
qīng bó
  • given to philandering;frivolous;giddy;dally with;light
轻薄 [qīng bó]
  • (1) [given to philandering;frivo-lous]∶言行不庄重、不敦厚

  • 像他的长子一样轻薄

  • (2) [giddy]∶轻佻;不正经;放荡

  • 举止轻薄

  • (3) [dally with]∶玩弄、侮辱妇女

  • (4) [light]∶不贵重;不丰厚

  • 礼物轻薄

轻薄[qīng bó]
  1. 这方面的爱好长期被认为是轻薄和非男子气的。

    Inclination in that direction has long been considered frivolous and unmanly .

  2. 我发现他态度很轻薄。

    I found his attitude rather frivolous .

  3. 她穿的那件轻薄的粉红色连衣裙在身后飘舞。

    She was wearing a flimsy pink dress that streamed out behind her

  4. 没有什么比穿一件质地轻薄的白衬衣更简洁的了。

    Nothing is simpler than a cool white shirt .

  5. 随着这轻薄的东西向上飞升,这些人慢慢放出细绳,直到风筝飞到三四千英尺高。

    As the flimsy constructs soared , the men paid out twine until the kites reached three or four thousand feet

  6. 享乐主义和轻薄浮佻会将地狱扩展到我们的整个日子之中。

    Hedonism and frivolity will diffuse hell tnrough all our days .

  7. 他这个人有点轻薄--别跟他太认真

    He 's a bit of a philanderer -- don ' t take him too seriously !

  8. 每只眼睛都长有两层眼皮,下面那层眼皮由轻薄的透明皮肤构成。

    Each eye has two eyelids14 , the under eyelid13 being made of thin and clear skin .

  9. 索尼也在研究轻薄显示技术,并展示了一种柔性全彩有机发光二极管显示器。

    Sony has also been working on ever-thinner technology , demonstrating a flexible full-color organic LED display .

  10. 胸部共有两种器官:上面是两对轻薄的翅膀,下面则是三对长有关节的腿。

    The chest has two pairs of gauzy wings above , and underneath3 there are three pairs of jointed4 legs .

  11. 就许多方面来说,塑胶是完美材料--我们可以让它强韧坚固到足以建造宇宙飞船和替代骨骼,或让它够轻薄且有弹力,可以做出和五分钱硬币重量相同但却能耐重到八公斤的购物袋。

    In many ways , plastic is the perfect material — we can make it strong and rigid enough to build spaceships and replace bones , or thin and flexible enough to make shopping bags that weigh as much as a nickel but carry up to eight kilograms .

  12. 轻薄的外接键盘让人很难把Surface放在膝盖上使用?

    The flimsy attachable keyboard made it hard to work on your lap ?

  13. 比Pro4轻薄20%,厚度为6.9毫米

    nearly 20 % thinner , measuring 6.9mm ( 0.3in ) deep

  14. Air这个名字主要是指这款平板所达到的全新轻薄水准:它重1磅,比上一代要轻0.4磅(也薄了20%)。

    The Air moniker refers to the tablet 's newfound lightness : at 1 lb. , it weighs . 4 lbs less than its predecessor .

  15. 高管们表示,新款的SurfacePro比前两代产品更加轻薄时尚、运算速度更快。

    The new Surface Pro is sleeker , faster , thinner , and lighter than its previous version , the executives said .

  16. 最新款的iPhone也更加轻薄。

    The latest iPhone is much more slender too .

  17. 设计轻薄的iPhone5问世,并支持4G网络;

    The iPhone 5 premiered with 4G and a feather-light design .

  18. 它推动了一批基于Windows操作系统的轻薄笔记本电脑(即Ultrabook)的诞生。

    It spawned a raft of Windows-based light laptops called Ultrabooks .

  19. 摩托罗拉(Motorola)也在尝试一种轻薄而坚固的平板。

    Motorola ( MSI ) is also experimenting with a trim , tough tablet .

  20. 超高支OPTIM丝毛绒混纺轻薄织物的开发

    Development of super high count fabric with cashmere and OPTIM fiber

  21. XperiaZ重1.09磅(约0.5kg),比9.7英寸版的iPad的1.44磅(约0.7kg)更轻薄。

    At 1.09 pounds , it 's lighter than the 1.44-pound full-size iPad .

  22. 在周二举行的苹果发布会上,该公司发布了一款新的全尺寸平板电脑。新款平板电脑如今更名为iPadAir,比老款更轻薄,重量降至约一磅(约合0.45公斤)。

    At an event here Tuesday , Apple showed off a new full-size tablet now called iPad Air that is thinner and slimmed down to one pound .

  23. 当时iPhone还有两年才上市,我们大多数人用黑莓(BlackBerry)或者轻薄的翻盖手机打电话。

    The iPhone is still two years away and most of us are talking on BlackBerrys or flimsy flip phones .

  24. 实现携带电话轻薄短小化的FPC技术

    FPC Technology Achieving Lightness , Thinness , Shortness and Minimization of Mobile Phone

  25. 他并表示,目前配用低功耗LED背光模组的新款笔记本和轻薄型电视产品在全球的销量走势良好,证明友达公司早期花费在有关新技术上的投资没有白费。

    He said that new laptops and thinner TV models with power-saving LED backlights are selling well worldwide , and Au 's early investment in the new technology helps it add value .

  26. 在周二于美国加州的旧金山举行的新品发布会上,苹果公司展示了一款更新、更纤巧、更轻薄的平板电脑iPadAir,还展示了许多Mac电脑系列的新款。

    Apple unveiled a new , thinner , lighter tablet called the iPad Air along with a slew of new Macs Tuesday at an event in San Francisco .

  27. 保留了广受欢迎的设计,这款iPad也支持一系列配件,包括轻薄的智能键盘,

    And by retaining the same popular design , this iPad supports a vast array of accessories , including the thin and light Smart Keyboard ,

  28. 它可以同此前的任何一款9.7寸平板电脑相媲美。7.2毫米的超薄机身,比iPad要轻薄23%。

    It 's got all the aesthetics of its original 9.7-inch counterpart and is incredibly thin-just 7.2 mm , 23 percent thinner than the iPad .

  29. 其中一款为联想ThinkPadX1Carbon,这是一款机身轻薄的高端超级本,价格也相当不菲;

    One , the Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon , is a high-end , thin and light ultrabook model with a high price tag .

  30. Twitter及中国社交媒体上的图像显示,中国的选手们戴着各种面部保护用品,从轻薄的口罩到第一次世界大战风格的防毒面具。

    Images on Twitter and Chinese social media showed Chinese runners sporting a variety of face protection , from light cloth masks to World War I-style gas masks .