  • lock
  • lock up;knit;lockstitch
  • 加在门窗、器物等开合处或连接处,必须用钥匙、密码、磁卡等才能打开的金属装置:门~。密码~。~钥。

  • 用锁锁住:把门~上。

  • 链子;链条:~链。枷~。长命~。

  • 关闭;幽闭:闭关~国。经济封~。

  • 紧皱;蹙紧:愁眉深~。

  • 一种缝纫方法,用线顺着布边或扣眼密缝:~边。~扣眼。

  • 姓。


(安在开合处使人不能随便打开的器具) lock:

  • 挂锁


  • 弹簧锁

    spring lock;

  • 砸开一把锁

    break open a lock;

  • 前门需要牢一点的锁。

    The front door needs a stronger lock.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 锁浩

    Suo Hao


(上锁) lock up:

  • 锁门

    lock a door;

  • 锁在保险箱里

    be locked up in a safe;

  • 所有的门都从外面锁上了。

    All the doors had been locked from the outside.

  • 她把我锁在门外。

    She locked me out.

  • 这门会自动锁上。

    The door locks automatically.


(皱眉) knit:

  • 双眉紧锁

    with knitted brows


(缝纫方法) lockstitch:

  • 锁边

    lockstitch a border;

  • 锁眼

    do a lockstitch on a buttonhole

  1. 这定时锁要用特定密码才能打开。

    A special code is needed to override the time lock .

  2. 零下十摄氏度把轿车上的锁冻住了。

    Ten degrees of frost had frozen the lock on the car .

  3. 一定要确保所有的门都锁好了再走。

    See that all the doors are locked before you leave .

  4. 为了保证安全,门总是锁着的。

    For reasons of security the door is always kept locked .

  5. 我们只好把所有的门都安上新锁。

    We had to put new locks on all the doors .

  6. 窗户有锁的房子保险费用降低。

    Insurance costs will be reduced for houses fitted with window locks .

  7. 她把自己的护照和钱锁在了保险柜里。

    She locked her passport and money in the safe .

  8. 汽车后门装有防止儿童开启的锁。

    The car has childproof locks on the rear doors .

  9. 钱锁在抽屉里,不会出问题。

    The money is safely locked in a drawer .

  10. 我们把贵重物品锁起来收好了。

    We keep our valuables under lock and key .

  11. 她把钥匙卡在锁里了。

    She got the key stuck in the lock .

  12. 晚上别忘了锁好门窗。

    Don 't forget to lock up at night .

  13. 窗户已经插上栓,上了锁,都关好了。

    The windows were secured with locks and bars .

  14. 我用链子把自行车锁在公园的围栏上了。

    I chained my bike to the park railings .

  15. 她总是用挂锁把自行车锁在栏杆上。

    She always padlocked her bike to the railings .

  16. 这把锁我们砸也砸不开。

    Despite our attempts to break it , the lock would not yield .

  17. 她用链子把自行车锁在大门上。

    She chained her bicycle to the gate .

  18. 你肯定锁上大门了吗?你很可能是忘了。

    Are you sure you locked the gate ? You could easily have forgotten .

  19. 这把钥匙打不开这把锁。

    The key doesn 't fit the lock .

  20. 我一再查看所有的门都锁好后才出的门。

    I made doubly sure I locked all the doors when I went out .

  21. 门从里面锁上了。

    The door was locked from the inside .

  22. 为了保密,这些文件都加了锁。

    These files are locked to protect confidentiality .

  23. 请不要忘记锁好办公桌。

    Don 't leave your desk unlocked .

  24. 保险公司可以拒绝为没有窗锁的房产提供保险。

    The company can refuse to insure a property that does not have window locks .

  25. 我不记得密码锁的数码组合了。

    I can 't remember the combination .

  26. 他们开枪把锁打掉。

    They shot the lock off .

  27. 她摆弄着锁。

    She jiggled with the lock .

  28. 这手提箱锁不上。

    This suitcase doesn 't lock .

  29. 我们被锁在里面了。

    We were locked in .

  30. 门都用挂锁锁着。

    The doors were padlocked .