
shān lù
  • mountain road;ghat
山路 [shān lù]
  • [mountain road] 山中小路

  • 山路弯弯

山路[shān lù]
  1. 汽车沿着弯弯曲曲的山路行驶。

    The car followed the twists and turns of the mountain road .

  2. 有一条山路从布莱尔斯敦通向米尔布鲁克村。

    There 's a mountain road that goes from Blairstown to Millbrook Village .

  3. 卡车疯狂地左摇右晃,从狭窄的山路上急冲而下。

    The truck sways wildly , careening down narrow mountain roads .

  4. 她又开始沿着陡峭的山路往上爬。

    She started once again on the steep upward climb

  5. 他们正沿一条狭窄的山路向上爬。

    They were climbing up a narrow mountain road

  6. 我行驶在蜿蜒的山路上。

    I drove along sinuous mountain roads .

  7. 山路愈走愈陡。

    The mountain path becomes steeper and steeper as you go up .

  8. 这条山路在山腰盘旋而上。

    The path twists up on the mountainside .

  9. 这种小汽车在山路上行驶得很好。

    This car performs well on hills .

  10. 车队沿山路盘旋而上。

    The motorcade spiralled up the mountain .

  11. 昏天黑地的,山路更不好走。

    It was more difficult to make our way up the mountain in pitch darkness .

  12. 这辆新车在崎岖的山路上颠簸行驶。

    The new car bounced along the bumpy mountain road .

  13. 山路险僻。

    The mountain path is dangerous and out-of-the-way .

  14. 山路崎岖不平。

    The mountain path is rough and rugged .

  15. 山路全给大雪遮盖住了。

    The mountain paths were covered by snow .

  16. 他们沿着崎岖的山路攀登。

    They climbed along the tortuous mountain trail .

  17. 山路盘旋而上,风景优美,引人入胜。

    As the mountain path spirals up , the beauty of the scene fills one with enchantment .

  18. 应该怎样应对山路和转弯——是短时间突然加速,还是以现有速度稳步前进?

    How should you handle hills or turns — in a short burst of speed , or at your current steady pace ?

  19. 挑战是欧洲不像美国那样有沙山路(SandHillRoad,美国风投行业的代名词&译注)。

    The challenge is that there is no sand hill road in Europe .

  20. 星期天下午,他感到自己身体恢复正常,可以到斯坦福大学附近的环山路StanfordDish跑步。

    Sunday afternoon he felt normal enough to run the Stanford Dish , a hilly loop near the university .

  21. 北部则属于科学,属于晶体管等硬件,以及那些在沙山路(SandHillRoad)商业园工作、在不断扩张的广大郊区居住、衣着休闲的风险资本家。

    in the north was science , hardware such as the transistor and chino-clad venture capitalists who worked in business parks on Sand Hill Road and lived in sprawling suburbia .

  22. 经过各种测试的BS系统可以保证在崎岖不平的山路上使用。

    The BS system is used on several models and has proven its superior dependability in rugged mountain use .

  23. 研究了Minimax原理和山路引理,分别得出了Minimax原理和山路引理的一种对称形式。

    Through studying of Minimax principle and Mountain Pass Lemma , symmetric Forms of Minimax principle s and Mountain Pass Lemma are concluded respectively .

  24. 南部是制造幻想和想象的梦想工厂;北部则属于科学,属于晶体管等硬件,以及那些在沙山路(SandHillRoad)商业园工作、在不断扩张的广大郊区居住、衣着休闲的风险资本家。

    To the south was the dream factory of fantasy and imagination ; in the north was science , hardware such as the transistor and chino-clad venture capitalists who worked in business parks on Sand Hill Road and lived in sprawling suburbia .

  25. 应用对称形式的山路引理,证明了一类拟线性方程的广义Neumann问题存在无穷多个非平凡广义解。

    Using symmetric mountain pass lemma , it is proved that the generalized Neumann problem for a class of quasilinear equations has infinitely many nontrivial generalized solutions .

  26. 荷指着说:“你看维纳斯(Venus)升起来了!”我抬头望时,却是山路转折处的路灯。

    She exclaimed pointing to something afar , " Look , Venus in rising ! " I looked up and saw nothing but a lamp round the bend in a mountain path .

  27. 从此,没有(ps)条件的山路引理和集中列紧原理成为人们研究带临界增长的非线性椭圆型方程和无界域上非线性椭圆型方程非平凡解存在性的有力工具。

    From then on , the Mountain Pass Lemma and the concentration-compactness method become the efficient method in concerning the existence of nontrivial solution of the nonlinear elliptic equation with critical exponent and the nonlinear elliptic equation in unbounded domains .

  28. 本文的方法同样适用于波色-爱因斯坦凝聚中的拟晶格孤立子(Proposedlatticesolitons)存在性的研究。另外,本文的第三部分应用山路引理研究了二维几何约束磁墙模型解的存在性。

    Finally , Our approach also can be applied to research the proposed lattice solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates . Besides , In this paper , the third chapter uses Mountain Pass Lemma to proof existence of solutions in two-dimensional geometric constraint magnetic wall model .

  29. 艺杰艺术位于上海莫干山路M50艺术区内,是一家专门经营中国当代艺术品的专业画廊。

    Outstanding Art located at M50 Art Zone is a professional art gallery specialized in Chinese contemporary arts .

  30. 本文运用山路引理和集中紧性理论讨论一类临界增长的拟线性椭圆型方程在不光滑区域上的Neumann问题正解的存在性。

    This paper discusses the existence of positive solutions to the Neumann problem in some critical growing quasilinear elliptic equations on a nonsmooth domain by using the Mountain Pass theorem and the concentration compactness principle .