
  • 网络characteristic parameter
  1. 损伤敏感性是CMOS器件的电离辐射损伤等效研究中的一个特征参量,这个参量是辐照总剂量、剂量率、辐射类型、能量、管子类型、偏置条件、电源电压等的复杂函数。

    Damage sensitivity , a characteristic parameter in the study of ionizing radiation damage equivalence in CMOS devices , is a complex function of total dose , dose rate , radiation source , particle energy , supply voltage , gate bias and transistor type .

  2. 针对高斯白噪声对MFSK信号的特征参量的影响,提出利用最小二乘法对正弦类Haar小波脊线进行拟合的方法。

    Aimed at the influence of the white Gaussian noise on MFSK signal characteristic parameter , it was proposed that the least square method can be used to approximate the sinusoidal Quasi-Haar wavelet ridge .

  3. 光热位移光谱技术在GaTe特征参量测量中的应用

    Sensitive photothermal displacement spectroscopy for gate properties measuring

  4. 提取苹果的特征参量:包括大小特征量&平均半径r0;

    The apple feature parameters include size and shape . Picking up the average radius as the size feature .

  5. 以上特征参量的研究既有助于对脉冲激光烧蚀动力学机理的理解,又为获得晶粒尺寸分布均匀可控的高质量纳米Si薄膜提供了依据。

    The research of these characteristic parameters is helpful for both understanding of PLA dynamics and controlling the grain size of Si nanoparticles .

  6. 该算法以分形维数作为纹理特征参量,利用分形布朗运动模型提取Hurst指数H,再利用H分布的累积直方图进行纹理分割。

    The system uses fractal Brownian motion to extraction Hurst parameter , and then applies histogram accumulated by H to segment texture .

  7. 采用TG热重分析方法,测定了几种粒度的微细金属银粉末表面吸附(脱附)特征参量。

    The thermogravimetry ( TG ) was used to determine the parameters of surface adsorption on various micro-sized silver powders .

  8. 应用地物光谱仪探讨了小麦叶片含水量对近红外(NIR)波段光谱吸收特征参量的影响。

    Surface features spectro comparator was used to probe the effect of water content of the wheat leaves on spectral absorption feature parameters of NIR .

  9. 响应函数的特征参量,一次作用因子R和特征剂量D0,既有清楚的统计学含意又有明确的剂量学意义。

    Two parameters in this function , one & hit factor R and characteristic dose D0 , not only have statistical meaning but also contain dosimetric significance .

  10. 除了常用的最低的三个共振峰外,F2/F1、F3/F2可能会给单元音的细节辨识提供两个新的特征参量。

    For the discrimination of pure vowels , F2 / F1 and F3 / F2 are possibly the two new parameters besides the three lowest formants .

  11. 本文研究了断裂动力学中的传播裂纹问题,运用Fourier分析与对偶积分方程理论,得到了应力场与位移场的精确解析表达式,以及表征动态断裂的特征参量-动态应力强度因子。

    : This paper studies the propagation of crack problem in dynamic fracture mechanics , and obtains the analytical expressions of the stress and displacement fields and dynamic stress intensity factor by using Fourier analysis and theory of dual integral equation .

  12. 本文首次将判别分析法用于油纸绝缘老化程度的识别,提出了一种基于Fisher判别法和多个局部放电特征参量的油纸绝缘老化程度识别方法。

    In this paper , the discriminant analysis method is introduced to identify the aging stages of oil-paper . An identification method based on Fisher discriminant function and multiple PD characteristic parameters is proposed .

  13. 建立了心音信号的AR双谱模型,获得了心音的双谱幅度图,并采用模型参数作为特征参量对心音信号进行了二类模式识别。

    The AR bispectrum model is presented and is used to obtain the amplitude bispectral structure of PCG signal . The parameters of AR bispectrum model are proposed to form the features vector for the pattern classification of PCG signals .

  14. 通过对比样品老化前后光电导数的特征参量发现,老化后产生爆破噪声和gr噪声的器件为失效器件,表明高功率量子阱半导体激光器在使用和老化过程中有时会伴有爆破噪声和gr噪声。

    By comparing the characteristic parameters of optic and electric derivative curves before and after aging , it is discovered that the device which produces burst and g-r noise after aging is failure device .

