
  • 网络oil rancidity
  1. 以普通绵核桃(normalwalnut)和纸皮核桃(paper-shellwalnut)为试材,对其在贮藏过程中油脂酸败进行了研究。

    Rancidity of oil in two cultivars of walnut , Paper-shell walnut and Normal walnut was studied .

  2. 本文研究了江津油酥米花糖在自然储藏条件下油脂酸败的变化。

    The changes of quality of oil in the crunchy rice candy storing under natural conditions were studied .

  3. 包装对香榧坚果贮藏中的油脂酸败和抗氧化能力的影响

    Effects of Different Packaging on Lipid Peroxidation and Antioxidant Ability of Torreya grandis Nuts during Storage at Room Temperature

  4. (一)腐败变质、油脂酸败、霉变、生虫、污秽不洁、混有异物或者其他感官性状异常,可能对人体健康有害的;

    Foods that can be injurious to human health because they are putrid or deteriorated , spoiled by rancid oil or fat , moulded , infested with insects or worms , contaminated , contain foreign matter or manifest other abnormalities in sensory properties ;

  5. 结果表明,葡萄多酚对DPPH、超氧阴离子自由基、羟基自由基清除活性IC50值分别为:1.96μg/ml、7.50mg/ml、1.91mg/ml,同时,在实验条件下它可将油脂的酸败时间推迟1d。

    IC50 of grape polyphenols on scavenging DPPH radical , superoxide anion radical and hydroxyl radical were 1.96 μ g / ml , 7.50mg / ml , 1.91mg/ml respectively . It can also defer the oil oxidation about one day under the experiment conditions .

  6. 针对食用油脂中的酸败油脂、反复使用的煎炸油、未经精炼的机榨毛油,分析了它们中所含有的各种有害物质以及对人体健康造成的严重危害。

    The author analyses the different harmful substances of edible oils , such as rancid oil , overused frying oil and rough oil produced by the oil press without being refined .

  7. 为了延长富含油脂食品的保质期,对VE、Vc、柠檬酸对炒制花生粉油脂氧化酸败的抑制作用进行了研究。

    In order to prolong the storage of oil-rich food , the inhibitions of oil oxidation in the fried peanut powder by vitamin E , vitamin C and citric acid have been studied in this paper .

  8. 为了延长富含油脂的干果类食品的保质期,研究了茶多酚、维生素C(Vc)对炒熟花生仁、核桃仁油脂氧化酸败的抑制作用。

    In order to prolong the storage life of oil-rich dry fruit , the inhibition of oil oxidation in the fried peanut and walnut by tea polyphenols and vitamin C had been studied in this paper .