
  • Vinaigrette;Vinaigrette Dressing
  1. 烤金枪鱼,配胡萝卜丝及奇洛黑椒浆果油醋汁(155兰特);

    seared tuna with shredded carrots and chiloe pepper-berry vinaigrette ( 155 rand ) ;

  2. 这些都还不太令人吃惊,但到了调味汁部分,就变得复杂起来:有帕尔马乳酪、骨髓冻、胶状味增、蒜泥蛋黄酱、些许焦化黄油,以及带有刺山柑和凤尾鱼的油醋汁。

    Nothing too outrageous about this , but things got complicated in the sauce department : there was a Parmesan cream , a jelly of bone marrow , a miso gel , a garlicky aioli , a drizzle of browned butter , and a rustic vinaigrette with capers and anchovies .

  3. 油醋汁,千岛汁,意大利汁。

    Assorted dressings , oils balsamic vinegar dressing , thousand island dressing , Italy dressing .

  4. 看了客房里配有英文翻译的塑封菜单后,斯诺登选中了辣味咖喱鸡配米饭和辣酱,我选了口蘑烩饭和油醋汁鲱鱼沙拉。

    Reading the laminated room-service menu card , complete with English translations , he is tempted by the spicy chicken curry with rice and chilli sauce . I go for the risotto with white mushrooms and a vinaigrette salad with herring .

  5. 下次你把西红柿、黄瓜多汁多籽儿的瓤挖出来的时候,就存着吧。加点橄榄油、醋、柠檬或者柑橘汁儿,这样的油醋汁别有一番清新爽口的味道。

    The next time you scrape out the juicy , seedy insides of tomatoes and cucumbers , save them.Then mix with a little olive oil , vinegar , and citrus juice for a refreshing take on vinaigrette 。