
  • 网络vernacular novels;novels
  1. 论话本小说对清官的反思

    Reflection on the honest and upright officials in Vernacular Novels

  2. 话本小说叙事模式述论

    A Study Concerning the Narrative Mode of Vernacular Novels

  3. 李渔拟话本小说及其小说观念研究

    The Study of Li Yu 's Draft Novels and Novel Ideas

  4. 明代话本小说的教化功能

    The Vernacular Novel ' Moral Function of Education in Ming Dynasty

  5. 略论敦煌话本小说人物塑造的艺术方法

    On the Sculpturing Method of the Characters in Dunhuang Colloquial Tales

  6. 论话本小说创作的外役力和行世观

    On the Outer Force and People 's Attitude Toward StoryTelling Novels

  7. 这种演绎主要通过四个方面得以完成:话本小说的文体特征是途径之一。

    This kind of deduces is composed by four aspects .

  8. 话本小说与江南文化

    The Colloquial Stories and the Culture of the South of the River

  9. 论话本小说中的女助男母题

    On the Female Role of Assisting the Male in Stories

  10. 而第四部分主要来研究话本小说这种节奏的功能。

    While the fourth part mainly study the function of the rhythm .

  11. 话本小说一妇二夫情节元素初探

    A Probe into the Plot of Women 's Remarriage in Vernacular Novel

  12. 话本小说与文言小说叙述艺术比较

    A Contrast of Narrative Art in Text Story and Story in Classical Chinese

  13. 话本小说滥觞于说话艺人和市井文人之作。

    Storytelling novels originated from the works of folklore speakers and marketplace writers .

  14. 因果报应观念与中国话本小说

    The Concept of Causality Retribution and Ancient Chinese Fictions Written in the Vernacular

  15. 明清话本小说中的善恶报应与和谐社会的构建

    Storytelling Novels of the Ming and Qing Dynasties : Justice and Social Harmony

  16. 拟话本小说夭折探源?

    Why the novel modelled after script for story-telling came to an premature end ?

  17. 《型世言》是明末重要的拟话本小说集之一。

    Xingshiyan is an important imitated Huaben story in the last stage of Mingdyanasty .

  18. 话本小说题目的形式及其历史演进

    The form and the historical evolution of the subject of novels of script for story-telling

  19. 第三章:分析多回体拟话本小说结构模式从生成到衰落的轨迹。

    Chapter three : I analyze the multi-chapter novel 's structure pattern from produce to the decline .

  20. 本文试图通过对明末的拟话本小说集《二刻拍案惊奇》中代词运用的统计和语用多样性的考察,归纳出当时口语作品中的代词系统。

    Through statistical study and variety study , this thesis attempts to generalize the oral pronoun-system of that time .

  21. 话本小说与禅宗预言偈&从《水浒传》中的预言偈说起

    Hua Ben and the Predictive Poetry of Zen : From the Predictive Poetry in The Story by the Water Margin

  22. 朱湘叙事长诗《王娇》直接由话本小说《王娇鸾百年长恨》产生而来。

    Zhu Xiang 's long narrative poem Wang Jiao directly originates from the colloquial novel The Hundred Years'Regret of Wang Jiaoruan .

  23. 话本小说在叙事时间方面,预叙运用较多。从叙事学研究理论出发,通过对叙事角度和叙事时间两个层面进行分析,可以获得对作品所蕴含的叙事艺术的整体把握。

    By analyzing the narrative viewpoint and the time of narration , the paper points out the narrative art of this novel .

  24. 元杂剧主唱人的这些选择、变换原则与话本小说等说唱文学中说书人的地位和表演方法有极大的关联性。

    The principles of these selections and changes are greatly related to the way of narrative thinking and the experience of the storytellers .

  25. 话本小说的创作,始于宋元话本的整理。

    The literati scripts for story-telling as an independent creation started from the sorting of scripts for story-telling of Song and Yuan Dynasty .

  26. 话本小说与江南文化有着很深的渊源关系。话本小说叙事模式述论

    The Culture of the south of the River have deep roots in the colloquial stories . A Study Concerning the Narrative Mode of Vernacular Novels

  27. 在历史小说与拟话本小说创作均走向衰弱的清中叶,杜纲的小说保持着难得的文人独创品格,也奠定了他在中国通俗小说史上的地位。

    When history fiction and the vernacular classical fiction tended to become decline , his fictions keep the original spirit and established the important status .

  28. 他的白话短篇小说集《无声戏》、《十二楼》代表了清代拟话本小说的最高成就。

    His collections of colloquial short story like silent drama , twelve mansions represent the highest accomplishment of simulating colloquial stories in the Qing Dynasty .

  29. 早期话本小说以说书体为叙事体例,其叙事不脱离口头叙事的特点。

    Early vernacular novels of " Storytelling " for the narrative style , its narrative scope is not out of the use of oral narrative features .

  30. 话本小说以其俗、奇、新的美学特征丰富了小说的艺术宝库,影响深远。

    The aesthetic characteristics of popularity , strangeness and originality enrich the expression in the novel , which has a profound influence on the later literature .