
  • 网络spectral purity
  1. 本文介绍实验室用的S和X波段频率标准,分析了为提高输出信号频率稳定度和频谱纯度所采取的方法,同时给出了实验结果。

    In this paper , a frequency standard used in the laboratory has been introduced , the methods to improve frequency stability and spectral purity of the output signals have been analysed while the experimental results have been given .

  2. 改善频率合成器频谱纯度的方法

    On the Method of Improving Spectral Purity of Frequency Synthesizer

  3. 为进一步提高DDS的频谱纯度,可以对非理想SCMF误差进行优化。

    To increase the DDS spectrum purity , the non - idea SCMP was optimized .

  4. 对如何提高DDS输出频谱纯度进行了探讨,并给出电路解决方案。

    The paper discusses on DDS spectrum purity improvement , and gives the circuit scheme .

  5. 频谱纯度高.文中分析了虚拟信号发生器的各项性能指标,比较了其输出频谱与传统DDS输出的差异,最后给出了实验结果。

    The difference of the virtual and traditional signal generator about output spectrum is compared . At last , the performance parameter of the signal generator and the experiment results are given .

  6. 该稳定本振源由一个微波锁相环路(PLL)和一种新型自动频率控制电路(AFC)组成,文中分析了影响微波输出信号频谱纯度和相位噪声的主要因素。

    The source consists of a microwave phase-locked loop and a new type of automatic frequency control circuit . Chief factors to influence spectrum purity of microwave output signal and phase noise are analyzed .

  7. 该方案将DDS的高频率分辨率、频率转换时间短与PLL输出频率高、频谱纯度好的优点相结合,且工程实现难度相对较小。

    This program combines the advantages of DDS , such as high frequency resolution , fast frequency switching speed , and the advantages of PLL , such as high frequency output , and good quality of frequency spectrum , and can be implemented relatively simple .

  8. 跳频频率合成器频率转换速度和频谱纯度的研究

    Research on improving rate of frequency hopping and purity of frequency spectrum

  9. 参差脉冲调制对发射机信号频谱纯度的影响

    Effect of Staggered Pulse Modulation on Spectral Quality of Radar Transmitter RF Signal

  10. 射频通信测试中的信号发生器频谱纯度分析

    Signal Generator Spectral Purity Considerations in RF Communications Testing

  11. 数字式频率合成器输出信号频谱纯度的分析

    The Freguency Spectrum Purity Analysis for an Output Signal of a Digital Frequency Synthesizer

  12. 实验结果表明,所研制的高精度频率信号源性能稳定、频谱纯度较高以及频率稳定度较高等优点。

    It leads to constant performance , higher spectrum purity and higher frequency stability .

  13. 在跳频通信系统中需要频谱纯度高、噪声电平低和具有快速跳频能力为频率合成器。

    A frequency Synthsizer wtih high spectrum purity , low noise level and fast hoppingcapability is necessary in frequency hopping communication system .

  14. 最后,对视频信号发生器和本振信号发生器的输出波形进行了波形分析和频谱纯度分析。

    Finally , this paper analyzes the waveform and spectral purity of the video signal generator and output waveform of local oscillator .

  15. 经过实践证明,该模拟器产生的信号相位稳定,频谱纯度高,并具有复杂波形生成的能力。

    According to practice , this simulator has stable signal phase , pure signal spectrum , and ability to produce any complex waveform .

  16. 通信系统的不断发展对信号源的频率稳定度和准确度以及频谱纯度提出了越来越高的要求。

    The continuous development of communication system has put forward a higher and higher demand on the stability and accuracy of the frequency source .

  17. 同时采用分段产生波形数据实时输出信号的方式,使得频率分辨率和输出频谱纯度比之传统的数字频率合成更优越。

    The generation and real-time output of waveform data in segmentation make signals have better frequency resolution and spectrum purity than traditional frequency synthesizing .

  18. 介质谐振器压控振荡器(DRVCO)由于其优异的噪声性能、频谱纯度和稳定度广泛应用于微波振荡源中。

    Dielectric Resonator Voltage Controlled Oscillators ( DRVCOs ) are widely applied in microwave oscillators because of their excellent phase performance , spectrum purity and stability .

  19. 自适应环路用来实现环路的自动调整,有助于提高频谱纯度和减少建立时间。

    The self-adaptive loop is used to realize automatic adjustment of the loop bandwidth , which can reduce the settling time and improve the spectral purity .

  20. 现在研究的主要性能指标包括相位噪声、频谱纯度、跳频时间、工作的带宽和频率稳定度等。

    Nowadays , the main performance indicators we considered include phase noise , spectral purity , frequency jumping time , the bandwidth and the frequency stability .

  21. 同时阐述了栅控速调管对其调制波形的要求以及电源纹波同频谱纯度的关系。

    The requirement of the grid controlling klystron to modulation shape and the relation between the power supply ripple and spectral quality have also been described .

  22. 本文就参差脉冲调制对主振放大式发射机信号频谱纯度的影响进行初步探讨,针对某超低空搜索雷达采用的成组参差脉冲调制形式对发射机信号频谱纯度的影响进行分析。

    This paper discusses the effect of staggered pulse modulation , especially the staggered pulse string modulation on the spectral quality of RF singnals in radar transmitter .

  23. 锁相环有良好窄带跟踪特性,使被锁定的频率具有与参考频率一致的频率稳定度和频谱纯度,对杂散的抑制性能良好。

    PLL has excellent character of narrowband slot , making locked frequence has the same frequence stability and spectrum purity , and has excellent performance spur reduction .

  24. 寻求频谱纯度更好、频率稳定度更高和相位噪声更低的信号产生技术已成为解决该问题的主要发展趋势。

    Seeking the technique about bring signal with more highly pure spectrum , frequency stability and the lower phase noise has became the tendency to solve the problem .

  25. 本课题首先研制了三个路接收机的射频和中频通道,得到频谱纯度很高的三路中频信号。

    The first goal of the project is realizing a high-purity of IF signal spectrum in every receiver , then calibrate the imbalance of amplitude and phase respectively .

  26. 本文介绍了八毫米雪崩管脉冲振荡源的设计及研制,讨论了影响振荡源频谱纯度和相干性的独特的雪崩管特性。

    In this paper the design and development of 8mm pulsed IMPATT source are introduced , The unique IMPATT properties which affect the oscillator spectral purity and coherency are discussed .

  27. 随着各种电子设备性能的不断提高,对微波信号源的工作频率、频谱纯度、可调谐性等性能提出了更高的要求。

    As the performance of electronic equipments is going up continuously , it comes up with higher requires at frequency , spectrum purity and tuning of microwave signal ( MS ) .

  28. 同时为了得到精度高、频带宽的本振信号,设计出了一种跟踪滤波器来减少杂波,保证了输出信号的频谱纯度。

    In order to obtain high precision , the frequency bandwidth of LO signal , the design of a tracking filter to reduce the clutter and ensure the purity of the output signal spectrum .

  29. 而频率合成器是射频收发机中的关键部分,它能满足对频率稳定度、频谱纯度、频率范围和输出频率个数等的较高要求。

    The frequency synthesizer is the critical part of the transceiver , because it could meet the high requirement for the frequency stability , spectrum purity , frequency range and the number of output frequencies .

  30. 随着通信、数字电视、卫星定位、航空航天和遥控遥测技术的不断进步,系统对频率源的频率稳定度、频谱纯度、频率范围的要求越来越高。

    With the continuous technical advancements in many fields such as communication , digital TV , satellite and aerospace telemetry , the higher demands of frequency stability , spectral purity , and frequence range is proposed .