  15. 它在LPC声码器的基础上,采用了A-B-S和VQ等技术,编码信息中既包含若干语音特征参量又包括部分波形编码信息。

    It bases on the LPC coder , the encoding information includes not only speech feature parameters , but also some wave information , due to the application of A_B_S and VQ .

  16. 对冠层结构指标叶向值(LOV)、LAI与光谱特征参量的相关分析发现,前期(以拔节期为主)LOV影响大,后期主要受LAI的影响。

    Leaf Orientation Value ( LOV ) and LAI are two important indices of canopy structure , and the correlation between them and canopy spectral parameters was analyzed in this study .

  17. 尺度分布的Getis统计对遥感图像特征参量空间自相关性的研究

    Spatial Auto-correlation of Characteristic Parameters in Remotely Sensing Image Using Optimal Multi-Scale Getis Statistic

  18. 依据特征参量与接头的抗剪强度间的相关分析结果,选取了与接头抗剪切强度密切相关的特征参量作为SOM网络的归类分析的输入向量,建立了点焊接头质量分类模型。

    According to the correlation analysis between feature parameters and shear strength of joints , select these characteristic parameters which are closely related to shear strength of joints as the input vector of som network , and classify and analyze them .

  19. 单键群(SLC)方法是分析地震活动性的一个有用的工具,根据SLC特征参量的时间滑移计算,对川滇地区的地震活动性特征和地震活动趋势进行了总结分析。

    Single link Cluster ( SLC ) method is a useful tool in analyzing the seismicity . Based on time sliding calculation of SLC characteristic parameters , this paper analyzes the seismicity pattern and earthquake trend .

  20. 通过MFSK信号的正弦类Haar小波脊线表达式的推导,选取其作为MFSK信号识别的特征参量,进而对MFSK信号进行了识别。

    After deducing the expression of sinusoidal Quasi-Haar wavelet transform ridge of MFSK signal , the expression was selected as the characteristic parameter of MFSK signal identification , and thus the identification was carried out .

  21. 为了实时监控液体火箭发动机涡轮泵的状态,提高安全性,降低故障带来的破坏程度,提出了一种多特征参量自适应阈值综合决策算法(MATA)。

    In order to monitor the conditions of Liquid Rocket Engine ( LRE ) turbopump in real time , enhance its safety and minimize the loss of its faults , a Multi-feature Adaptive Threshold compositive decision-making Algorithm ( MATA ) was presented and realized in this paper .

  22. 本文从超分辨处理的角度出发,对距离弯曲引起的空变的二次相位误差(QPEs)采取精确估计和补偿的方法进行预处理,然后得到超分辨图像及目标特征参量。

    From the aspect of super-resolution , it is demonstrated in this paper that by accurate estimation and post compensation of the space-variant Quadratic Phase Errors ( QPEs ), super-resolution image and target features can still be obtained in the presence of wavefront curvature effects .

  23. 金属韧性断口轮廓几何特征参量分析

    Analysis of Geometric Characteristic Parameters of Fracture Profile in Metallic Materials

  24. 高钢级管线钢的特征参量及其与强韧性的关系

    Characteristic Parameters of High Grade Pipeline Steels and Its Relationship with Toughness

  25. 纺织品的抗紫外线整理纺织品抗紫外辐射的特征参量与测量

    Research on the anti ultraviolet characteristic parameters and its measurement of textile

  26. 从随机媒质反射波中分析媒质特征参量的一种新方法

    One new method of analysis medium characteristic from stochastic medium reflection wave

  27. 利用图像纹理的频域特征参量对肝脏组织的分析

    The Analysis of the Liver Tissue Based on the Spectral Texture Features

  28. 特征参量法&Ⅰ.简单级数反应的热动力学研究法

    Characteristic Parameter Method ⅰ . Thermokinetic Research Method of Simple Order Reactions

  29. 力学性能非对称焊接接头断裂特征参量研究

    Study of fracture characterizing parameters of welded joints with asymmetrical mechanical heterogeneity

  30. 电气设备故障特征参量有效性的模糊判据研究

    Investigation of fuzzy criterion for fault feature parameter evaluation of electric power equipment