD成了研究热点。目前研究的大气压均匀DBD主要是指不存在微放电的辉光和汤森放电,这种放电通常要求单一气体。

    Over the past decade , the atmospheric pressure homogeneous dielectric barrier discharge research focus mainly on the glow and Townsend discharge which is charateristiced as the absent of micro-discharge .