
  • 网络real time traffic;Realtime Traffic
  1. 基于RISC处理器的实时交通计测系统

    Real Time Traffic Flow Measuring System Based on RISC Processor

  2. 本文采用模糊控制规则对入口匝道进行实时交通控制,应用Box复合形法对模糊控制规则进行优化。

    The paper introduced to do real time traffic control in the loop of entrance with ambiguity control rule , and optimized ambiguity control rule with BOX complex method .

  3. GIS环境下融合实时交通数据的交互系统

    An Inter_operable System for the Integration of Real_time Traffic Data within GIS

  4. 基于双CPU的三色LED实时交通信息显示系统设计

    The design of real-time traffic information displaying system of tricolor LED screen

  5. 基于GPS的实时交通信息采集方法的研究

    Study on GPS-based Real-time Traffic Information Collection Method

  6. 基于SVM的实时交通流模拟与预测系统设计

    Design of Real-Time Traffic Flow Simulating and Forecasting System Based on SVM

  7. 利用AOCast模型,以P2P方式成功设计并实现了一个分布式实时交通信息发布系统。

    Finally , we use this model to design and implement a traffic information delivery system .

  8. 一个无耻的黑客甚至还将Yahoo!的实时交通数据和Google的驾驶向导联系起来。

    One cheeky hacker combined real-time traffic data from Yahoo ! with the driving directions from Google .

  9. 基于LBS的实时交通信息系统的设计和实现

    The Design and Realization of the RealTime Traffic Information System Based on LBS

  10. 对基于GPS的实时交通信息采集方法开展研究,分别提出了利用GPS返回的经纬度数据和速度数据的两种路段平均速度估计算法。

    The real-time traffic information collection method based on GPS is studied . Two segment average speed estimation algorithms are proposed based on the longitude , latitude and speed data collected by GPS receiver .

  11. 本文基于上述背景,特别针对实时交通状态分析关键技术&交通小区划分与OD预测展开研究。

    Based on this background , this paper researched traffic zone 's delimitation and OD prediction which are key technologies for analyzing real-time traffic state .

  12. 因此研究驾驶员在实时交通信息下的路线选择行为是十分必要的,这对于智能交通系统(尤其是ATIS)的有效实施具有重要的现实意义。

    This study makes an important practical sense on the practice of ITS ( especially ATIS ) .

  13. 此外,我们利用细节层次(LOD)技术研究了多比例尺下实时交通信息的表达技术。

    In addition , we use Technology of Level of Detail to complete the expression of real-time traffic information in electronic map in various scales .

  14. 对智能交通系统的构成作了简述,指出出行途中公共交通信息是智能交通系统的一个重要组成部分,而可变信息标志(VMS)是发布实时交通信息的一个重要手段。

    The structure of ITS is introduced . ATIS is an important part of ITS and VMS is a useful way to issue traffic information in time .

  15. 先进出行者信息系统(ATIS,AdvancedTravelerInformationSystem)为出行者提供实时交通信息有助于改善城市范围内的出行,其关键之一在于对ATIS下驾驶员行为的理解。

    Advanced Traveler Information Systems ( ATIS ) provide qualitative and quantitative real-time traffic information before trip and while driving offering potential solutions to enhance the transportation system performance and improve the quality of travel in urban areas .

  16. 在MATLAB环境下,根据使各交叉路口在一个周期内车辆平均延误最小的原则,通过采集的实时交通流数据,进行多次仿真实验。

    Under the MATLAB environment , the method accords to the rules which make the average vehicle delay minimize in a cycle . Large amounts of simulation were executed based on the real-time traffic flow data of a practical intersection .

  17. 本文详细研究了智能交通系统中的几个重要部分:基于数字地图的GIS系统,GPS原理及地图匹配,实时交通信息系统和动态路径诱导系统。

    In this paper , we concentrate on some specific portions of ITS : GIS system based on digital map database , GPS system and map matching algorithm , traffic information system , land-based vehicle location and dynamic route guidance system , and shortest path algorithm .

  18. 利用时段均值计算、路网信息递推,并结合a/v二维车辆特性查表等不同方式获取仿真系统实时交通信息,为交通状况分析评价、实时交通控制、动态交通诱导的实现奠定了基础。

    Methods such as average count within time sects , traffic network information deducing and a / v two dimensional vehicle speciality table checking are proposed to provide real-time traffic information for traffic status analysis and estimation , traffic control and dynamic traffic guidance .

  19. 其中SPI数据在拓扑关系提取过程中已被提取到Graph对象中。本文主要设计了临时交通管制和路段拥塞两种类型的实时交通信息的融合算法。

    SPI has been abstracted into the Graph object when the process of the topology abstraction algorithm was performed , so the algorithm for merging of dynamic traffic information which consists of temporary traffic control and road jam was mainly studied .

  20. 实时交通信息系统GPRS-TMC的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Real-Time Traffic Information System : GPRS-TMC

  21. 目前,AVLN系统推广应用的主要困难是缺乏数字地图和实时交通信息。

    Now , the main difficulty in spreading and applying AVLN is the lack of the digital map and timely traffic information .

  22. 作为ITS的核心组成部分之一,车牌识别系统(LPR)在实时交通监控、公路自动收费管理系统以及交通治安监管等方面有着十分广阔的应用前景,是目前国内外的研究热点。

    As one core component of ITS , License Plate Recognition System ( LPR ) has a very broad application prospects in many aspects , such as real-time traffic monitoring , highway automatic charging management system , traffic security monitoring and so on .

  23. 为了能合理利用实时交通信息,增加路网利用率、减少交通拥挤,提出一种智能交通系统RTIC。

    To utilize real-time traffic information , increase the road network utilization and reduce the traffic jam , a kind of intelligent traffic system RTIC is presented .

  24. 智能交通系统中实时交通信息采集处理的新方法

    A New Method of Real-time Information Collection in Intelligent Transportation System

  25. 基于手机定位及聚类分析的实时交通参数估计

    Real-time Traffic Parameter Estimating Based on Mobile Phone Locating and Clustering

  26. 面向动态导航的城市路网实时交通信息服务系统研究

    Real-time Traffic Information Service System of Dynamic Navigation-oriented Urban Road Network

  27. 多类型传感器实时交通数据采集和车型自动分类系统设计

    Design of Multi-sensor Real-time Transportation Data Collection and Automatic Vehicle Classification System

  28. 一种基于周相似特性的实时交通量预测模型

    Real Time Traffic Flow Prediction Model Based on Weekly Similarity

  29. 实时交通流量人工神经网络预测模型

    A Real Time Traffic Flow Prediction Model Based on Artificial Neural Network

  30. 基于实时交通信息的车辆路径问题研究

    Research on the vehicle routing problem based on the real-time traffic information