- 网络white finger

The Vibration-induced White Finger ( VWF ) is an occupational disease due to the operation of vibration tools with hands . The rate of incidence of VWF depends on the total energy level transmitted to hands from vibrating tools .
Study on relationships between duration of vibration exposure and symptoms in hands and vibration-induced white finger
Methods Grey incidence analysis was used .
[ Objective ] To study the effect of the cold - water restored temperature method on detectable rate of vibration white finger .
The vibration induced white fingers ( vwf ) - the blood circulatory signs of fingers after cold water immersion and vibrations load of the hands
Conclusion Long time exposure to hand-arm vibration result in changes of releasing of vascular endothelial substances , which could be related to the vibration-induced vascular impairment and vibration-induced white finger .
Objective To make clear the correlation between various effective factors and vibration-induced white finger ( VWF ), and to find out the main factor correlated with VWF from incomplete data .
Conclusions The main factors affecting VWF were VWF latency period , finger temperature , the occurring time of first symptom of the hand , sustained period of VWF and gloves wearing in the course of work .
The short latency somatosensory evoked potentials ( SSEPs ) and NCV of median nerve in workers exposed to hand arm vibration ( including patients with vibration induced white finger , VWF ) were investigated and compared with healthy workers .
The results showed that in VE group , while the duration of vibration exposure was lengthened , symptoms in hands increased gradually , and most significantly during the 5001-7500h , which was the stage of high incidence of VWF .
Results The rate of general and hand arm syndromes , the pain sensory clinical value and the artery blood pressure in VWF ( + ) group were highly increased than that in VWF ( - ) group and control group .
Chalky endosperm in rice refers to white opaque part .
You know what ? It 's strange how the term " black and white " refers to very clear and specific details , yet gray area refers to things that are unclear and have no obvious answer .
The innocuous-sounding euphemism1 " white gloves " generally refers to a middleman or outfit2 that launders3 dirty or corrupt4 money under a seemingly legitimate5 front - dirty hands concealed6 by a pair of white gloves .
Conclusions The digital neurapophysis of cerebral white matter is a marker to locate functional areas of cerebral cortex on CT images of youth .
Methods CT images of30 cases of healthy youth were sampled randomly , and their functional areas of cerebral cortex were identified by digital neurapophysis of cerebral white matter .
Light pools are electronic crossing networks , or ECNs , where bids and offers are displayed so everyone can see the trading intentions of all participants .
It can be seen , then , that whiteness is directly determined through comparative ocular eye , whereas brightness refers to comparative optical reflectance .
Whitewashing , the practice of casting white Caucasian actors and actresses in roles originally meant to be characters of color , is all too common in Hollywood .
White coat effect refers to the elevation of a patient 's blood pressure readings caused by being in a doctor 's office or clinic , or by being in the presence of a physician .
The mian toxicities were leucopenia , finger and tor sensory abnormal , nausea ande vomiting .
Therefore , the organization of writing Chinese calligraphy white cloth , which means lots of paper work within the space form of arrangement .
The terms " black box " and " white box " refer to a perspective taken when approaching a system or a part of a system .