
  • 网络frequency resources
  1. 无线电管理GIS系统是无线电管理信息化的要求,也是无线电频率资源管理的迫切需求。

    In recent years , the management of radio frequency resources is getting more and more complex , which brings forward a high demand of radio wave management GIS system .

  2. 这种需求带动了动态频谱接入(DSA)技术的发展,这种技术能够更有效地开发利用有限的频率资源。

    This demand has driven the development of dynamic spectrum access ( DSA ) techniques that enable more efficient utilization of the scarce frequency resources .

  3. 多入多出(MIMO)技术是无线通信技术发展的一次重大飞跃,它能够突破无线频率资源限制,大幅度地提高无线通信系统的频谱效率,被公认为是无线通信技术的未来发展趋势。

    Multiple-input multiple-output ( MIMO ) technology is a significant breakthrough in the development of wireless communication technologies .

  4. 一种有效解决VHF频率资源短缺问题的方法

    An Effective Method to Alleviate the Shortage of VHF Radio Frequencies

  5. MIMO技术利用其空间子信道使高速数据传输成为可能,而OFDM技术能更加有效地利用频率资源。

    MIMO systems make high data rate transmission possible in its decomposed spatial subchannels , on the other hand , OFDM technology facilitates efficient spectrum utilization .

  6. 介绍了上海城市排水工程中,排水设备使用遥测遥控SCADA系统,使无线频率资源的利用率达到最高,并介绍了两种切实可行的无线监控网络运行方式,满足城市排水工程的需要。

    The remote control and telemetry SCADA subsystem for sewerage equipment , and 2 feasible operation modes for wireless monitoring network in Shanghai are studied .

  7. 为了获得新的频率资源、更高的数据带宽、以及更小巧轻便的天线,卫星使用频率向Ku、Ka波段转移。

    In order to get new frequency source , high-speed transport velocity and small portable aperture antenna , ku-band has become far-reaching application .

  8. 本文针对ATM技术在卫星网络中的应用,就如何实现卫星频率资源的分配,以提高全网统计复用的增益,降低信元的丢失率,提出了一种新的排队模型:二级队列共享。

    The paper presents a new method , two-stage queueing model for resource sharing , to improve the efficiency of bandwith and to decrease cell loss rate in satellite ATM network .

  9. 对于我国3G许可证的发放,建议采用评选或招标的发放程序,合理评估频率资源的使用成本,这样将更有利于信息通信业的发展。

    This article suggests choosing through public appraisal or initiating public bidding on the issue of 3G license in order to conduct a rational evaluation on the use cost of frequency resources .

  10. 单频网(SingleFrequencyNetwork,SFN)是地面数字电视广播的重要组网方式,在频率资源利用和信号覆盖等方面与多频网比较具有明显优势。

    The SFN ( Single Frequency Network ) is an important networking of DTMB . From the viewpoint of the exploitation of frequency resources and signal coverage , it has more obvious advantages than MFN ( Multiple Frequency Network ) .

  11. 针对我国航空通信中VHF(VeryHighFrequency)频率资源紧张的现状,提出将信道间隔从25kHz减小到8.33kHz的解决方法。

    Considering the shortage of VHF ( Very High Frequency ) radio frequencies in aeronautical telecommunication in China , a method of decreasing channel spacing from 25 kHz to 8.33 kHz is presented .

  12. 数字音频广播(DAB)具有节约频率资源、提供优质多媒体广播服务和能够移动接收的突出优点。

    Digital Audio Broadcasting ( DAB ) has many outstanding advantages such as saving frequency resources , providing multimedia broadcasting services and receiving in mobile .

  13. CDMA移动通信系统与其他移动通信系统相比,具有抗干扰性好、抗多经衰落性好、保密性高、容量大、频率资源利用率高等特点。

    CDMA mobile telecommunication system has some better characteristics , such as anti-disturbing 、 anti-way declining 、 secrecy 、 capacity 、 utilizing rate of frequence resource and so on , than other mobile telecommunication system .

