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  • 网络white finger
  1. 振动白指病(VWF)是手持振动工具操作工人的职业病,其发病率决定于从工具传入手中的总能量水平。

    The Vibration-induced White Finger ( VWF ) is an occupational disease due to the operation of vibration tools with hands . The rate of incidence of VWF depends on the total energy level transmitted to hands from vibrating tools .

  2. 接振时间与作业工人手部症状及振动性白指之间相互关系的研究

    Study on relationships between duration of vibration exposure and symptoms in hands and vibration-induced white finger

  3. 方法采用灰色关联分析方法,通过对振动性白指各项影响因素的分析,确定各因素与振动性白指的关联程度。

    Methods Grey incidence analysis was used .

  4. 目的观察冷水复温试验对振动性白指检出率的影响。

    [ Objective ] To study the effect of the cold - water restored temperature method on detectable rate of vibration white finger .

  5. 振动性白指&局部受冷和振动负荷后的末梢循环表现

    The vibration induced white fingers ( vwf ) - the blood circulatory signs of fingers after cold water immersion and vibrations load of the hands

  6. 结论:手臂振动可导致血管内皮活性物质的改变,这种改变可能与振动性血管损伤、振动性白指有一定联系。

    Conclusion Long time exposure to hand-arm vibration result in changes of releasing of vascular endothelial substances , which could be related to the vibration-induced vascular impairment and vibration-induced white finger .

  7. 目的明确各因素对振动性白指的关联程度,从不完全信息中找出影响振动性白指的主要因素。

    Objective To make clear the correlation between various effective factors and vibration-induced white finger ( VWF ), and to find out the main factor correlated with VWF from incomplete data .

  8. 结论影响振动性白指的主要因素为白指潜伏期、手指温度、首发症状时间、持续时间、工作时戴手套时间等。

    Conclusions The main factors affecting VWF were VWF latency period , finger temperature , the occurring time of first symptom of the hand , sustained period of VWF and gloves wearing in the course of work .

  9. 以砂轮磨光工(包括振动性白指患者)为对象,进行现场调查、健康检查,测定其短潜伏时体感诱发电位,正中神经的感觉和运动神经传导速度,并与对照工人比较。

    The short latency somatosensory evoked potentials ( SSEPs ) and NCV of median nerve in workers exposed to hand arm vibration ( including patients with vibration induced white finger , VWF ) were investigated and compared with healthy workers .

  10. 结果表明,接振组随接振时间的延长,各项手部症状逐渐增多,在接振时间为5001~7500h时增多最为显著,而此时也正是振动性白指的高发时段;

    The results showed that in VE group , while the duration of vibration exposure was lengthened , symptoms in hands increased gradually , and most significantly during the 5001-7500h , which was the stage of high incidence of VWF .

  11. 结果白指组全身及手臂症状的发生率及其痛觉阈值和动脉血压明显高于接振组和对照组;

    Results The rate of general and hand arm syndromes , the pain sensory clinical value and the artery blood pressure in VWF ( + ) group were highly increased than that in VWF ( - ) group and control group .

  12. 垩白是指稻米胚乳中白色不透明的部分。

    Chalky endosperm in rice refers to white opaque part .

  13. 京晶:不过奇怪的是,为什么“黑与白”指的是非常明确和具体的细节,而灰色地带却是指不清楚不明白的事情呢。

    You know what ? It 's strange how the term " black and white " refers to very clear and specific details , yet gray area refers to things that are unclear and have no obvious answer .

  14. 听起来不褒不贬的委婉语“白手套”指充当“黑钱”漂白的中间人,或是实际从事“非法”事务的“合法”外衣,意即,隐藏在白手套中的肮脏的手。

    The innocuous-sounding euphemism1 " white gloves " generally refers to a middleman or outfit2 that launders3 dirty or corrupt4 money under a seemingly legitimate5 front - dirty hands concealed6 by a pair of white gloves .

  15. 结论大脑白质的指状髓突是在健康青年人CT图像上识别大脑皮质机能区的一种标记。

    Conclusions The digital neurapophysis of cerebral white matter is a marker to locate functional areas of cerebral cortex on CT images of youth .

  16. 方法随机抽取30例健康青年人的CT图像,以大脑白质的指状髓突为标志辨认大脑皮质机能区。

    Methods CT images of30 cases of healthy youth were sampled randomly , and their functional areas of cerebral cortex were identified by digital neurapophysis of cerebral white matter .

  17. 白池是指电子交叉网络(ECN),卖出价格和买入价格都显示出来,因此每个人都能看到所有参与者的交易意图。

    Light pools are electronic crossing networks , or ECNs , where bids and offers are displayed so everyone can see the trading intentions of all participants .

  18. 由此可见,白度是指肉眼直接观察的对比结果,而亮度则是指光学反射的对比结果。

    It can be seen , then , that whiteness is directly determined through comparative ocular eye , whereas brightness refers to comparative optical reflectance .

  19. “洗白”就是指启用白人演员出演本应该是有色人种的角色。这种行为在好莱坞太普遍了。

    Whitewashing , the practice of casting white Caucasian actors and actresses in roles originally meant to be characters of color , is all too common in Hollywood .

  20. “白大褂效应”指病人在医生办公室、诊室或者有医务人员在场时量血压,血压都会升高的现象。在医生办公室时脉搏就会加速是很常见的现象,这种现象被称为“白大褂高血压”。

    White coat effect refers to the elevation of a patient 's blood pressure readings caused by being in a doctor 's office or clinic , or by being in the presence of a physician .

  21. 主要的毒副反应为白细胞减少,指(趾)感觉异常,恶心及呕吐。

    The mian toxicities were leucopenia , finger and tor sensory abnormal , nausea ande vomiting .

  22. 所以中国书法的章法布白,即是指作品纸幅内空间形式的安排。

    Therefore , the organization of writing Chinese calligraphy white cloth , which means lots of paper work within the space form of arrangement .

  23. “黑盒”和“白盒”是指处理一个系统或者系统的某一个部分时所采用的透视图。

    The terms " black box " and " white box " refer to a perspective taken when approaching a system or a part of a system .