
  • 网络Montagnards;Montagnard;Mountain
  1. 雅各宾派作为山岳派的主导派别,二者在重大事件上几乎是同义的。

    The Jacobins , as the leading fraction of the Montagnards , is considered synonymous with the Montagnards in most cases .

  2. 山岳派、雅各宾派与雅各宾主义在从1792年底开始的第三代人领导期间,很多雅各宾派成员在大革命中提高了经济地位,成了不同于贵族和人民的自觉的资产者。

    From 1792 on Robespierre and his companions were in power and many members of the Jacobins improved their economic status and became " the conscious bourgeois ", which made them different either from the masses or from the aristocrats .

  3. 居家道士和宫观道士,分别来源于方仙道中的海外仙人派和山岳神人派。

    Home Taoist and temple Taoist of Tao came of immortal overseas and mountain God-man of doctrine Fangxian respectively .