
  • 网络The Royal Opera House;ROH;Theatre Royal
  1. 次年她加入了皇家歌剧院。

    The following year she joined the Royal Opera House .

  2. 看到那些去皇家歌剧院的蠢家伙,我会不屑一顾。

    Look at those saddos going to the Royal Opera House , I would jeer .

  3. 我喜爱歌剧,去年我搞到几张科芬园皇家歌剧院的票。

    I love opera and last year I got tickets for Covent Garden

  4. 托尼霍尔(tonyhall)是英国皇家歌剧院首席执行官

    Tony hall is chief executive of the Royal Opera House

  5. 卡文特花园歌剧团在皇家歌剧院演出。

    The ovate Garden Opera plays in the Royal Opera house .

  6. 1732年,座落于伦敦柯芬园的皇家歌剧院对外开放。

    The Royal Opera House opens at Covent Garden , London .

  7. 爸爸经常到科芬园的皇家歌剧院。

    Papa gives loads to the Royal in oovent garden .

  8. 下周,皇家歌剧院的《拜访森林》将公演。

    A Royal Opera House production of Into The Woods opens next week .

  9. 1809年的今天,位于伦敦的皇家歌剧院开张。

    1809-Royal Opera House in London opens .

  10. 她把皇家歌剧院视为自己的家,并且就住在不远的拐角处。

    She regards the Royal Opera House as her home and lives just round the corner .

  11. 当时的酒店已经不在,如今屹立于此的是皇家歌剧院。

    That hotel is no more , and on its site now stands the Royal Opera House .

  12. 这尊衣架“金刚”被安放在伦敦的新邦德街的皇家歌剧院进行展览。

    The three meters high " King Kong " was displayed in the Royal Opera House on New Bond Street .

  13. 同时,她也是迄今为止唯一一位进入世界另一顶级歌剧院&英国皇家歌剧院科文特花园担纲主演女主角的中国歌唱家。

    And she is also the first Chinese singer who starred as the first chief actress in operas in Royal Opera House , Covent Garden in England .

  14. 但不幸的是,周日在伦敦皇家歌剧院举办的2014英国电影学院奖颁奖典礼,出席的莱昂纳多-迪卡普里奥却没有得到此荣誉。

    But unfortunately , Leonardo DiCaprio did not receive the honour as he attended the 2014 British Academy Film Awards at London 's Royal Opera House on Sunday .

  15. 另外,伦敦也总是能勾起帕瓦罗蒂一些美好的回忆&1963年,他就是在这里的英国皇家歌剧院首次登台演出的。

    And London always brings back happy memories for Pavarotti his career took off in1963 when he stepped in to perform Rodolfo at Britain 's Royal Opera House .

  16. 这个颁奖典礼在英国皇家歌剧院举行,当时众星云集,在宣布斯图尔特获得新人奖的时候,23岁的帕丁森在观众席上骄傲地为他这位19岁的美国女友卖力喝彩。

    Pattinson , 23 , was proudly cheering from the audience when his American girlfriend , 19 , was named as the winner of the Bafta Rising Star accolade at the star-studded ceremony at the Royal Opera House .

  17. 街头歌剧团由一群无家可归的人和曾经有此经历的人组成。它将参加为庆祝奥运会而举办的2012伦敦文化节,并定于本周在皇家歌剧院进行演出。

    This week , Streetwise Opera , a company made up of homeless and ex-homeless players , is set to perform at the Royal Opera House as part of the London 2012 Festival build up to the Olympic Games .

  18. 他还为其他很多剧院设计过布景,比如大都会剧院、科文特花园的皇家歌剧院、玛莎·葛兰姆现代舞团,以及一些地方剧院,比如华盛顿的阿瑞娜剧场和洛杉矶的马克·塔佩剧场。

    He also designed sets for the Metropolitan Opera , Royal Opera House at Covent Garden , Martha Graham Dance Company , regional theaters like the Arena Stage in Washington and the Mark Taper Forum in Los Angeles , and many others .

  19. 自16世纪莎士比亚时代起伦敦一直享有拥有一流剧院的美誉,如宏伟的皇家国家剧院和豪华的皇家歌剧院。

    It has enjoyed a reputation for superb theater since the time of Shakespeare in the 16th century . The variety ranges from the majestic Royal National Theatre to the lavish Royal Opera House .