
  • 网络Mahe;kolyma;Horse River;Kicking Horse River
  1. 科累马河地区是俄罗斯大型黄金采矿区之一,曾经是声名狼籍的战俘集中营。

    One of the big gold-mining areas in Russia is the Kolyma River region , once infamous for its prison camp .

  2. SihamNasser是拉马河一家医院的护士。

    Siham Nasser is a nurse at a hospital in Ramallah .

  3. 介绍了卡马河汽车生产联合体锻造厂的连杆、U形螺栓、曲轴和前轴典型汽车锻件生产线。

    This paper introduces the typical production line of automobile forge parts in Ka-ma River automobile production union for producing the connecting rods , U-bolts , crankshafts and front axles .

  4. 马河水库溢洪道干喷纤维混凝土加固工程研究

    Strengthening of spillway for Mahe Reservoir with dry-sprayed polypropylene fiber concrete

  5. 北京亮马河污水隧道设计

    Sewer Tunnel Design in Beijing Liang Ma River

  6. 拒马河原生动物和底栖动物初步调查及水质分析

    Primary Survey on Protozoa and Benthos and Assessment of Water Quality in Juma River

  7. 结果表明,拒马河水生动物种类较为丰富,物种多样性高,水质生物指标综合评价拒马河水体受到轻度和中度污染。

    The results showed that species biodiversity of protozoa and zoobenthos in Juma River is high .

  8. 拒马河北京段原生动物群落特征及其对河流营养状况的指示

    Protozoan community character in relation to trophic level in the Beijing section of the Juma River

  9. 马河水库坝体土质局部松散、渗漏隐患较多。

    The reservoir is locally loosened in its dam earth and has more hidden leak trouble .

  10. 四川力马河镍矿是峨眉山大火成岩省一个重要的岩浆硫化物矿床。

    The Limahe Nickel Deposit is a typical PGE-poor Ni-Cu deposit in the Emeishan Large Igneous Province .

  11. 北京亮马河污水隧道是北京市第一次采用盾构法施工实施的地下工程。

    Lining of Liang Ma River sewer tunnel is the first tunnel constructed by shield method in Beijing .

  12. 采用太阳能水质净化系统对北京市亮马河微污染水体进行了试验研究。

    An experiment has been conducted using Solar-powered Reservoir Circulator to treat light-polluted wastewater in Beijing Liangma river .

  13. 在此基础上求出1978年马河最大渗漏补给量。

    On the basis of this calculation , The maximum influ-ent capacity of Mahe River in 1978 is obtained .

  14. 更多木本植物沿著拉马河生长时,将有助于稳固河岸、防止侵蚀。

    As more woody vegetation grows along the Lamar , it will stabilize the banks and stop some erosion .

  15. 拒马河是一条发源于河北,流经北京后又进入河北的跨省河流。

    Juma River is an inter-province river which rises in Hebei province and flows through Beijing to Hebei province again .

  16. 荆马河污染最为严重,其次是奎河、故黄河、京杭大运河。

    Jinma River was contaminated most serious , and then it was Kui River and Abandoned Yellow River and the Jinghang Canal .

  17. 我们将联系安徽省或者金寨县的希望工程办公室,捐款将通过该办或者其他慈善机构转给马河小学作为定向捐款。

    We will contact the Project Hope office of Anhui Province and the donation will be paid to the charity of the Project Hope Office .

  18. 本文简要介绍了亮马河污水隧道的结构选型、结构计算、横断面设计、纵向设计和抗震等设计内容。

    This paper introduces the structure type choosing , structure calculation , cross sec-tion design , longitudinal design and earthquake resistant design for the shield tunnel .

  19. 保证马河水库各系统安全顺利地运行,实现了马河水库的最大综合效益。

    The numerical real-time reservoir monitoring system can guarantee to operate successfully in all of the systems in the Mahe Reservoir and realize the maximum comprehensive benefits .

  20. 汨罗江的主要支流有昌江河、纸马河、车对河、钟洞河、木瓜河、黄金洞。

    Miluo River 's main tributaries of a river-chang , paper Ma River , the cars on the River , Tung Chung River , papaya River , gold holes .

  21. 所得出的28个余震的震中分布在洗马河、九龙河及数条北西向和北东向断裂所围成的区域内。

    The 28 aftershocks determined are located in an area roughly surrounded by the Xi Ma River , the Jiu Long River , and a number of NW and NE trending faults .

  22. 文章在研究超前支护机理的基础上,在马河煤矿-150m水平南大巷中段应用了超前锚杆支护技术。

    On the article basis in the mechanism studying the advance shoring , the middle piece has applied the advance rockbolt shoring technology to Ma He coal mine-150 ms level Nanjing University alley .

  23. 这个人和马掉入河中双双淹死。

    The man and the horse that fell into the river were both drowned .

  24. 他们驱马往河的上游走了几百英尺,使得跟踪者失去了线索。

    They managed to put their pursuers off the track by walking their horses up river for a few hundred yards .

  25. 那马在河中痛饮解渴。改善工程也包括扩阔河傍街及杯渡路交接处。

    The horse satisfied its thirst at the river . The improvement works will include widening at Ho Pong Street and Pui To Road junction .

  26. 汲而先饮者,渴也;那马在河中痛饮解渴。

    If those who are sent to draw water begin by drinking themselves , the army is suffering from thirst . The horse satisfied its thirst at the river .

  27. 然而在一天晚上,华盛顿利用夜色作为掩护,神不知鬼不觉地,不费一兵一卒就将其人马撤离到河对岸的曼哈顿。

    Yet , in one night , under cover of darkness , Washington evacuated his men across the river to Manhattan , undetected and without a single casualty .

  28. 所以寻宝人想要让议会开心并且想轻易获得一大笔钱的话,那么就可以开始在墨尔本郊外,墨尔本马瑞巴农河附近开始寻宝了。

    So treasure hunters who want to make parliament very happy while making some easy cash might start the search somewhere near the Maribyrnong River in the suburbs of Melbourne .

  29. 之后,他们就被马塔穆胡里河湍急的水流冲走了。

    They were then swept away by the strong current of the Matamuhuri river .

  30. 孟加拉国警方称,在参加完足球比赛之后,该国五名少年在马塔穆胡里河中溺水身亡。

    Five teenage students have drowned in a river in Bangladesh moments after playing a football match , police say .