
suǒ dìng
  • lock;lockout;caging
锁定[suǒ dìng]
  1. 法案会把该项内容锁定到法律中。

    The bills would lock that pledge into law .

  2. 为了应对这些限制措施,很多粮食进口国正在设法通过签署长期的贸易协定来锁定未来的粮食供应。

    In response to those restrictions , grain-importing countries are trying to nail down long-term trade agreements that would lock up future grain supplies .

  3. 埃里克·坎通纳抓住机会踢进绝妙的一球,锁定了比赛的胜局。

    Eric Cantona made the game safe with a brilliant opportunist goal .

  4. 随着液压系统嘎吱一声响,起落架进入了锁定位置。

    There was a whine of hydraulics as the undercarriage locked into position .

  5. 离比赛结束还剩几分钟的时候,曼城队的第二粒进球锁定了胜局。

    The clincher was City 's second goal , scored minutes from the end .

  6. 流浪者队凭借第84分钟精彩的第二粒进球锁定了胜局。

    Rovers made the game safe with a spectacular second goal in the 84th minute .

  7. 警方就佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔的5起谋杀案已经锁定了几名犯罪嫌疑人。

    The police have several suspects in the case of five murders committed in Gainesville , Florida

  8. 制动器开始锁定。

    The brakes began locking

  9. 人们必须立足现在,目光锁定未来目标。

    One must apply oneself to the present and keep one 's eyes firmly fixed on one 's future goals

  10. 首先,窃贼需要将你家锁定为目标。

    First , a thief is going to need to target your home , specifically .

  11. Capslockvoice指平时冷静沉默的人在对某人或某事忍无可忍的时候转而采用的一种提高了音调且颇有威慑力的说话语调,这种方式相当于在网上聊天时用全部大写的方式表达自己激烈情绪,所以,就叫“大写锁定语调”。

    Caps lock voice refers to the authoritative and raised tone used by a normally calm and quiet person when he / she has had enough of someone or something . It is the equivalent to using the caps lock key in the digital world to show your strong emotion .

  12. 科学家已锁定两种解释来解开这个难题。

    Scientists had focused on two explanations to solve this conundrum .

  13. 调查者能够推出犯罪过程并锁定罪犯。

    The investigator was able to deduce the crime and find the criminal .

  14. 7月29日,中国羽毛球混双两对选手在半决赛中均战胜对手,提前锁定该项目的金银牌。

    China has ensured a one-two finish in badminton mixed doubles after two Chinese pairs beat their respective opponents in the semifinals on Thursday .

  15. 如果某人的智能手机、平板电脑或其他设备“越狱”了,那就说明他用一款特殊软件解除了生产商对该设备事先安装的锁定程序,该程序一般对移动设备可下载和运行的应用程序有严格限制。

    If someone jailbreaks a smartphone , tablet ( computer ) or other device , they use a special piece of software in order to remove the restrictions imposed by the manufacturer on the kind of applications that can be downloaded and run on the device .

  16. word无法撤消此操作,因为子文档或主控文档已锁定。

    Word cannot undo this action because a subdocument or master document is locked .

  17. KeyItemLocked是锁定的索引项。

    Key Item Locked is the locked index entry .

  18. 代码首先打开一个文件,然后使用filelock锁定它。

    This code first opens a file , then locks it using file_lock .

  19. N个微波振荡器互相注入锁定理论

    Theory of N microwave oscillators mutually injection-locked

  20. CO2脉冲激光偏频锁定系统

    A Simple Offset Frequency Locking Technique for Pulsed CO_2 Lasers

  21. 文件锁定PRO是完美的伴侣,任何一台PC。

    File Lock PRO is the perfect companion to any PC.

  22. 用C型X线透视确定在髓腔内,复位满意后,依次锁定远、近端锁钉,术后不用外固定。

    Closure reduction excellent with " C " arm X-ray then locking nails one by one and not external fixation .

  23. 不管你需要什么,Linux都会提供一种锁定方案保护您的数据。

    Whatever you need , Linux has a locking scheme to protect your data .

  24. 封闭硅栅CMOS电路中锁定的分析与防止

    Analysis and Prevention of Latch-up in Closed Polysilicon Gate CMOS ICs

  25. 对基于GPS锁定高稳晶体振荡器的技术要点进行了研究。

    Some practical techniques to lock High-stability crystal oscillators based on GPS are given in the paper .

  26. 利用微电子测试图形研究CMOSIC的锁定效应

    Study on the Latch-up Effect of CMOS IC by Using Microelectronic Test Patterns

  27. 下面是关于DB2如何访问和锁定行的一个常见误解。

    The following is a common misunderstanding of how DB2 accesses and locks rows .

  28. Delphi数据库中Paradox表的锁定规则

    Locking rules of paradox tables in databases of Delphi

  29. 如果参数被锁定,那么模式将被直接链接到特定的RationalBuildForge服务器和项目。

    If the parameters are locked , the pattern is directly linked to a specific Rational Build Forge server and project .

  30. CF提供一个可扩展的集中锁定机制来确保数据一致性。

    The CF provides a scalable and centralized locking mechanism to ensure data coherency .