  14. 考虑到卫星信道功率和带宽均受限的特点,为了有效地利用频率资源及避免宽带传输中频率选择性衰落对数据传输的影响,决定采用Turbo-CodedOFDM技术。

    Considering the feature of the satellite channel , we decided to use Turbo-Coded OFDM to avoid some side effect in the satellite communication .

  15. 这就意味着,由于受频率资源和设备能力所限,TD-LTE至少在初期,很有可能必须进行同频组网。

    This means that , due to the limited frequency resources and equipment capacity of TD-LTE , at least initially , will be most likely to carry out same frequency network .

  16. 但是,目前无线Mesh网络的网络吞吐量还远远达不到市场的需求,其根本原因在于现有的这种单信道无线Mesh网络没有充分的利用频率资源。

    However , the throughput of Wireless Mesh Network can still hardly meet the quality of service required by the market . The reason of this dilemma is the insufficiency in using the spectrum resource , which is caused by the single channel mode current Wireless Mesh Networks are constructed .

  17. 超窄带(UNB)高效调制技术可获得非常高的频谱利用率,能有效缓解频率资源的紧缺现状,因而近年来广受关注。

    Ultra-Narrow-Band ( UNB ) technology can greatly improve the spectrum utilization efficiency , and ease the tension of frequency resources . Therefore it has attracted extensive attention .

  18. 结果表明,与传统的slotted-ALOHA相比,在随机接入指标相同的情况下,可以节省无线频率资源,并可提高抗御信道劣化的能力。

    The results and simulations show , for same specifications , this scheme can decrease frequency resources needed and improve the resisting ability against channel low quality comparing with traditional slotted-ALOHA .

  19. MC-DS-CDMA由于采用了正交频分复用技术,具有高传输速率、抗多径干扰等优点,但是该系统存在占用了大量的频率资源的缺陷。

    The MC-DS-CDMA system , based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ( OFDM ), has some good properties , such as high_speed transmission and restraining multi_ path interference . However , it uses significant frequency resources .

  20. 研究了现有的OFDMATOA估计训练序列和OFDMA信号TOA估计算法,针对现有训练序列不能充分利用频率资源的问题提出了改进序列,在改进序列的基础上提出了新的OFDMA无线信号TOA估计算法。

    In the OFDMA TOA estimation , the available training sequence and TOA estimation algorithms are analyzed . The available training sequence is improved for the full use of frequency resources . According to the improved sequence , a novel TOA estimation algorithm is proposed .

  21. 频率资源是一种有限的自然资源。

    Frequency resource is a kind of limited natural resources .

  22. 移动通信频率资源的使用成本解析

    On the Use Cost of Mobile Communication frequency Resources

  23. 基于超短波电台通信,占用较多的频率资源。

    Communications on UHF radio should occupy more frequency .

  24. 未来对于电磁探测的概念&从时间-空间-频率资源管理到宽带雷达

    Future Concepts for Electromagnetic Detection : From Space-Time-Frequency Resources Management to Wideband Radars

  25. 无线网络资源特别是频率资源,由于其稀缺和不可再生的特性而十分宝贵。

    Wireless resources , especially for spectrum resources , are scarce and valuable .

  26. 矿井无线通信与频率资源利用

    The mine wireless communication and frequency resource utilization

  27. 随着通信技术的高速发展,频率资源变得愈加宝贵。

    The frequency resource becomes more valuable along with high-speed development of communication technique .

  28. 无线电频率资源是地面电视广播不可或缺的关键传播介质,如何合理的规划频率资源是无线电工作者面临的一个重要问题。

    Radio frequency is the indispensable key medium in the transmission of terrestrial television broadcast .

  29. 随着社会的发展和无线电技术的广泛应用,频率资源越来越紧张。

    With the social development and extensive use of radio frequency resources become increasingly strained .

  30. 有限的频率资源和日益增长的用户需求成为一种不可调和的矛盾。

    Limited resources and increasing the frequency of user needs into a conflict of irreconcilable .