
  1. 视频会议系统是一种支持人们远距离进行实时信息交流、开展协同工作的应用系统。

    The videoconference system is a sort of application that supports the real-time information exchange and cooperation among the people .

  2. 网络即时通讯就是网络上实时进行信息交流。

    The network instant communication is the internet real-time information exchange .

  3. 通过该系统的开发,希望能够克服传统的岸船之间的实时机务信息交流的诸多弊端,增强船公司的机务管理水平;

    By developing this system , the author hopes to overcome various drawbacks caused by real-time information exchange between the shore and ships and to improve the engineering management of the ship company .

  4. 实现了异地工作者同时协作完成同一任务的协同设计要求,并允许实时的信息交流。

    The system realizes to be a collaborative design system where workers in different places can take part in the same task at the same time in a collaborative environment , and allows real-time exchanging of information .

  5. 这种服务使得朋友之间可以通过登陆手机软件或实时信息来相互交流。

    The service lets friends tell other friends where they are by " checking in " using a mobile application or a text message .