
  • 网络Laboratory infection;infection in laboratory;laboratory-associated infection
  1. 人类对实验室感染防范逐步趋于完善;

    Prevention from the laboratory infection has been completed gradually .

  2. 猪瘟野毒混合毒实验室感染的研究

    Experimental Infection of the Mixed Field Isolated Strains of Hog Cholera Virus

  3. 科学家还利用这种治疗方法对实验室感染了昏睡病的小老鼠进行了试验。

    The scientists also tested the treatment on laboratory mice with sleeping sickness .

  4. 流行性出血热与实验室感染

    Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever and Its Laboratory Infection

  5. [结果]实验室感染可发生在不同级别的实验室,甚至是生物安全防护实验室;

    Result The laboratory infection may occur in laboratories at different levels , even in the laboratories with biological safe protection .

  6. 北京地区对钩端螺旋体病,除报道过二例实验室感染者外,一直未见有报告。

    There has never been reported of leptospirosis in Beijing district in the past years except two patients infected in the laboratory .

  7. 2004年,在我国出现了两个实验室感染的病例并在公众中传播,引发了大范围的病源追踪,病源接触者的隔离以防止新的流行。

    Two cases of laboratory acquired SARS coronavirus infections in China last year spread into the community and triggered extensive efforts in tracing and isolating contacts of patients to prevent a new epidemic .

  8. 但由于安全制度建设的滞后、管理环节的薄弱以及生物安全监控体系的缺乏等原因,实验室感染事件时有发生。

    Due to the lag of security system construction and the weak of management links as well as the lack of bio-safety monitoring system and other reasons , laboratory infections have occurred frequently .

  9. 而正确使用生物安全柜可以有效减少由于气溶胶暴露所造成的实验室感染以及培养物交叉污染。确保其操作者本人、实验室环境以及实验材料的安全。

    Correct application of bio-safety cabinet can efficiently reduce the chance of infection and cross pollution due to aerosol exposure in the lab , and guarantee the safety of operator , lab environment and test materials .

  10. 治疗试验结果:对人工实验室感染鹅新城疫病毒WF216株的发病鹅具有很好的治疗作用(17/20),对自然发病鹅也具有很好的治疗作用,治愈率80%以上。

    The treatment test showed that the inactivated oil-adjuvanted vaccine can treat the geese that were infected artificially by goose ND virus ( 17 / 20 ) effectively , and so does the natural infected geese . The cure rate was over 80 % .

  11. 该病例由美国疾病控制和预防中心的世卫组织H5参考实验室确认感染了A(H5N1)型禽流感。

    The case was confirmed as being infected with A ( H5N1 ) by the WHO H5 Reference Laboratory , US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) .

  12. 从1978年到1999年期间,发生了逾1200起人类被BSL-4实验室病毒感染的案例。

    Between 1978 and 1999 there were more than 1,200 incidents in which people were infected from BSL-4 labs .

  13. 临床实验室医院感染管理的现状与预防措施

    Situation of Administration of Infection in Clinical Laboratory and Preventive Measures

  14. 临床实验室医院感染危险因素与对策

    Risk Factors of Clinical Laboratory for Hospital Infection and Countermeasure

  15. 实验室人工感染诱发猪瘟野毒垂直传播

    The Artificial Induced Vertical Trasmission of Hog Cholera Field Virus in Experiment

  16. 临床人类免疫缺陷病毒实验室医院感染管理

    Management of Clinical HIV Laboratory for Preventing Hospital Infection

  17. 哥斯达黎加报告9例实验室检查感染病例,1例死亡。

    Costa Rica has reported nine laboratory confirmed human cases , including one death .

  18. 加州斯克里普斯研究的科学家伊恩·威尔逊称这种抗体应用在实验室中感染了致命病毒的老鼠身上,其结果证明是非常有效的。

    Scientist Ian Wilson at the Scripps Research Institute in California says the antibodies proved highly effective in laboratory mice exposed to deadly levels of virus .

  19. 结果采取相应的对策和措施,有效预防控制实验室医院感染的发生。

    RESULTS Aiming at the existence of risk factors , to adopt from them the corresponding measures and countermeasures , the valid prevention controlled the occurrence of hospital infection in laboratory .

  20. 建立检测鸭肝炎病毒(DuckHepatitisvirus,DHV)的免疫组化方法,为DHV感染的实验室诊断、感染雏鸭体内的DHV抗原亚细胞定位研究提供有效的检测手段,阐明DHV在感染细胞内繁殖部位。

    Establishment an immunoperoxidase staining technique for the detection of Duck Hepatitis Virus ( DHV ), to provide the effective examination method for the DHV experimentally diagnosis and the DHV antigen subcellular localization in infected ducklings , then the DHV reproduction spot in the infected cell expounded .

  21. 为避免实验室人员的感染风险,必须严格遵守生物安全条件。

    Bio-safety conditions should be strictly followed to avoid risk of infection for laboratory staff .

  22. 我国微生物实验室不能适应感染类型及细菌耐药性重大变化所面临的工作任务。

    The microbiology labs in our country have not adapted to the change of tasks resulting from the change of infection type and antibiotic resistance .

  23. 如果科学家们怀疑某种疾病是由于某一种基因出了问题,那么他们可以设计小分子核糖核酸,用以压制实验室里受感染的动物体内的基因。

    If scientists suspect that a particular gene is responsible for a disease , they can design microRNA to silence the gene in affected laboratory animals .

  24. 卫生部禽流感信息中心宣布,周一在雅加达一所医院去世的一名女性,由两项实验室测试证实感染禽流感。

    Two laboratory tests on the woman , who died on Monday at a hospital in Jakarta , showed that she was infected with the virus , a statement from the ministry 's bird flu information centre said .

  25. 结果2005年6月10日至8月21日,四川省共报告了68例实验室确诊人感染猪链球菌病例,发病前都有屠宰、洗切、加工等病(死)猪的直接暴露史。

    Results From June 10 to August 21 , 2005 , 68 laboratory confirmed cases of human Streptococcus suis infections were reported . All were villagers who gave a history of direct exposure to deceased or sick pigs in their backyards where slaughtering was performed .

  26. 对当地医院和维和二级医院实验室报告疟原虫感染的方法进行比较。结果:1.目标人群中疟原虫的感染率为53.0%(798/1506)。

    The way for the lab to report the Plasmodium infection between the Peacekeeping Level ⅱ Hospital of China and local hospital was compared . Results : ( 1 ) The Plasmodium infection rate of target persons was 53.0 % ( 798 / 1506 ) .

  27. 实验室检测已经确认感染了甲型H5N1禽流感病毒。

    Laboratory tests have confirmed infection with avian influenza A ( H5N1 ) virus .

  28. 实验室检测已经证实感染了H5N1病毒,两位病人均曾接受过抗病毒治疗。

    Laboratory tests have confirmed H5N1 virus and both patients were treated with antiviral medications .

  29. 对两个病例所作的实验室检测均确认感染过H5N1禽流感病毒。

    For both cases laboratory tests have confirmed infection with the H5N1 avian influenza virus .

  30. 作用于人类的艾滋病病毒HIV对实验室动物既不感染,也不引起与人类相同疾病的症状。

    HIV , the virus that causes AIDS , either does not infect or does not cause the same disease symptoms in laboratory animals that it does in humans .